News and Updates

Bloodlines 5th Anniversary Event

April 20th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

We’re excited to announce an official grid-wide Bloodlines Event – The Bloodlines 5th Anniversary Party! It’s been an amazing 5 years, and we’d like to celebrate.

The event will start on May 1st 2013, and run for 1 week. During that week we’ll be connecting participating Haunts up via the website and the HUDs, so that you can easily travel from event to event, while discovering new Bloodlines-friendly locations. It also means you may have a chance to hang out with Mars Bracken and Lyle Maeterlinck, who will be visiting events as well.

For Haunt owners, this event means a chance to raise awareness of your clan land, club, bar or RP area! The Anniversary Event will provide an influx of new visitors, as well as give you a chance to network with other Bloodlines friendly locations. Players will be able to vote on their favorite Haunt they visited during the week, and the top 3 Haunts will get banners that will run on the Bloodlines homepage.

Getting involved is simple:

Location Owners – If you already have a Haunt, just log into your profile, Edit Haunts, and opt-in via the radio button for the 5th Anniversary Event. Lyle and Mars (and everyone else participating) will be picking party Events to visit based on 1) The photo in the Haunt profile and 2) The Haunt description text, so be sure to put in as much inspiration as you can! Also feel free to use the Haunt Events calendar to schedule specific times for performances, etc.

Bloodlines players – On May 1st, The 5th Anniversary Event will automatically generate locations in your HUD, under the Haunt button. We’ll also make it clear on the website which locations are participating, so you should be able to easily find the next great location to visit!

At the end of the week on May 6th, there we’ll wrap it up with an official party on the Bloodlines sims, so be sure to stop by. See you there, and thanks to everyone for making Bloodlines a vibrant RP community for 5 years running!

New Release: The Achievements

April 18th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

We’re thrilled to announce the release of the latest addition to the Bloodlines system – The Achievements. There are dozens of challenges with multiple levels, each of which can earn you badge icons for your profile, and the envy and esteem of your fellow players!

There are achievements for completing tasks in certain timeframes, or for overall totals. Attempt to become the daily Master at a certain task, or the coveted Global Master leading the game in a particular challenge. Stats tally upwards for collective Clan rankings, showing which Family leads in achievements accomplished. Good luck to those who wish to participate, and look for more Achievements coming soon!

For more information, check the Wikia, or the Achievements Guide pages:

Achievements Wikia Page   Achievements Guide Page


Pub Crawl Contest Results

March 30th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

The winners have been chosen for the 2013 Pub Crawl event, and they are as follows: 1st place went to Dolls of Death, 2nd place went to The Drunk Monk, and 3rd place went to Tudors: The Lounge.

We thank everyone who participated, everyone who voted, and all the players who participated in making this event a success!

If you haven’t visited these locations yet, we suggest you check them out.

Bloodlines Contest: Best Family Photo

March 7th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

This week Bloodlines is running a contest to see who can take the best Family Photo! So get your clan, pack, horde or guild together, and snap a picture.

The contest is free to enter, and you may enter as many times as you like (as long as each photo is different).



How to Enter

1) Take a photo of your pack, clan, guild or horde in SL
2) Put the texture in a notecard, along with your name and the Title of the photo
3) Submit the notecard at the Drop Box:

Bloodlines Contest Drop Box or Bloodlines Contest Drop Box South

Contest Rules

Time: The contest will run for 1 week, ending on March 14th, 2013.

Judging: Entries will be judged by Mars Bracken, Lyle Maeterlinck and Noire Luminos.

Criteria: Entries will be judged based on the overall image, but some things to consider might be setting, lighting, , and the avatars involved. Photoshopping is acceptable.


– Top 7 entries will be hung in picture frames on Bloodlines property.
– 3rd place entry will win a full 100L Lumen or 10L Blood Tank
– 2nd place entry will win a full 150 Lumen or 15L Blood Tank
– 1st Place entry will win a full 200 Lumen Tank or 20L Blood Tank and a Bloodlines Haunt Destination System, as well as a Vial of Mars Bracken’s Lumens or Blood

For any questions, contact Noire Luminos or a Bloodlines Liaison.


UPDATE 3.14.13

The winners have been announced! You can find them listed on the Bloodlines Facebook page, and on the Bloodlines Wiki, and hanging in-world in our Vampire Temple.

Official Bloodlines Event: The Pub Crawl

March 3rd, 2013 by Mars Bracken

UPDATE 3.17.13:

The Pub Crawl starts today! You can now go directly to pub crawl locations by pressing the Haunt button on your HUD and selecting ‘Pub Crawl’. This will give you 6 randomly selected locations that are part of the Bloodlines Pub Crawl. We also have a listing of participating Pub Crawl locations on the Bloodlines website. Also, DON’T FORGET TO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE LOCATIONS! You can vote for your favorite haunts by logging into the Bloodlines website, and pushing the ‘vote’ button on the profiles of your favorite Haunts! Get out there and try some Vital Blood, Moonshine, or Cider at your favorite Bloodlines Haunts!

