News and Updates

3 New Gacha Sets

September 13th, 2017 by Mars Bracken



The 3 new sets of Gacha textures are in the machines as of today!

The machines are still rezzed in two places on our sims, so if one set is busy you can try another location:

Liquid East Gacha Machines

Liquid South Gacha Machines

In honor of the upcoming Halloween season, we’ve made the Nightmares set extra large, and we’ll keep them out for a bit longer this time. These 3 machines will be out for about 6 weeks (Sept 13th – Oct 31st) and then we’ll pull them back.

If you’d like to read our original Rare / Gacha release post with further details, it’s here.

Friday Event: Honey, I Shrunk the Avs

September 8th, 2017 by Mars Bracken







Someone’s science experiment has gone horribly wrong, and we’re all the size of bugs! Join us in the yard as we run from giant insects and try to enjoy music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways and not die.

When: Friday, September 8th 2-5pm

Suggested Attire: Picnic / outdoors attire, giant insects

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Fawn | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Hosts: Aimee Novaland / Zeldonix

Pub Crawl Contest Results

September 4th, 2017 by Mars Bracken

We had hundreds of Bloodlines members opt their Haunt locations into our Pub Crawl special event, and we have tremendous gratitude towards everyone who participated by decorating, holding events, engaging the Second Life community with Bloodlines, not to mention the hundreds of avatars who attended events and voted on their favorite locations!

Everyone who opted in their haunts to the Pub Crawl 2017 event have received a special limited-edition tank and prism texture that they can apply to their blood tanks or lumen prisms.

Our 3 winners, who will receive an additional limited-edition texture, and have their haunts featured on the Bloodlines homepage for a week are as follows:

The Absinthe Bar


Sanctum of Darkness – Forest Tavern

And our 20 runners-up, who will also all receive an additional limited-edition texture:


.:Shadow Island:. Howlers Rest

EOD – The Legacy Bar

Ye Olde Forbidden Inn:: Family of the Forbidden haunt

Crimson Republic

LA Achievements

Sky Pirates Den

Lamias Stein Eternal 1

Ventrue Toredor Horde

The Masquerade

Evolved Loved Ones – Club & Theater


Queen of Spades Bloodlines Pub

The Devils Hanging Bat Bar


Thirsty Bar and Pub

Tasty Bites Bistro and Bar


Sanguine Pub

Bloody Apples Family

August Soul War Results

September 4th, 2017 by Mars Bracken

The August Soul War is complete, and we’ve delivered all the Rare textures. The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

For more details on the monthly Soul War gifts, see our original posting here.

Friday Event: Volcano Island

August 31st, 2017 by Mars Bracken







There’s a rumble in the distance, and judging by the smoke and red glow in the sky, the big one is about to erupt! Join us to watch as we enjoy music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, September 1st 3-6pm

Suggested Attire: Polynesian, islander, flame retardant suits, etc.

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Fawn Madrigal

Friday Event: Steampunk Speakeasy

August 24th, 2017 by Mars Bracken







Somewhere in the distant future past where Victorian steam engines rule the skies, prohibition forced the bars underground! Don your suits, dresses and steam powered accessories for some bootleg bathtub gin in a speakeasy hideaway with music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, August 25th 4-7pm

Suggested Attire: Victorian, steampunk, bootlegger

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Syn | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Aimee Novaland

Friday Event: Snowball Fight

August 17th, 2017 by Mars Bracken







Since most of us are still suffering through this hot summer, let’s pretend for a few hours that it’s a snow day and we’re all off to enjoy it! Join us Friday for music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, August 18th 2-5pm

Suggested Attire: Winter clothes

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Candi | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Aimee Novaland

Friday Event: Japanese Horror

August 3rd, 2017 by Mars Bracken







We went to an audition and watched a strange VHS tape and now we’re trapped in some kind of ring, and someone’s got a grudge against us, and it feels sincerely like we’re spiraling into terror…

Sounds like fun right? So join us Friday for these and music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways!

When: Friday, August 4th 4-7pm

Suggested Attire: Anything from your favorite Japanese horror movies, or anything generally scary and/or Japan themed

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: TBD | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Aimee Novaland

Bloodlines Event: Pub Crawl

July 31st, 2017 by Mars Bracken







We’re excited to announce an official grid-wide Bloodlines Event – The Pub Crawl! It will start on August 1st and run until September 1st.

The Pub Crawl is an event for bars in Second Life. Anyone owning a Bloodlines Haunt can opt-in, and anyone with a HUD will be able to participate in the crawl.

What specifically does this mean for Bloodlines players? It means during that month we’ll be connecting participating Haunts up via the website and the HUDs, so that you can easily travel from bar to bar, and meet up for a drink with people while discovering new Bloodlines-friendly locations.

For Haunt owners, this event means a chance to get your bar or club on the map! The Crawl will provide an influx of new visitors, as well as give you a chance to network with other Bloodlines friendly locations. Players will be able to vote on their favorite Bars, and prizes will be awarded at the end. Mars and Lyle will be visiting participating locations to help with the final judging of the top Bars, and we hope to see you there! On the final day (Friday Sept 1st) we’ll be having an event on the Bloodlines sims, and we’ll give away the prizes.

Voting will start immediately and run the month. During that time, all you need to do to vote is press the ‘Vote’ link next to the Pub Crawl icon on the profile of participating haunts.

Prizes (Awarded at the end of the Month):

Pub Crawl Participation Rare – Given to anyone who opted-in their Bar to the event. (Limit one per avatar)

20 Runner-Up Rares (Silver Crown) – Given to the best 20 Bars

3 Top Bar Rares (Gold Crown) – Given to the top 3 Bars. These will also receive a banner on the Bloodlines homepage for a week following the event.

Getting involved is simple:

Location Owners – If you already have a Haunt, just log into your profile, Edit Haunts, and opt-in via the radio button for the Pub Crawl Event. Make sure to use the Haunt Events calendar to schedule specific times for your events.

Bloodlines players – On August 1st the Pub Crawl will automatically generate locations in your HUD, under the Haunt button. We’ll also make it clear on the website which locations are participating, so you should be able to easily find the next great location to visit!

At the end of the month on September 1st, we’ll wrap it up with an official party / awards ceremony on the Bloodlines sims where we’ll deliver all the prizes, so be sure to stop by. See you there!

Update to Rare Libraries

July 28th, 2017 by Mars Bracken

We made a few tweaks to the Rare Libraries today:

  • Owners are listed in order of who has the most of any given texture, and how many
  • A link to the Guide has been added to the Library page
  • A link to the personal Library page has been added to the Cellar page
  • We’re slowly adding a “More Info” link to all the Rares in the guide, so that you can track down when/where a texture came from in the blog posts.

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback and suggestions!