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Archive for the ‘Contests’ Category

December Soul War Results

Monday, January 1st, 2018

The December Soul War is complete, and we have delivered all the Rare textures. The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

For more details on the monthly Soul War gifts, see our original posting here.

November Soul War Results

Friday, December 1st, 2017

The November Soul War is complete, and we will shortly be delivering all the Rare textures. The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

For more details on the monthly Soul War gifts, see our original posting here.

Gallery Tour Contest Results

Friday, November 3rd, 2017

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Bloodlines Gallery Tour! It was very difficult judging this event, because there were a lot of really amazing galleries. If you were one of the hundreds of locations that opted your Haunt in, props to you for being a creative participating member of the Bloodlines community.

Everyone who opted in their haunts to the Gallery Tour event have received a special limited-edition tank, prism and barrel texture that they can apply to their blood tanks or lumen prisms.

We decided to go with 5 winners this time, and they will receive an additional limited-edition Gold Crown texture for tank, prism and barrel, and have their haunts featured on the Bloodlines homepage for a week:

V E R I T A S **** G A L E R I A

The Gallery Tour of Natural History

Novalands Tank Texture Showroom

+Museum Illuminati +

D.N. Room of Victory

We originally said we’d do 10 runners-up, but there were just too many great entries, so we went with 18 instead! These avatars will also all receive an additional limited-edition Silver Crown texture for prism, barrel and tank:

Crimson Republic

DD – Soul Wars Arena

Shadow Kissed Castle

LA Achievements

Forbidden Treasure Trove Gallery

Evolved Loved Ones – Rare Texture Display Room

Lover Bizet

EOD – The Legacy Gallery

Dystopian Dream 3 – Sanguine Prophecy Horde

Imperial Gallery

Home of Noctis Immortalis Horde

Training Center

Evolved Prince & Princess Syn & Katie Vicious

FOTFSL Gallery

Lamias kiss of death castle

Andrea*s Blood Bank & Tank Texture Shop

Forsaken Souls Of the Night

Abia Zepp Rare Textures

For the original Gallery Tour event post, check here.

October Soul War Results

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

The October Soul War is complete, and we will shortly be delivering all the Rare textures. The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

For more details on the monthly Soul War gifts, see our original posting here.

September Soul War Results

Sunday, October 1st, 2017

The September Soul War is complete, and we will shortly be delivering all the Rare textures. The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

For more details on the monthly Soul War gifts, see our original posting here.

Grid-Wide Event: The Gallery Tour

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

We’re excited to announce the next official grid-wide Bloodlines Event – The Gallery Tour! It will start on September 14th and run to November 3rd.

The Gallery Tour is an event for people who wish to show off their collection of Bloodlines Rares. It doesn’t have to be a bona fide gallery, it could be a dungeon or a room in your house, or any place you like to show off your collection. Also, to win you don’t necessarily need to have the largest collection of Rares – judging will include looking at the style and atmosphere of the place, organization etc. Anyone owning a Bloodlines Haunt can opt-in, and anyone with a HUD will be able to participate in the tour.

What specifically does this mean for Bloodlines players? It means during that month we’ll be connecting participating Haunts up via the website and the HUDs, so that you can easily travel from gallery to gallery, and meet up with people while discovering new Bloodlines-friendly locations.

For Haunt owners, this event means a chance to get your location on the map! The Gallery Tour will provide an influx of new visitors, as well as give you a chance to network with other Bloodlines friendly locations. Players will be able to vote on their favorite Galleries, and prizes will be awarded at the end. Mars and Lyle will be visiting participating locations to help with the final judging of the top locations, and we hope to see you there! On the final day (Friday Nov 3rd) we’ll be having an event on the Bloodlines sims, and we’ll give away the prizes.

Voting will start in a few days and run until Nov 3rd. During that time, all you need to do to vote is press the ‘Vote’ link next to the Gallery Tour icon on the profile of participating haunts.

Prizes (Awarded at the end of the Month):

Gallery Tour Participation Rare – Given to anyone who opted-in their location to the event. (Limit one per avatar)

10 Runner-Up Rares (Silver Crown) – Given to the best 10 Galleries

3 Top Rares (Gold Crown) – Given to the top 3 Galleries. These will also receive a banner on the Bloodlines homepage for a week following the event.