UPDATE  3.13.13:

Prize Announcement – In addition to winning a 20L tank of Blood (or Lumens), the 3 best bars will get a banner which will rotate on the Bloodlines home page for 3 weeks (1st place) 2 weeks (2nd place) and 1 week (3rd place).


We’re excited to announce an official grid-wide Bloodlines Event – The Pub Crawl! It will start on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th 2013, and run for 1 week.

The Pub Crawl is an event for bars in Second Life. Anyone owning a Bloodlines Haunt can opt-in, and anyone with a HUD will be able to participate in the crawl.

What specifically does this mean for Bloodlines players? It means during that week we’ll be connecting participating Haunts up via the website and the HUDs, so that you can easily travel from bar to bar, and meet up for a drink with people while discovering new Bloodlines-friendly locations. It also means you may have a chance to hang out with Mars Bracken and Lyle Maeterlinck, who will be on the crawl as well.

For Haunt owners, this event means a chance to get your bar or club on the map! The Crawl will provide an influx of new visitors, as well as give you a chance to network with other Bloodlines friendly locations. Players will be able to vote on their favorite Bars, and prizes will be awarded at the end. Also, Lyle and Mars may visit your bar during the event and share with you a bottle of Vital, Moonshine or Cider, and chat about Bloodlines.

Getting involved is simple:

Bar Owners – If you already have a Haunt, just log into your profile, Edit Haunts, and opt-in via the radio button for Official Bloodlines Events. Lyle and Mars (and everyone else participating) will be picking bars to visit based on 1) The photo in the Haunt profile and 2) The Haunt description text, so be sure to put in as much inspiration as you can!

Bloodlines players – On March 17th, The Pub Crawl will automatically generate locations in your HUD, under the Haunt button. We’ll also make it clear on the website which locations are participating, so you should be able to easily find the next hot location to crawl to!

Bloodlines Haunt Update

February 27th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

Greetings everyone! We’ve added some new updates to the Haunt system that we’re very excited about. We’ve already updated the web profiles, and if you own a Haunt you’ll be receiving an updater shortly. Just rez it on the same sim as your haunt, click it, and select ‘update’.

Included in the Update:

1. For haunt owners:
– Ability to activate / deactivate your haunt from your edit haunt profile
– Ability to add managers to your haunt who can add, edit, delete events, and update your haunt profile.
– We fixed a couple of issues, like the 16 avatar sensor limit, and added options for how visitors on your haunt are counted. Just go to settings > area type, and select ‘region’, ‘parcel’, or proximity, and that’s how your haunt will count visitors. For the proximity mode, you can set the range up to 96m.
– Also, if you accidentally mess up the textures on your Haunt, you can go to settings > reset textures to reset them to default.

2. For Haunt visitors:
-You can now show your support for haunts by setting them as ‘favorites’ on the website, and they’ll show on your profile!

Thanks to everyone who had the great suggestions for these features!


Bloodlines Contest: Most Memorable Turning Story

February 21st, 2013 by Mars Bracken

This week Bloodlines is running a contest to hear your most memorable Turning stories. It could be your turning, or one you were present at and witnessed, and it can be either Lycan or Vampire. This time around we prefer “factual” stories; we promise to do more fantasy / RP stories later!

We’ll be awarding 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes, so take a trip down memory lane and tell us your story in 400 words or less. Please include your name in the notecard, and the title of your story.

How to Enter

1) Write out your story on a notecard, along with your name and the Title
2) Submit the notecard at one of our Contest Drop Boxes:

Bloodlines Contest Drop Box   Bloodlines South Contest Drop Box

Contest Rules

Time: The contest will run for 1 week, ending on March 1st, 2013.

Judging: Entries will be judged by Mars Bracken, Lyle Maeterlinck and Noire Luminos.

Criteria: We’ll be considering tone, narrative structure (beginning, middle, end), and of course grammar and spelling will be taken into account.


– Top 7 entries will be immortalized in the Contest section of our Bloodlines Wiki.
– 3rd place entry will win a full 100L Lumen Tank or 10L Blood Tank
– 2nd place entry will win a full 150 Lumen Tank or 15L Blood Tank
– 1st Place entry will win a full 200 Lumen Tank (or 20L Blood Tank) and a Bloodlines Haunt Destination System, along with a Vial of Mars Bracken’s Lumens or Blood, depending on what the winner wishes.

For any questions, contact Noire Luminos or a Bloodlines Liaison.

