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Rarity Update

November 20th, 2019 by Lyle Maeterlinck

We’ve just updated the rarity requirements to include all of the new Angel and Demon items. Rarity will probably not change for most people except those who only own Angel and Demon items.

The update was done in a way to make sure that it is fair to everyone. For example, if there were two items available in a given category for two rarity points, and now there are four, there are still only two possible rarity points available in that category, even if you own more than two. So, someone who owns the Spike and the Absolver previously only had one rarity point for the Spike, but now will have two in the Enhanced Metric Collection category, and someone who previously had the Spike and Rampage Claw will still have one point for each of these in that same category.

For more details on how the new rarity points are totaled, please see the rarity section of the game guide.

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