News and Updates

Bloodlines Friday Event: Among the Clouds

December 1st, 2017 by Mars Bracken







Happy Friday!! Tonight we’re feeling lighter than air; it’s just like heaven. Please come and enjoy our angelic evening of music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, December 1st 2-5pm

Suggested Attire: Heavenly / angel garb! Or perhaps the newly dead arrived at the pearly gates…

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Zeldonix

3 New Gacha Sets

December 1st, 2017 by Mars Bracken





The 3 new sets of Gacha textures are in the machines as of today! This is the first time we’ve done Iron Prisms, so we’re excited to get them out.

The machines are still rezzed in two places on our sims, so if one set is busy you can try another location:

Liquid East Gacha Machines

Liquid South Gacha Machines

These 3 machines will be out for about a month and then we’ll pull them back.

If you’d like to read our original Rare / Gacha release post with further details, it’s here.

Coming in 2018/2019: RPG Expansion

November 21st, 2017 by Mars Bracken

We’re excited to announce that we’re currently working on a major RPG expansion to the Bloodlines system for 2018 and 2019!

Currently we’re planning on adding Harvesting and Crafting, Treasure Hunting, and Combat involving both players and NPC monsters. We’ll also be adding two new races to Bloodlines, Angels and Demons, as well as all of the possible 2-race hybrid combinations (Angel-Lycan, Demon-Vampire, etc.).

Rest assured, all of the current Bloodlines ranks, achievements, and records will go unchanged. The new aspects however will be very integrated into the Bloodlines system, so plan on finding new uses for your tools and metrics, and new meaning added to your chosen race!

While work has already begun, we are still open to suggestions and requests, so we have added a spot at each of our sims where you can drop us a notecard with your ideas. We can’t promise we’ll integrate everything you ask for, but we definitely want your input.

As we get closer to release we will have more announcements, so stay tuned!

Locations of Suggestion Boxes In-World: 

Bloodlines East Suggestion Box

Bloodlines West Suggestion Box

Bloodlines South Suggestion Box

Bloodlines Frontier Suggestion Box

Bloodlines Badlands Suggestion Box

Bloodlines Event: Skate Party

November 14th, 2017 by Liquid Designs


It’s Friday and we are in the mood for a blast from the past, so strap on your roller skates and come skate the night away with us at Bloodlines. Take a chill pill with us Friday for an bopping evening of music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, November 17th 2-5pm

Suggested Attire: Anything you’d want to roller skate in!

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Candi | Decor:Fawn Madrigal | Host: Zeldonix

Bloodlines Event: The Blue Hour

November 9th, 2017 by Liquid Designs


What if there was a secret hour at night when the whole world went blue? Join us at this special time Friday to dance until the colors go normal again. Prizes for best costume (anything blue!) as well as Rare Texture tank giveaways and a live DJ.

When: Friday, November 10th 4-7pm

Suggested Attire: Formal or fantasy wear in all shades of blue!

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Gothy | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Fawn Madrigal

Gallery Tour Contest Results

November 3rd, 2017 by Mars Bracken

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Bloodlines Gallery Tour! It was very difficult judging this event, because there were a lot of really amazing galleries. If you were one of the hundreds of locations that opted your Haunt in, props to you for being a creative participating member of the Bloodlines community.

Everyone who opted in their haunts to the Gallery Tour event have received a special limited-edition tank, prism and barrel texture that they can apply to their blood tanks or lumen prisms.

We decided to go with 5 winners this time, and they will receive an additional limited-edition Gold Crown texture for tank, prism and barrel, and have their haunts featured on the Bloodlines homepage for a week:

V E R I T A S **** G A L E R I A

The Gallery Tour of Natural History

Novalands Tank Texture Showroom

+Museum Illuminati +

D.N. Room of Victory

We originally said we’d do 10 runners-up, but there were just too many great entries, so we went with 18 instead! These avatars will also all receive an additional limited-edition Silver Crown texture for prism, barrel and tank:

Crimson Republic

DD – Soul Wars Arena

Shadow Kissed Castle

LA Achievements

Forbidden Treasure Trove Gallery

Evolved Loved Ones – Rare Texture Display Room

Lover Bizet

EOD – The Legacy Gallery

Dystopian Dream 3 – Sanguine Prophecy Horde

Imperial Gallery

Home of Noctis Immortalis Horde

Training Center

Evolved Prince & Princess Syn & Katie Vicious

FOTFSL Gallery

Lamias kiss of death castle

Andrea*s Blood Bank & Tank Texture Shop

Forsaken Souls Of the Night

Abia Zepp Rare Textures

For the original Gallery Tour event post, check here.

2 Week Promotion: Potion Cabinet Textures

November 2nd, 2017 by Mars Bracken
















Since many of the Potion Cabinet textures came out prior to the release of the Rare Library or Gacha, we’ve had requests to re-release this set of textures. So for 2 weeks (November 1st – November 15th) they will be available again.

With the purchase of a Potion Pack (or the single Nightshade or Wolfsbane) you will receive both the Iron Prism and Blood Tank version of that potion’s Potion Cabinet texture as a free gift!

Friday Event: Gallery Awards Party

November 1st, 2017 by Mars Bracken
















It’s finally time to announce the winners of the Bloodlines Gallery Tour!

We’ll be holding an event on our sims with a DJ, music, costume prizes, and a Rare giveaway just for the party. Then at the end Lyle and Mars will announce the winners of the Gallery Tour event, and deliver everyone’s Rare Textures (including the Participation awards).

We hope to see you there!

When: Friday, November 3rd from 3-6 PM SL

Suggested Attire: Ball attire, dresses / suits / gowns / etc.

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Fawn | Host: Aimee Novaland

October Soul War Results

November 1st, 2017 by Mars Bracken

The October Soul War is complete, and we will shortly be delivering all the Rare textures. The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

For more details on the monthly Soul War gifts, see our original posting here.

Friday Event: Halloween 2017

October 26th, 2017 by Mars Bracken







It’s our favorite time of year again! Halloween is upon us, and we’re having a 5 hour event to celebrate. Come join us Friday for an evening of music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, October 27th 1-6pm

Suggested Attire: Costumes of all shapes and sizes!

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Candi & DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Hosts: Fawn Madrigal & Mars Bracken