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Archive for the ‘Updates’ Category

Update: Determined Wells

Monday, January 7th, 2019

Update 1/31/2019: some people have asked for more reasoning for why we’re making this change, here is the explanation:

Many people have trouble with this achievement, we get several support requests every day asking for this achievement to be reset because they failed to log in. Sometimes HUDs don’t connect when people log in, and they have to go through the process in our blog post where they check the website to make sure it counted up. We can’t send a message to people about this every time they wear their HUD without sending a message every time everyone wears their HUD. This way, we can give an explicit update message to people when they touch the well, and they have to take an explicit action to update the achievement, instead of something that people assume happens automatically, but sometimes doesn’t.

Now, instead of the procedure being: look at the website, log in, look at the website again, reattach until it counts up, it’s: go to the sim, click the well, see a fun magic particle effect, and get a message tell you exactly what your status is.

Original post follows:

We’ve made an update to the sims which will affect the Determined achievement. This update should create more reliability with the achievement (for some users who were having difficulties) and add some interactive fun for everyone!

At the center of each main store is a Determined Well. If your avatar is within 10 meters and you touch the well, it will register your Determined point for the day as well as trigger a particle and sound effect. The locations of the wells are below:

Until February 1st, the Determined achievement points will register the normal way (via HUD check-in) and via touching the Determined Wells. At the end of the month (February 1st, 2019) we will turn off the HUD check-ins and all Determined points will need to be registered via touching the wells.

This update will help make getting the Determined Achievement a bit less mysterious, because after touching one of the wells, you’ll get a message letting you know the exact status of your achievement, and you should no longer need to follow the procedure that we outlined in our previous Determined post here.

Thanks for the great suggestions, and stay tuned for more updates!

Affiliate Vendor Updates!

Wednesday, September 26th, 2018











We’ve updated the Bloodlines affiliate vendors, and are releasing the Ascent and Torment affiliate vendor sets! The new vendors are mesh, have streamlined resizing / retexturing, and there is now a Single Item Vendor included for those who wish to display more items on their land. We’ve also updated the TP Board, Updater Terminal, and Key Grabber gem items. They are mesh, have texture change and resizing built in.

These vendors are available at all of our main store sims, just to the left of the main HUD vendor.

Vampire Islands

Demon Badlands

Angel Havens

Lycan Woodlands

Mortal Crossroads

The vendors also will be going out as auto-updates to anyone who currently owns them. Thanks as always to everyone for their patience as we got these out! More updates to come soon…

Achievement Rankings Updates

Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

We’ve made a few changes to the achievements rankings on the website that we wanted everyone to be aware of. The changes are explained below.

  1. Soul War player medals rankings for current month added:
    We realized that the player medals and family medals rankings were not showing medal rankings for the current month, they were showing all-time medals progress. We’re keeping both of these rankings, and we have added rankings for player medals for the current month and family medals for the current month. Ties in these rankings are broken by all-time medals progress.
  2. New ranking for top achievements players:
    We’ve added a new ranking called Top Players Combined. This ranking combines overall achievement progress with current Soul War medals. It ranks players in the following order: overall achievement progress, total achievement levels, current month soul war medals, all time soul war medals, then total achievements. We have updated the top players ranking on the home page to this ranking. We believe this ranking more accurately reflects current players efforts towards achievements.

Thirst Store Update

Wednesday, August 8th, 2018






As part of our ongoing effort to get the sims ready for the RPG Expansion, we’ve updated our Thirst store on Bloodlines East! All the vendors should be working, but if you see any out-of-place prims do let us know.

Aside from the upcoming Angel and Demon refill stations, this concludes the update of the store areas. Next up is a revamp (no pun intended) of the RP areas, in preparation for the RPG Expansion and Quests this Fall.

Lycan Store Update

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018






As part of our ongoing effort to get the sims ready for the RPG Expansion, we’ve updated our Lycan store on Bloodlines Midland! All the vendors should be working, but if you see any out-of-place prims do let us know.

We’ll have more updates coming soon!

Fury HUD Update 1.4

Tuesday, June 26th, 2018






Angel and Demon attacks (both on their respective HUDs and this new Fury HUD) do not yet count towards achievements (Embracer, Enrager, etc.). We do plan on integrating these HUDs and attacks into achievements (as well as creating new specific achievements for Angels and Demons) but for the time being be aware that they do not generally count. An exception is the Determined achievement, which will tally with the new HUDs.


We’re happy to announce that we’re updating the Fury HUD to version 1.4 today. The HUD will now be useful for any combination of 2 Bloodlines races (excluding Humans). You can set the race combination in the settings menu, and as long as you have the HUDs / Nexus objects for the appropriate races, the functions should all work great.

We’ll be sending out an auto-update for anyone who currently owns the Fury HUD.

Thanks for everyone bearing with us during this time of great change! We’ll have more updates to announce soon.

