July 13th, 2011 by Lyle Maeterlinck
Official Bloodlines items are not currently sold on the Second Life Marketplace. The only items that Liquid Designs currently sells on the marketplace are Crypt items, and can be found here. An old copied version of the Thirst is currently being sold on the marketplace for L$850. It is a deactivated copy, and will not work. Do not buy it! You can buy official Bloodlines items in the stores on the following regions: Liquid Designs, Liquid East, Liquid Badlands, Liquid South, and Liquid Frontier.
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July 7th, 2011 by Lyle Maeterlinck
We’re currently working on updates to the war items, and on the community features that we mentioned in the meetings over the last two weeks, so we won’t be holding office hours tomorrow afternoon. However, we hope to pick up office hours again next week at Liquid Frontier. In the meantime, you can contact us directly in-world with any questions you have.
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June 29th, 2011 by Lyle Maeterlinck
Last Friday, several dozen Bloodlines players joined us for our first weekly office hours at Liquid Frontier. We really enjoyed talking to everyone, and we’re sorry if we weren’t able to get to your question. We’ll be doing it again this week, at the same time and place:
- Where: the Bloodlines store on Liquid Frontier (click to teleport)
- When: Friday, July 1, from 12-1PM SL time (Pacific)
Last week, not everyone who wanted to come was able to get on the sim, so if you want to attend, be sure to get there early. For future meetings, we will try to put in place a system so that more people can attend, and that the question / answer cycle can be more organized. These sessions are a work in progress, thanks for bearing with us while we find the best way to approach it, and as always, your suggestions are welcome.
Here is a brief run-down on some of the top questions and requests that were brought up at last week’s meeting:
- Problems with vendors: some people had been having trouble with deliveries from vendors. We have made some updates to resolve the issues, and we’ve seen a great reduction in missed deliveries, and the affiliate vendors should deliver a lot faster as well.
- War item updates: Second Life Viewer 2 makes it possible to attach more than one item to the same attach point. This has allowed War players to attach multiple weapon and HUD instances simultaneously in order to gain an advantage. We have a fix for this problem, and we will be updating the War HUD and the Psionic Blast as soon as testing is complete, which should be in a matter of days.
- Apple trees / bulk apples / cider shots: at this time, we don’t have a plan to release shots of apple cider, because the apples basically have the same functionality. We currently don’t have a way to sell more than one apple at a time, because they need to be individually rezzed prior to purchase so they can register with our system. We released the cider barrels as a way to buy a large source of Humanity at one time. Apple trees can only be on our sims because of the way that the apples pre-register with our system.
- Lumen shots: this is an often-requested item, and it is on our list of planned items to release.
- Age issues: we have no official policy on real life or Second Life age, please refer to Linden Labs policies on this.
- Harassment issues: in general, there is a limited amount we can do about it. The actions you can take are to mute them, ban them from your land, or file an abuse report on them using Help > Report Abuse, and avoid them. If someone is harassing you in one of our chat groups or on our land, you can report it to us and we will take a look at it.
- Other races: we think it would be cool to add some other races or HUDs to Bloodlines eventually, but we don’t have any other races planned at this time.
- Hybrid HUD: at this time, we don’t have plans to release a separate Hybrid HUD.
- War bases and public accessibility: All war bases that are listed in the public stats must be “publicly accessible”. Because of the freedom that you have in Second Life on your own land, many creative means have been taken to prevent people from taking a base while still calling the base “publicly accessible”. We realize the need to have a standard set of rules that all bases must abide by in order to make the public rankings meaningful. We are working on the technology we would need to enforce standardized rules. We will update you as soon as we know more on this.
- Forums: online forums are currently under development.
- There were many other good questions that I hope we answered to a satisfactory level.
If you have a question, join us this Friday!
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June 22nd, 2011 by Lyle Maeterlinck
This Friday, you can meet and chat with the creators of Bloodlines, Mars Bracken and Lyle Maeterlinck at our first weekly office hours:
- Where: the Bloodlines store on Liquid Frontier (click to teleport)
- When: Friday, June 24, from 12-1PM SL time (Pacific)
You can arrive and chat with us about anything you want to discuss or would like us to address. We hope to make this a weekly occurrence, but the time and location may change in subsequent weeks. Stay tuned to this blog for updates!