Happy Hunting!

Noire Luminos, Lyle Maeterlinck, & Mars Bracken


UPDATE 3.4.13

The winners have been announced! You can find them listed on the Bloodlines Facebook page, and on the Bloodlines Wiki.

Bloodlines Contest: Best Lycan Scene Photo

February 9th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

This week Bloodlines is running a contest to see who can take the best photo of a Lycan scene! So get your fur on, go to the most picturesque spot you know in SL, and snap a photo. Your options are wide open – hunting, fighting, running in a pack – it’s up to you.

The contest is free to enter, and you may enter as many times as you like (as long as each photo is different).


.:[ How to Enter]:.

1) Take a photo of a lycan in SL
2) Put the texture in a notecard, along with your name and the Title of the photo
3) Submit the notecard at the Drop Box:

Bloodlines Contest Drop Box

.:[ Contest Rules:]:.

Time: The contest will run for 1 week, ending on February 16th, 2013.

Judging: Entries will be judged by Mars Bracken, Lyle Maeterlinck and Noire Luminos.

Criteria: Entries will be judged based on the overall image, but some things to consider might be setting, lighting, , and the avatars involved. Photoshopping is acceptable.

.:[ Prizes:]:.

– Top 7 entries will be hung in picture frames on Bloodlines property, in the Lycan Temple, until the next contest begins.
– 3rd place entry will win a full 100L Lumen Tank
– 2nd place entry will win a full 150 Lumen Tank
– 1st Place entry will win a full 200 Lumen Tank and a Bloodlines Haunt Destination System

For any questions, contact Noire Luminos or a Bloodlines Liaison.

Happy Hunting!

Noire Luminos, Lyle Maeterlinck, & Mars Bracken


UPDATE 2.19.13

The winners have been announced! You can find them listed on the Bloodlines Facebook page, and on the Bloodlines Wiki, and hanging in-world in our Lycan Temple.


New Stuff! Cider, Blood, and Lumen Bars and Drink Packs … and Bulk Apples!

February 6th, 2013 by Lyle Maeterlinck

Today we have 3 new Bloodlines drinks you can buy and share with your friends: Bloodlines Vital Blood and Moonshine in glass longneck bottles, and Cider in cans. The bottles contain 0.35L of Vital Blood or 3.5 Lumens, and the cans contain 0.35L of Cider, which will restore 7% humanity. You can distribute and share these new drinks in two ways: from affiliate vendor fridges that you set up on your own land, or by buying packs of them to store up or share with your friends.

The fridges come in several different packages, and come with posters and neon signs to hang up and decorate your bar. You can get each of the individual fridges with their associated posters and signs: The Blood Bar, The Cider Bar, or The Moonshine Bar, or, you can get all 3 (plus a Haunt system to place on your land), in The Bar Pack.

You can also buy them in packs of 6, 12, 24, and 48 to take home and store up, or share with your friends! The Vital Blood Pack, The Moonshine Pack, and The Cider Pack all have extensive options for sharing drinks with your friends.

Today we’re also releasing Bulk Apples (at last)! Bulk Apples work just like the drink packs, and also have lots of options for sharing.

Soon, we’ll be holding special events for Bloodlines Haunt bars, so get your Bar Pack, and set up your Bloodlines bar today!


Bloodlines Contest: Best Vampire Bite Photo

January 24th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

This week Bloodlines is running a contest to see who can take the best Vampire Bite Photo! So get your favorite animation, go to the most picturesque spot you know in SL, and snap a photo of you sinking your fangs into the victim of your choice.

The contest is free to enter, and you may enter as many times as you like (as long as each photo is different).

.:[ How to Enter]:.

1) Take a photo of a Vampire Bite occurring in SL
2) Put the texture in a notecard, along with your name and the Title of the photo
3) Submit the notecard at the Drop Box:

Bloodlines Contest Drop Box

.:[ Contest Rules ]:.

The contest will run for 1 week, ending at Noon SL time on January 30th, 2013. Entries will be judged by Mars Bracken, Lyle Maeterlinck and Noire Luminos. Entries will be judged based on the overall image, but some things to consider might be background, lighting, the bite pose, and the avatars involved. Photoshopping is acceptable.

.:[ Prizes ]:.

– Top 7 entries will be hung in picture frames on Bloodlines property, in the Vampire Temple, until the next contest begins.
– 3rd place entry will win a full 10L Blood Tank
– 2nd place entry will win a full 15L Blood Tank
– 1st Place entry will win a full 20L Blood Tank and a Bloodlines Haunt Destination System

For any questions, contact Noire Luminos or a Bloodlines Liaison. Also, We will be running a separate contest for best Lycan Attack later, so please only Vampire Bite photos this time around.