Human Store Update

Saturday, June 23rd, 2018






In the process of getting ready for our big Human HUD update coming next month, we’ve updated our Human store on Bloodlines Midland! All the vendors should be working, but if you see any out-of-place prims do let us know.

We’ll have more updates about the Human HUD update coming soon!

Addressing Achievement Issues

Monday, May 14th, 2018

A number of players have reported a some problems to us when doing achievements on the new HUD versions, specifically with those achievements counting for the Soul War. We wanted to let you know that we are aware of these problems, and they have been fixed for all new achievements going forward. However, we need some time to retroactively apply Soul War counts to some accounts that missed them during the days that they were not correctly counting.

These are the problems that we have identified and fixed:

  1. “Hunting” achievements, such as Blood River / Blood Storm, Moon River / Howling, and Human Charmer / Blood Doll collector were all working properly, but they were not updating the linked Soul Keeper achievements. The logging issue was fixed on May 10, but there may still be some people where we need to fix their Soul Keeper Achievements. If your Soul Keeper achievement is incorrect, it will soon be repaired.
  2. Berserk achievements were counting for overall achievements, but not counting correctly for the Soul War. This problem was fixed on May 11.
  3. For daily achievements, daily maximums were not counting correctly. This is the routine that keeps track of your highest daily count during the soul war, and increases it if your current daily count exceeds it. This problem was fixed this morning, 5/14. Daily maximums are now counting correctly, and we are going to rebuild the daily maximums from our logs for anyone whose daily maximum didn’t update

We appreciate your patience while we build the routines that will repair these issues. We will update this blog post with more information.

To be clear though – any attacks made with the Angel and Demon HUDs do not yet count towards achievements (Embracer, Enrager, etc.). We do plan on integrating these HUDs and attacks into achievements (as well as creating new specific achievements for Angels and Demons) but for the time being be aware that they do not generally count. An exception is the Determined achievement, which will tally with the new HUDs.

If you see any other problems with your stats or achievements, please create a support ticket at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!


Angel & Demon HUDs Released! (Updated 5.6.18)

Saturday, May 5th, 2018






It was a long night, but the Liquid Designs team managed to get the Angel and Demon races released in the wee hours. Thanks to all the players who patiently waited in the stores, you are real troopers.

As with any release, there are some bugs, but thanks to users reporting in we are getting them fixed! A few known ones are listed below:


  • Default textures in the menu not accessible (fixed)
  • Error on Rez for some users (fixed)
  • Turning from drinking from a container not working (fixed)

All containers currently being sold are fixed, but for Ether or Ichor containers purchased prior to noon SL time Saturday the 5th, users must trade them in to get fixed ones. So if you have any of those issues with your container, put it into a folder with your name on it, and pass it to LiquidDesigns Resident. He will get you a replacement.

There were also some HUD issues, listed below. You should not have to get a new HUD, these were server-side issues:


  • Scanning having issues with certain people / statuses (fixed)
  • HUD Registration errors (fixed)
  • Torment and Ascent HUD crates were not inviting to groups, because there were no groups! (fixed, ask a Liaison for an invite)


This is the big one. The current website does not properly reflect Angel and Demon status changes. We are working on getting the new website up, but that’s going to come in stages over the next week or two. We ask for patience while we work through this transition. Just know that all your stats, metrics, achievements, and royalty ranks are being tracked and are working fine, it’s just the website and profiles which are not going to fully reflect everything until we get the final new website launched. We’ll be keeping the old website up and running until the new one is 100% solid, so any of your non-Angel or Demon activities should be reflecting just fine.

On a side note: the Angel and Demon HUDs do not count towards any achievements at all right now other than Determined. So do not plan on using them for purposes of any previously released achievements; we will release updates as we go.

Once again, thanks for your patience! And thanks to everyone who made the 10th Anniversary Event and this launch a success, we’re grateful and excited to move forward.

Update 5/6/18:


We were made aware that the Electrum potion wasn’t working for the new races, but we have resolved this and it should be working fine now!


Apparently there was an issue with the Reaper not always working for Angels and Demons. Fixed! No update needed.


Potion Update

Friday, May 4th, 2018






Upon release of the Angel and Demon “undo” potions (Brimstone and Holy Water), we also made a small update to the Nightshade and Wolfsbane. We have made it so that when you drink them, that side of your nature is removed, but you are not destroyed for the purposes of Soul ownership. This means you will not lose your souls now, when you drink any of these 4 potions.

Why did we do this? Basically, we recognized that people weren’t losing souls anyway – whenever anyone wanted to change their race, they just moved their souls over to a friend or another account. Also, even if you’re destroying yourself all the way back to Human, being that race does not prohibit you from soul ownership. And finally, since this is a self-administered potion, we trust that even in a role-play sense, nobody would intentionally dump their souls into the Abyss.

So, henceforth, you can drink the Nightshade, Wolfsbane, Holy Water or Brimstone without fear of Abyssing your souls!

** Also: any of these potions you already own will work the new way, no need to by new ones.