News and Updates

Archive for the ‘Updates’ Category

Update to Granite Mine

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

We made an update to the Granite Mine today that we wanted to elaborate on. Originally the mine only had 7 possible resources in it. Now that the Forge and Transmogrifier crafting stations are out and soon to be released for sale, we’re about to start releasing more quests and craftable mesh items that require metals and ore.

There will be another Mine coming out soon, and between the two we’ve spread out all the new minable resources. These include a lot of rock and stone, some gemstones, and semiprecious and precious metal ores. All told there will be around 60 new resources, 30 or so of which will be now on the Granite Mine.

While we do always reserve the right to update harvesting stations with new resources, we realize this is a large drop compared to the one or two that we add occasionally to the Knolls or the magic map. The original 7 have retained their rarities and it should still be fairly easy to get key ones like Coal and Salt Crystals. And we promise to make good use of all the new resources in Quests and Recipes coming soon!

One final note: there is Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum Ore in the new mines. This ore will soon have recipes for crafting into ingots, however we have no plans to ever have it craftable into Coins. Coins are hard-earned resources through Questing and we are going with the RPG logic that coins must be minted by official governments and currency-creators in the world, and ore that is mined will strictly be for ingots and crafting. Having said that, we’ve still made sure to make the precious metal ores Rare and Ultra-Rare, because it ought to be valuable!

Gacha Update: Exploding Machines!

Saturday, May 9th, 2020
















We’ve updated our gacha machines with timers, and when time’s up they explode!

We’ve gotten feedback in regards to the way Bloodlines has handled gacha in the past. The two main areas of complaint / request are A) that we release gacha sets more often and B) that we take the sets down in a specific amount of time so as to preserve their value and rarity for trading and selling purposes.

We hear you! As for the first part, we have a lot going on with the releasing of Quests and other updates but we’re going to try hard to get out more gacha sets this year – both Rare Textures and some Rare Mesh item sets.

As for part B – we are going to get more strict about when we put up and take down the machines. To help this, we’ve created an exploding gacha machine with a timer. The timer shows in hovertext over the machine how much longer the set will be available, and when the timer is up the machine will explode in confetti and disappear.

We still (as always) reserve the right to sell or make available items or textures in the future, however generally when we take a set down we do not put it up again, sometimes for years (and sometimes never again) so rest assured – we are aware of the importance of value retention for trading and selling, and will try to safeguard that.

So please come visit the sims, check out the new machines (and the timers!) and we’ll post again here when we have new sets out.

Happy gacha-ing!


Hidden Quests and Randomization Update

Friday, April 17th, 2020
















Greetings Legends! We’ve made a few small additions that should add fun going forward: Hidden Quests and Randomization.

Hidden Quests will be smaller tasks or adventures that may not show up in your Quest Journal, but will give repeatable rewards for those in-the-know. The first of these has been launched today. In the Telescopic Troubles quest where you craft the mesh Root Elixir bottle and create a Root Elixir resource to heal a tree, afterwards the tree reports to you that, “if you try the elixir on random trees in the world, sometimes it will work and they will reward you”.

The first tree has been activated on Angel Havens. You must use wand-waving to reveal it, and then use a crafted Root Elixir to heal it, and it will reward you. This hidden quest is repeatable occasionally, and we will likely add a few more trees around once we’re sure this new mechanic is working smoothly.

Which brings us to the second small update: we’ve added randomization of loot to the reward that the tree offers, so that it varies how large or small the rewards is based on a random spin. Thus far in Legends the rewards have been predictable, and we’ll still have many quests where the reward is consistent. However for various things – damage, loot, some conversations – we’re hoping some randomization will make the adventures even more interesting and realistic.

So feel free to wander the forests of Angel Havens waving your wand, with a Root Elixir at the ready – and keep an eye out for more Hidden Quests and randomization mechanics in the future!


Updates to Attacks to Prevent Gaming

Tuesday, April 14th, 2020

A few days ago we made a couple of adjustments to the way attacks on fresh victims work. It became apparent that some players were logging in thousands of alts a day to game fresh victim achievements and farm free blood. This presented a risk that a) the achievements would become meaningless and b) metrics would be come worthless. As always we commend people on their creativity and motivation in getting these achievements, but we obviously have to take the measures we can in order to prevent cheating, gaming, and exploits.

The two changes we’ve made are as follows:

  • Without Payment Info Used (not just “On File, but “Used”) in a profile, that player will be unable to gain metrics from attacks on fresh victims. All other attacks and achievements will continue to work fine for these players.
  • While any player with Payment Info Used will be able to make as many attacks / achievement attacks a day as they like on Fresh Victims, they will get a max of 50 attacks worth of metrics for that day from fresh victim attacks. Normal attacks on non-fresh victims will works as normal.

