News and Updates

Bloodlines Event: Magical Beasts

December 5th, 2016 by Mars Bracken








Because we literally couldn’t help ourselves (someone cast an imperious curse on us) we’re having one more event themed to the wizarding world. Join us for a night of monsters and magic, dancing to a live DJ, best costume contests, and Rare Texture tank giveaways.

When: Friday, December 9th 3-6pm

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Suggested Attire: Anything monster or magic related!

Music: Dark Lord Halostar | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Mars Bracken

Contest Update & Thanksgiving Break

November 25th, 2016 by Mars Bracken






It’s the 25th of November, and that means it’s time to announce the winners of the Dead Man’s Diary grand prize Rare, the Pirate Gold Skull texture. We want to thank the hundreds of people who made the hunt a success! We appreciated your participation and feedback in this little adventure.

Randomly chosen from the people who completed the hunt, we’ve got 10 grand prize winners: Aphrodite Starr, Twistedsatan, Luna Thereian, Tamurello Voight, Kryptic Corleone, kokytos, Farruko Aiten, kototori, Neiang Raynier, & mystcone. Congrats winners! You should receive your Grand Prize Rare today in your tank texture inventories.

While the grand prize Pirate GoldSkull will no longer be up for grabs, we have a week before the next hunt starts, so we’ve decided to extend the Dead Man’s Diary a week and keep the Pirate Map rare available. If you know someone who might want to nab it before next Friday, let them know!

Also, we wanted to give everyone a heads up that we’re taking a short break from our Friday events, partly due to the holiday here in the states but also to have time to get the next hunt up and running! We’ll be back soon with a new event and an announcement.


UPDATE 12/2/16

We’ve delivered all the Pirate Goldskulls, as well as the VialCrown textures from the November contest. If you haven’t received your prize, notecard LiquidDesigns Resident and they’ll sort it out!

Also, there is no event again this Friday (Dec 2nd). We will be back in action Friday the 9th, thanks for your patience!

Infinity Amulet Update

November 20th, 2016 by Mars Bracken










We did a mesh update to the Infinity Amulet today, and have sent out complimentary updates to anyone who has ever owned one! It may take up to 24 hours to get them all delivered so please be patient. If you accidentally decline it, please send a notecard to LiquidDesigns Resident and we’ll get you another.

The rest of the Amulets and Totems will be meshed and updated in the coming days! Thanks for your patience.


Bloodlines Event: World of Wizarding

November 17th, 2016 by Mars Bracken








We’re having an event to celebrate the new movie coming out in everyone’s favorite wizarding world!  Start practicing your incantations, hurry up and brew those love potions and join us for a night of magic dancing to a live DJ, best costume contests, and Rare Texture tank giveaways.

When: Friday, November 18th 3-7pm

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Suggested Attire: Anything from the world! Robes, Wizard School Outfits, Fantastic Beasts, etc.

Music: Dark Lord Halostar | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Mars Bracken


Bloodlines Hunt: Dead Man’s Diary

November 13th, 2016 by Mars Bracken








A man has been murdered! It’s up to you to follow the trail and bear witness to his tale of woe. If you can find all the clues you will be richly rewarded.

The “Dead Man’s Diary” Hunt is running on the Liquid East RP area (below the Bloodlines East stores) for the next few weeks. The rules are simple:

  • Collect 11 Message Bottles containing clues. Wear and click a bottle to get the next clue.
  • Once completed, put all the Bottles in a folder with your *exact* avatar name (not display name) on it
  • Pass the folder to LiquidDesigns Resident, and you’ll have the “Pirate Map” Rare Texture delivered asap, usually within 24 hours or less.

We’re also doing a random drawing at the end of the Hunt – 10 lucky winners (drawn from those who completed the Hunt) will receive the “Pirate Goldskull” Rare texture.

One last thing – we’ve turned off flying to encourage everyone to explore. If you fly, we won’t punish you, but Mars Bracken will think you’re pretty lame.

Good luck and happy hunting!

When: Nov 13th – Nov 25th

Where: Liquid East RP Area

UPDATE 12.6.16

We’ve delivered all the Limited Textures and the Grand Prizes, but the hunt will stay on the East sim (with a nice mesh trophy at the end) and we’ve updated it with our new Hunt HUD to help keep track of clues and progress. Thanks everyone for making this first Hunt a success!

Bloodlines Event: Pirates

November 10th, 2016 by Mars Bracken








Arrrr matey! The pirates have sighted land and it’s all hands on deck for dancing to a live DJ, best costume contests, and Rare Texture tank giveaways.

When: Friday, November 11th 3-6pm

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Suggested Attire: Space suits. Just kidding! How about pirate clothes.

Music: DJ Rkhard | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Aimee Novaland

Bloodlines Event: Vendetta

November 4th, 2016 by Mars Bracken








Remember remember, the fifth of November! Come plot with us on Friday (the 4th…) while dancing to a live DJ, best costume contests, and Rare Texture tank giveaways.

When: Friday, November 4th 4-7pm

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Suggested Attire: Anything mashed up with a Guy Fawkes mask will do! As well as anything related to the graphic novel, movie, or period clothing from the 1600s.

Music: Lord Halostar | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Mars Bracken

Vial Update & Rare Contest

November 4th, 2016 by Mars Bracken


















We’re happy to announce an update to the vials! They’re mesh, lower prim weight, shrink smaller to fit more avatars and are more easily editable. Also, by popular request we’re releasing a 10 Pack at a discounted price.

In addition, we’re having a promotion: anyone who purchases a 10 Pack during November will receive a Limited Edition tank or prism texture. After you’ve razzed your crate, the texture will automatically show up in your Tank or Iron Prism texturing menu (the “Texture” button, under “Limited”). You will only receive one per purchase, so apply and use them wisely! At the end of the month when the promotion ends, these textures will no longer be available from us in any form.

Finally, at the end of the month we’re giving a Rare “Crown” tank texture to the top 5 Blood Vial Collectors and Lumen Vial Collectors. These textures will also not be available in any form after the promotion, so there will only be 10 (5 prism and 5 tank) Vial Crown textures in SL, ever. The top achievers can be tracked on the appropriate page in the Achievements Guide for Blood and Lumens. Good luck!

*** Clarification Update: If there is a multi-way tie for any of the contests, still only 5 winners will be chosen. Ties will be broken by random number / dice rolls until 5 winners are picked.

Bloodlines Event: Halloween

October 27th, 2016 by Mars Bracken









Halloween decided to be extra scary and fall on a Monday this year. Join us Friday to get a jump on the holiday, with dancing to a live DJ, best costume contests, and Rare Texture tank giveaways.

When: Friday, October 28th 3-6pm

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: Lord Halostar | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Mars Bracken

Bloodlines Event: The Purple Hour

October 21st, 2016 by Mars Bracken









What if there was a secret hour at night when the whole world went purple? Join us at this special time Friday to dance until the colors go normal again. Prizes for best costume (anything purple!) as well as Rare Texture tank giveaways and a live DJ.

When: Friday, October 21st 4-7pm

Suggested Attire: Formal or fantasy wear in all shades of blue!

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Raevyn Storm | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Mars Bracken