Getting involved is simple:

Location Owners – If you already have a Haunt, just log into your profile, Edit Haunts, and opt-in via the radio button for the Gallery Tour Event. Make sure to use the Haunt Events calendar to schedule specific times for your events.

Bloodlines players – The Gallery Tour will automatically generate locations in your HUD, under the Haunt button. We’ll also make it clear on the website which locations are participating, so you should be able to easily find the next great location to visit!

At the end of the month on Novemeber 3rd, we’ll wrap it up with an official party / awards ceremony on the Bloodlines sims where we’ll deliver all the prizes, so be sure to stop by. See you there!


Pub Crawl Contest Results

Monday, September 4th, 2017

We had hundreds of Bloodlines members opt their Haunt locations into our Pub Crawl special event, and we have tremendous gratitude towards everyone who participated by decorating, holding events, engaging the Second Life community with Bloodlines, not to mention the hundreds of avatars who attended events and voted on their favorite locations!

Everyone who opted in their haunts to the Pub Crawl 2017 event have received a special limited-edition tank and prism texture that they can apply to their blood tanks or lumen prisms.

Our 3 winners, who will receive an additional limited-edition texture, and have their haunts featured on the Bloodlines homepage for a week are as follows:

The Absinthe Bar


Sanctum of Darkness – Forest Tavern

And our 20 runners-up, who will also all receive an additional limited-edition texture:


.:Shadow Island:. Howlers Rest

EOD – The Legacy Bar

Ye Olde Forbidden Inn:: Family of the Forbidden haunt

Crimson Republic

LA Achievements

Sky Pirates Den

Lamias Stein Eternal 1

Ventrue Toredor Horde

The Masquerade

Evolved Loved Ones – Club & Theater


Queen of Spades Bloodlines Pub

The Devils Hanging Bat Bar


Thirsty Bar and Pub

Tasty Bites Bistro and Bar


Sanguine Pub

Bloody Apples Family

August Soul War Results

Monday, September 4th, 2017

The August Soul War is complete, and we’ve delivered all the Rare textures. The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

For more details on the monthly Soul War gifts, see our original posting here.

Bloodlines Event: Pub Crawl

Monday, July 31st, 2017







We’re excited to announce an official grid-wide Bloodlines Event – The Pub Crawl! It will start on August 1st and run until September 1st.

The Pub Crawl is an event for bars in Second Life. Anyone owning a Bloodlines Haunt can opt-in, and anyone with a HUD will be able to participate in the crawl.

What specifically does this mean for Bloodlines players? It means during that month we’ll be connecting participating Haunts up via the website and the HUDs, so that you can easily travel from bar to bar, and meet up for a drink with people while discovering new Bloodlines-friendly locations.

For Haunt owners, this event means a chance to get your bar or club on the map! The Crawl will provide an influx of new visitors, as well as give you a chance to network with other Bloodlines friendly locations. Players will be able to vote on their favorite Bars, and prizes will be awarded at the end. Mars and Lyle will be visiting participating locations to help with the final judging of the top Bars, and we hope to see you there! On the final day (Friday Sept 1st) we’ll be having an event on the Bloodlines sims, and we’ll give away the prizes.

Voting will start immediately and run the month. During that time, all you need to do to vote is press the ‘Vote’ link next to the Pub Crawl icon on the profile of participating haunts.

Prizes (Awarded at the end of the Month):

Pub Crawl Participation Rare – Given to anyone who opted-in their Bar to the event. (Limit one per avatar)

20 Runner-Up Rares (Silver Crown) – Given to the best 20 Bars

3 Top Bar Rares (Gold Crown) – Given to the top 3 Bars. These will also receive a banner on the Bloodlines homepage for a week following the event.

Getting involved is simple:

Location Owners – If you already have a Haunt, just log into your profile, Edit Haunts, and opt-in via the radio button for the Pub Crawl Event. Make sure to use the Haunt Events calendar to schedule specific times for your events.

Bloodlines players – On August 1st the Pub Crawl will automatically generate locations in your HUD, under the Haunt button. We’ll also make it clear on the website which locations are participating, so you should be able to easily find the next great location to visit!

At the end of the month on September 1st, we’ll wrap it up with an official party / awards ceremony on the Bloodlines sims where we’ll deliver all the prizes, so be sure to stop by. See you there!

June Soul War Results

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

The June Soul War is complete, and we’ve delivered all the Rare textures. The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

For more details on the monthly Soul War gifts, see our original posting here.