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March 1st, 2011 by Lyle Maeterlinck
This is just a reminder: old catalogue vendors will be turned off on March 7. If you haven’t gone to the Bloodlines store and gotten new catalogue vendors since we made our last announcement, please do so now. There are new catalogue vendors available for Bloodlines Thirst, Bloodlines Lycans, Bloodlines Humans, Bloodlines War, and Crypt items. These new vendors have a gifting feature, and include update terminals and key grabbers. You can also change the size and material of the vendors by clicking on the backing board. All you should have to do is delete your old vendors and replace them with the new ones.
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February 23rd, 2011 by Lyle Maeterlinck
UPDATE 5:30am SL time: I expect bases should be back up again by 5:40am SL time.
UPDATE: The maintenance routines are taking longer than expected to run. Bases will be back up as soon as possible.
Tomorrow morning at 5:00 am SL time (GMT-8), we will be performing some maintenance on the Bloodlines: War system in order to increase the stability and reliability of the system. The website will remain up and your HUDs and weapons will still work, but Dominion bases will be down for approximately 15 minutes. They will be deactivated and locked when the maintenance begins, and approximately 15 minutes later, they will automatically reset. This applies only to version 2.0 Dominions. If you have a Dominion base that is older than version 2.0, please hand it to Lyle Maeterlinck in a folder with your name on it and we’ll send you back a 2.0 right away. Please feel free to comment or contact Lyle Maeterlinck in-world with any questions or concerns.
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February 7th, 2011 by Lyle Maeterlinck
We’re excited to announce the release of new catalogue vendors!
The new catalogue vendors have several highly requested features: the ability to gift, an included update kiosk, and an included key grabber. You can use the update terminal to get redelivery of any copyable product you’ve previously purchased from Liquid Designs.
There are 6 sets of vendors for you to set up if you wish: The Thirst, The Rage, War, Humans, Crypt Avatar, and Crypt Land.
To make the vendors fit with your store size and decor, you can change the size and background material of the vendor board cluster by clicking on the vendor board backing and using the menu. If you want to delete the backing board, you can, but before you delete it, you can use it to set the size of your vendors.
The old catalogue vendors will be disabled in about 30 days, so around March 7. This means that you have 30 days to replace your catalogue vendors if you want to keep selling Bloodlines items on your own land. All you need to do is delete your old catalogue vendors or take them into inventory, and replace them with the new vendors you can get at any Bloodlines store for 1 Linden. Bloodlines stores are located on Liquid Designs, Liquid East, Liquid South, Liquid Badlands, and Liquid Frontier.
If you have any questions about the new catalogue vendors, please contact Lyle Maeterlinck or Mars Bracken in-world.
Posted in Community, Products, Updates | 1 Comment »
February 5th, 2011 by Lyle Maeterlinck
UPDATE: Everyone’s blood values should be correct at this point, if they aren’t, please let Lyle Maeterlinck know, and we will fix it.
UPDATE 1:02 pm: Everyone who has a status other than human should have a correct vital blood value. The only blood transfers we are unable to rebuild are from blood being sent through blood bonds. If you sent blood through a blood bond since yesterday morning, it may be rolled back and sent back to the original sender. If you believe your vital blood is not correct, please let Lyle Maeterlinck know.
UPDATE: There are still some issues with vital blood values being wrong. If your vital blood is wrong, please be patient, and it should be corrected shortly. In the meantime, you can continue playing the game normally. We assure you that your vital blood will be corrected.
Last night there was a database error where for a few hours, everyone’s blood was showing an incorrect value. We believe that the issue has been repaired. If you believe that your vital blood is not correct or if you have any other problems with your stats, please contact Lyle Maeterlinck in-world, and let him know what you believe your blood should be. As a result of this, the curse was canceled last night. We’re sorry for any inconvenience that this caused.
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February 1st, 2011 by Lyle Maeterlinck
We have just opened a new set of stores on Liquid Frontier, which has a General / PG rating that should be accessible to everyone. Click here for a landmark to Liquid Frontier.
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January 31st, 2011 by Mars Bracken
The way the Bloodlines vendors, website, and HUDs interact with the “Resident” surname have been updated today. When using vendors and attempting to gift to an avatar with the last name of Resident, you no longer have to type both names, you can type just their first user name and it should find them. On the website, we have scrubbed the last name “Resident” from all the profiles and listings, and searches can be made using just the first name of these new avatars. All HUD functions that deal with avatar names, IE lieging, can be done now by typing just the first name of any avatar with a Resident last name. In all these cases, however, typing both first and last names still works.
We hope that makes things a little easier to deal with, and makes our newer players feel less stigma towards their status as souls and Minions.
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