***UPDATE 6/7/24 12:52PM: The unexpected behavior that we observed allowed unlocked rewards to be claimed multiple times. Many people took advantage of this, and claimed hundreds of copies of rewards. We are in the process of reclaiming these rewards. Licenses for additional rewards have been revoked. If you received multiple copies of any potions, you will be contacted individually and asked to rez all of the potions to register them so they can be cleared out. For claim flag rewards that were claimed more than once, licenses have been cleared for flags that have not been registered, and registered flags that were used were reversed. For anyone who claimed a texture reward more than once, we have cleared all of those texture licenses, and the records of the reward claims. This means that for checkpoints where you chose textures, you may see an already claimed reward appear unclaimed again, this will allow you to select one reward for that checkpoint again, so that you can keep the texture that you want. Thanks for everyone’s patience and cooperation in helping us to resolve this issue. If you have any questions, please create a ticket here: https://slbloodlines.com/support, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
***UPDATE 9:56PM – ALL CLEAR – The issues with the Season rewards deliveries has been resolved, the HUD is live again and the Season is progressing. Thanks for your patience!
8:58PM Just a heads up – we’re doing unscheduled maintenance on the Seasons HUD, due to some unexpected behavior regarding rewards claiming. The HUD / Season is shut off for the moment, but we’re working hard on getting it back up and running smoothly. We’ll update the blog to sound the all-clear, and thanks for your patience!
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Bloodlines turns sweet 16! We can drive a car, but we may still not be old enough to drink. Either way, that’s a lot of biting, clawing, exalting, corrupting, sapping, potion drinking, soul trading and questing. We couldn’t have done it without you, so please come celebrate our birthday with us!
Join us for an evening of great music, dancing, best costume gift cards and texture giveaways. Raffle textures will be a selection of rare textures from our past years of collectibles!
We’re hoppingly happy to release these Rabbit Rescue themed Legends chests in 10, 25, and 50 pocket sizes. They function just like the basic Legends Resource Chest, but they have a nicer mesh and the ability for texture change and Rare Texture collection.
There are “Haze” chest textures in Piper’s Prize machine now, available by purchase with Carrot Coins from the Rabbit Rescue quest.
*Note: We won’t be doing trade-ins, but the original Legends Chests will continue to work just fine.
You can purchase these chests in our main stores below, or in any Legends affiliate vendor. Happy hoarding!
We are pleased to announce Season 18! As a reminder:
DOUBLE TEXTURE REWARDS – There are 35 unique textures available on the reward path, spread among the 5 container styles + reapers.
SEASON LENGTH OF 6 WEEKS – Checkpoints must be completed during this time to earn rewards, and rewards must be collected prior to the end.
15% EASIER COMPLETION – The points total for completion is 35,000 instead of 50,000. This means less work and faster reward earning.
You earn points for doing challenges, the points increase a progress bar, and when you reach checkpoints you unlock rewards. Both Bloodlines and Legends activities are included in the challenges. The rewards can include: Bloodlines / Legends Products, Metrics, Resources, Rare Goods and Gift Cards.
For full reference information, check out the Seasons Guide.
The Seasons HUD is available free in vendors at our RP regions.
SEASON DURATION: Up to midnight on June 15th, 2024.
Another Zodiac set is out! Again, for ease of keeping track of the releases, we’re attempting to do the new set on the 1st of every month (rather than on the exact dates of the Zodiac calendar) so please keep that in mind. They are in Piper’s Prize machines for Legends Coins now, and the L$ machines are at their respective regions below!
For a limited time, purchase a corresponding potion and you’ll receive a free Potion Cabinet Texture, delivered directly to your rare library.
To be clear – textures are delivered to the purchaser, and it’s one texture per purchase. This includes multi-packs, so if you purchase a 4 Pack of Wormwood, you will get 1 Wormwood Container texture.
This bonus texture delivery will be in effect for at least the next month, but then will go away. Get them while you can! Potions are available on MP, in affiliate vendors, and at our home regions below:
We are pleased to announce Season 17! As a reminder:
DOUBLE TEXTURE REWARDS – There are 35 unique textures available on the reward path, spread among the 5 container styles + reapers.
SEASON LENGTH OF 6 WEEKS – Checkpoints must be completed during this time to earn rewards, and rewards must be collected prior to the end.
15% EASIER COMPLETION – The points total for completion is 35,000 instead of 50,000. This means less work and faster reward earning.
You earn points for doing challenges, the points increase a progress bar, and when you reach checkpoints you unlock rewards. Both Bloodlines and Legends activities are included in the challenges. The rewards can include: Bloodlines / Legends Products, Metrics, Resources, Rare Goods and Gift Cards.
For full reference information, check out the Seasons Guide.
The Seasons HUD is available free in vendors at our RP regions.
SEASON DURATION: Up to midnight on April 27th, 2024.
Another Zodiac set is out! Again, for ease of keeping track of the releases, we’re attempting to do the new set on the 1st of every month (rather than on the exact dates of the Zodiac calendar) so please keep that in mind. They are in Piper’s Prize machines for Legends Coins now, and the L$ machines are at their respective regions below!
Welcome to the Bloodlines Blog! This is the official source of information on the family of Bloodlines games in Second Life: The Thirst, The Rage, Bloodlines Humans, and Bloodlines War.