Hopefully for most of you these changes will not affect you at all. We do realize that by preventing the extremely bad actors from being able to game the system, this will affect some who did not intend to harm the community. All we can say is that in order to protect the integrity of Achievements and the value of metrics in the system, we have to shut off avenues where exploitation is possible.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this policy change, please file a ticket in our support system and we’ll respond:

The Empires Update

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020





After many years of suggestions and requests, we have designed and implemented an update to the core way that families and lieging work: The Empires Update.

Goals of the Update:

  • Smaller families can retain their family name and cohesion while still becoming part of a larger clan
  • Smaller families have a chance to get their logo / name on the homepage via pledging to a larger / higher ranked family
  • Larger families will have a clearer idea of the coalitions under them
  • Due to empowerment of clans banding together, the higher level rankings will be more realistically attainable

How the Update Works:

New Legends Quest: A Bountiful Harvest

Sunday, February 23rd, 2020

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest is being released today. Olaf Stroud is planning a feast and needs your help getting other residents of Weston on board.

This quest is in conjunction with the release of Food Crafting in Legends. Not only can you use a new Food Crafting Station to make food items for stamina, but you will also receive matching mesh food items for home decor.

The quest rewards are listed above. This quest starts with Olaf Stroud on Bloodlines Midland.


Family Naming Update

Friday, January 31st, 2020

We made an update today so that clan leaders may choose the type of family they are leading. Previously, this was determined by the race of the clan leader (a vampire led a clan, a lycan led a pack, etc.) but now the choice an be made manually depending on the leader’s preference.

The choice can be made in the family profile editor in the web profiles after logging in, in the same area where you choose the font and fill in the ‘about’ section for the profiles.

Happy naming!

The Virtue: Human Update + Achievements

Sunday, January 19th, 2020

















We’re excited to announce a major update to the Human race in Bloodlines! We’ve added the ability to opt-in to a human secret society (or be “Initiated”) human status called an Elder. This allows for:

  • Sap Attack – green magic attack for stealing / transmuting metrics to humanity
  • Royalty Rankings – 17 new human rankings and emblems
  • Upward tallying of owned souls in family (along with nightly Curse)
  • Snakeroot Potion – allows dissolution of Elder state if needed
  • Signet Ring / Emblem Badge – cosmetic items for attack / status reveal

There are also a full set of new achievements that go along with this new Elder status, along with monthly Soul War rares that can be won:

  • Initiator (Daily record of being last attack prior to a Human turning Elder)
  • Elder Frenzy / Berserk (Total Elder sap attacks in a timeframe)
  • Vampire Hunter / Redeemer (Attacks on vampires / converting vital to humanity)
  • Lycan Hunter / Redeemer (Attacks on lycans / converting lumens to humanity)
  • Angel Hunter / Redeemer (Attacks on angels / converting ether to humanity)
  • Demon Hunter / Redeemer (Attacks on demons / converting ichor to humanity)

To be clear – this update is free to anyone who already owns the Human HUD. Also, anyone who wishes to continue to role-play a Human as they previously did do not have to use or engage with the new Elder status or rankings. The new HUD crate will be delivered but none of the new options need be utilized, this update is completely optional.

We’ve also done a minor update to the Apple Trees, which now allow for resizing via a menu.

Rarity Update

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

We’ve just updated the rarity requirements to include all of the new Angel and Demon items. Rarity will probably not change for most people except those who only own Angel and Demon items.

The update was done in a way to make sure that it is fair to everyone. For example, if there were two items available in a given category for two rarity points, and now there are four, there are still only two possible rarity points available in that category, even if you own more than two. So, someone who owns the Spike and the Absolver previously only had one rarity point for the Spike, but now will have two in the Enhanced Metric Collection category, and someone who previously had the Spike and Rampage Claw will still have one point for each of these in that same category.

For more details on how the new rarity points are totaled, please see the rarity section of the game guide.

Legends Update: Notice Boards

Sunday, November 17th, 2019



We’ve made a small but hopefully very helpful update to the Legends RP sims. There are now Notice Boards that will give clues or notice information for new quests that are available. Just touch the board and see what you find! We’ll be adding almost every new quests released to these boards as we go, so also make sure to check back in periodically.

There are currently two boards per sim (one at the portal / landing and another in that sim’s town) on the Woodlands, Badlands and Crossroads sims. We’ll add notices to the Angel and Vampire RP areas as they open up. The boards do not actually start quests for you. They just provide some information on where to find a lead, and usually a character name that you can be looking for to talk to in that area.

Happy questing!