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Archive for the ‘Contests’ Category

Soul War Results: May

Sunday, June 4th, 2017






The May Soul War is complete, and we’ve delivered all the Rare textures. The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

There was 1 tie in the monthly records, which was broken by a coin toss. The winner was:

Valiant Caravan – BlackRose Thorne

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

For more details on the monthly Soul War gifts, see our original posting here.

9th Anniversary Haunt Contest Winners!

Friday, May 26th, 2017

We had hundreds of Bloodlines member opt their Haunt locations into our 9th Anniversary Celebration week special event, and we have tremendous gratitude towards everyone who participated in celebrating this milestone with us by opting in, decorating, holding events, engaging the Second Life community with Bloodlines, not to mention the hundreds of avatars who attended events and voted on their favorite locations.

Everyone who opted in their haunts to the 9th Anniversary event will receive a special limited-edition tank and prism texture that they can apply to their blood tanks or lumen prisms.

We’d like to announe our 3 winners, who will receive an additional limited-edition texture, and have their haunts featured on the Bloodlines homepage for a week:

The Shadows Blood River Hearse



And our 20 runners-up, who will also all receive an additional limited-edition texture:

Crimson Republic
Sanctum of Darkness – Bloodlines 9th Anniversary!
Mad Hatters Playhouse
Underworld Empire
The Jungle
Circus Nocturnus
Honoris Fidei Pack
Forsaken Souls Of the Night
Rockin Country Saloon Bloodlines Shop
Rare Texture Display Room
Family Of The Forbidden::EzmiElite
Aeterna HQ
Vendor Room Legacy of Darkness Estate
ENTRY Domini Noctis Requem
Inish Loughlin – Beyond Eternity land
EOD – The Legacy
The Blue Steele Club
Perils In Paradise tamus Pro Veritate Homelands!

April Soul War Results

Monday, May 1st, 2017

The April Soul War is complete, and we’ll be delivering the Rare textures today! The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

Due to popular demand, the Rare gifts for winners of the Soul War will continue. The current texture set will remain in place for May. For more details on the gifts, see our original posting here.

Soul War Update

Saturday, April 1st, 2017






The March Soul War is complete, and we’ve delivered all the Rare textures. The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

There were 3 ties in the monthly records, which were broken by a coin toss. The winners of those are:

Howling – TroyVettriano Resident

Human Charmer – master Nowles

Living Legacy – Eeukie Cobalt

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

Due to popular demand, the Rare gifts for winners of the Soul War will continue. The current texture set will remain in place for April. For more details on the gifts, see our original posting here.

Soul War Rares: Monthly Achievement Contest Prizes

Friday, March 3rd, 2017


















For the Soul War, we’re adding a bonus to those who win – a Soul War Rare texture themed to the Achievement category you’ve triumphed in!

For each of the 36 Achievement categories, the winner will receive two textures, one for Tanks and one for Iron Prisms. These textures will be awarded on the 1st of the following month, and will show up in the “Texture” menu on the containers.

In addition, we’re giving away Rares to the top 10 overall Individuals, top 10 Clans (given to the clan leaders), and the top MVP within those clans.

Just to be clear – as with our past Rares linked to achievements, any ties will be broken with a coin toss to see who will get the Rare texture for that category.

Good luck Soul Warriors!

Hemlock Update and Contest

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017







We’re happy to announce a mesh update to the Hemlock!

We’re also including a free gift with any 4 Pack during February. The purchaser will receive two Rare textures, one for Tanks and one for Iron Prisms. After you’ve rezzed your crate, the textures will automatically show up in your Tank or Iron Prism texturing menu (the “Texture” button, under “PotionCabinet”). You will only receive one set per purchase, so apply and use them wisely!

Also, at the end of the month we’re giving a Rare “Crown” tank texture to:

  • Top 5 Individuals* in February’s Soul War “Abyss Flood”
  • Top 5 Clans* with most “Abyss Flood” for February (given to Clan Leaders)

The top achievers can be tracked on the appropriate page in the Achievements Guide. Good luck and happy new year!

*(If there is a multi-way tie for any of the contests, still only 5 winners will be chosen. Ties will be broken by random number / dice rolls until 5 winners are picked).

UPDATE: We have our winners for the contest!

Top 5 Individuals in “Abyss Flood”:

  • Katelyn Dominquez  (268)
  • VelvetBlossom (124)
  • Fuinha Fiul (103)
  • master Nowles (94)
  • TinaDiane Dubrovna (67)

Top 5 Clans with most “Abyss Flood”:

  • Crimson Republic (344)
  • Veritas (278)
  • Fallen Ones (172)
  • Exile Of Darkness (124)
  • Harbingers Of Skullz (103)

Congrats to all the winners! The Crown texture will be sent out today.


Bloodlines Hunt: The Wayward Witch

Friday, January 20th, 2017







A Dark Wizard has escaped prison, and the daughter of a witch detective has run off to try and catch him. You’ve been recruited as a Bounty Hunter to try and track them down. If you can find all the clues and solve the mystery, you will be richly rewarded.

“The Wayward Witch” Hunt is now running on the Liquid West RP area (below the Bloodlines West stores). The rules are simple:

  • Main Quest: Collect 12 Memory Vials containing clues. Wear and click a bottle to get the next clue. A trophy awaits you at the end!
  • Side Quest: Collect 10 Enchanted Coins containing clues. Wear and click the coin to get the next clue. A Side Quest trophy awaits you at the end!

Also, for the next month, we will have a Rare texture available to those who complete the Hunt. A Rare Texture token will be vended when you get your trophy. To claim your Rare Texture:

  • Put the token in a folder with your *exact* avatar name (not display name) on it
  • Pass the folder to LiquidDesigns Resident, and you’ll have the “Wizard Detective” Rare Texture delivered asap, usually within 24 hours or less.

We’ll also do a random drawing at the end of the Hunt – 10 lucky winners (drawn from those who completed the Hunt) will receive the Crown version of that texture.

This hunt is fantasy / wizarding themed, and homages several beloved books and movies in that genre, so you’ll probably notice some familiar details! We do ask that if possible, please don’t fly, bother other hunters, or give away clues.

Good luck and happy hunting!

When: Hunt Ongoing, but Rare Prizes only Jan 20th – Feb 20th

Where: Liquid West RP Area

UPDATE 2.26.17

The Rare Texture award period for this Hunt is officially over, and we have our 10 lucky random winners from the people who completed it:

rbandazoo Aabye
Stephaine Skytower
Kelebra Blackrain
pinkcoffin Resident
DiliciousKillerqueen Coba
Ruudje Vyper
DoNo Resident
Diana Amulet
Lord Halostar
AphroditeStarr Resident

Thanks to everyone who made this Hunt a success, and see you on the next one!

Contest Update & Thanksgiving Break

Friday, November 25th, 2016






It’s the 25th of November, and that means it’s time to announce the winners of the Dead Man’s Diary grand prize Rare, the Pirate Gold Skull texture. We want to thank the hundreds of people who made the hunt a success! We appreciated your participation and feedback in this little adventure.

Randomly chosen from the people who completed the hunt, we’ve got 10 grand prize winners: Aphrodite Starr, Twistedsatan, Luna Thereian, Tamurello Voight, Kryptic Corleone, kokytos, Farruko Aiten, kototori, Neiang Raynier, & mystcone. Congrats winners! You should receive your Grand Prize Rare today in your tank texture inventories.

While the grand prize Pirate GoldSkull will no longer be up for grabs, we have a week before the next hunt starts, so we’ve decided to extend the Dead Man’s Diary a week and keep the Pirate Map rare available. If you know someone who might want to nab it before next Friday, let them know!

Also, we wanted to give everyone a heads up that we’re taking a short break from our Friday events, partly due to the holiday here in the states but also to have time to get the next hunt up and running! We’ll be back soon with a new event and an announcement.


UPDATE 12/2/16

We’ve delivered all the Pirate Goldskulls, as well as the VialCrown textures from the November contest. If you haven’t received your prize, notecard LiquidDesigns Resident and they’ll sort it out!

Also, there is no event again this Friday (Dec 2nd). We will be back in action Friday the 9th, thanks for your patience!

Bloodlines Hunt: Dead Man’s Diary

Sunday, November 13th, 2016








A man has been murdered! It’s up to you to follow the trail and bear witness to his tale of woe. If you can find all the clues you will be richly rewarded.

The “Dead Man’s Diary” Hunt is running on the Liquid East RP area (below the Bloodlines East stores) for the next few weeks. The rules are simple:

  • Collect 11 Message Bottles containing clues. Wear and click a bottle to get the next clue.
  • Once completed, put all the Bottles in a folder with your *exact* avatar name (not display name) on it
  • Pass the folder to LiquidDesigns Resident, and you’ll have the “Pirate Map” Rare Texture delivered asap, usually within 24 hours or less.

We’re also doing a random drawing at the end of the Hunt – 10 lucky winners (drawn from those who completed the Hunt) will receive the “Pirate Goldskull” Rare texture.

One last thing – we’ve turned off flying to encourage everyone to explore. If you fly, we won’t punish you, but Mars Bracken will think you’re pretty lame.

Good luck and happy hunting!

When: Nov 13th – Nov 25th

Where: Liquid East RP Area

UPDATE 12.6.16

We’ve delivered all the Limited Textures and the Grand Prizes, but the hunt will stay on the East sim (with a nice mesh trophy at the end) and we’ve updated it with our new Hunt HUD to help keep track of clues and progress. Thanks everyone for making this first Hunt a success!

Bloodlines Contest: Best Family Photo

Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

FAMILY_PHOTO_CONTESTBloodlines is running a contest to see who can take the best Family Photo! So get your clan, pack, horde or guild together, and snap a picture.

The contest is free to enter, and you may enter as many times as you like (as long as each photo is different).

How to Enter
1) Take a photo of a clan, pack, guild or horde
2) Put the texture in a notecard, along with your name and the Title of the photo
3) Submit the notecard at the Drop Box:

Bloodlines Contest Headquarters or Contest Headquarters South

Contest Rules
Time: The contest will end on November 19th, 2015.

Judging: Entries will be judged by Mars Bracken, Lyle Maeterlinck and Noire Luminos.

Criteria: Entries will be judged based on the overall image, but some things to consider might be setting, lighting, , and the avatars involved. Photoshopping is acceptable.

– Top 7 entries will be hung in picture frames on Bloodlines property.
– 3rd place entry will win a full 100L Lumen or 10L Blood Tank
– 2nd place entry will win a full 150 Lumen or 15L Blood Tank
– 1st Place entry will win a full 200 Lumen Tank or 20L Blood Tank and a Bloodlines Haunt Destination System, as well as a Vial of Mars Bracken’s Lumens or Blood

For any questions, contact Noire Luminos or a Bloodlines Liaison.