News and Updates

Bloodlines Event: Pool Party 2

March 20th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

BeachParty2Since many of you like our water slides so much, we are having another Pool Party tomorrow. The event will be held a couple of hours earlier, from 2pm SL. We hope more people from different time zones can come hang out! Great music and giveaways to random winners this week as well!

When: Friday, March 21st  2-5pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Pool Party

March 13th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Beach_PartySick of winter weather? Grab your swim suit and get ready to chill out at our Pool Party tomorrow night! We got a pool, giant water slides, bars, great music! Giveaways to random winners.

When: Friday, March 16th

Time: 4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Scheduled Maintenance Tonight: POSTPONED

March 11th, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

UPDATE: Scheduled maintenance tonight has been postponed until tomorrow night, Thursday, March 13, 2014, for the same time, 2-3PM. No scheduled maintenance will happen today. We’re very sorry for any confusion that this causes.


The Bloodlines Thirst, Rage, and Human systems are scheduled to be unavailable from approximately 2:00 AM SL time until approximately 3:00AM SL time tomorrow morning, Wednesday, March 12, 2014 for server updates. Bloodlines War will remain available during this time. We expect this to be the last period of downtime for routine maintenance for the foreseeable future. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

This maintenance period is going to be adding a layer of robustness to our server architecture that will protect us against future problems, and help ensure the availability and durability of Bloodlines for a long time to come.

Please let me (Lyle Maeterlinck) know if you have any questions. Thanks to all of you for making Bloodlines the ultimate vampire community in Second Life!

Bloodlines Event: Alien Party

March 5th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Alien_PartyAttention all beings of the galaxy: Bloodlines would like to invite you, this Friday to our Alien Party! Arrive at our landing pod between 4-7pm SL and as always, please come in peace!! DJ, prizes and intergalactic shenanigans await you!

When: Friday, March 7th, 4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Renaissance Ball

February 27th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Renaissance_ball2First there was the plague… Destroying all life in it’s path. Then, came the Renaissance. The Rebirth. All of Europe reflecting on quality of life. Darkness shifted to light. Come! Rejoice, celebrate and relive the glory of the Rebirth at our Renaissance Ball! Come as your favorite Renaissance Man or Woman and reflect on life, the arts and culture. Prizes for originality and best costumes!

When: Friday, February 28th, 4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines WAR Scheduled Maintenace

February 25th, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

Bloodlines War will be undergoing scheduled maintenance tomorrow morning, February 26, 2014, starting at approximately 2AM. We expect the maintenance to last less than 15 minutes. Only Bloodlines War will be unavailable during this time, all other Bloodlines services will be available. We’re sorry for this inconvenience! If you have any questions, please contact Lyle Maeterlinck.

HUD Updates! Thirst 4.2, Rage 2.2, Human 2.2!

February 21st, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

Announcing The Thirst 4.2, The Rage 2.2, and The Human HUD 2.2! The updates to these HUDs are relatively minor, but important.

First, we have reduced the number of scripts in the HUD by 16, from 24 down to 8. Second, we have fixed a couple of bugs that showed up in the last release, namely a memory error that sometimes showed up in the Thirst Fangs Glamour function, and a problem with custom animations when doing bites in Free mode.

We’ve also added a new feature to the scanner: the ability to get text or web stats on any Bloodlines member from your HUD, just by typing in their name. This is a convenience method so that if someone isn’t online, you don’t have to go to the website in order to get basic stats on them. You can access this feature by pressing the stats button on your HUD, then selecting ‘TYPE NAME’ from the dialog, then typing their name on the specified channel. There is a different channel for each of the Thirst, Rage, and Human HUDs. You can also quickly get stats for someone by typing the command stats:[name] on the specified channel. For example, you could type /7 stats: Lyle Maeterlinck for the Thirst HUD. Scans done in this way don’t count towards achievements, sorry!

The new HUD crates also include an auto-updater for your fangs, claws, bite marks, and claw wounds, so you don’t have to move your animations. You just have to rez your attachments on the ground next to the updater, then touch the updater to start the update process. Please refer to the README notecard included in your crate for detailed instructions, and feel free to let me (Lyle Maeterlinck) know if you have any problems with this process.

Thanks to all of you for being a part of Bloodlines and making it one of the biggest and strongest communities in Second Life!

Bloodlines Event: Mafia Party

February 19th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

MAFIA_PARTYEhhh Paizan! Get ready to get up to no good! Come join the “Family” this Friday at the Bloodlines Mafia Party. Dress as your favorite gangster from any era, real or from a movie and come do what we do.

When: Friday, February 21st, 4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Dark Heart Valentine Ball

February 12th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

DARK_HEART_PARTYAttention all players: Cupid is calling! Bring your sweetheart or come alone looking for love this Friday to Bloodlines Dark Heart Valentine Ball. The more goth and sexy the better! See you there! Love, Bloodlines

When: Friday, February 14th, 4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Beware of Fake Affiliate Vendors

February 11th, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

It has come to our attention that someone has copied the prims and textures of our affiliate vendors, and is passing them out. The fake vendors don’t contain our scripts, but they do contain a script by someone else that asks for permission to take Lindens from your account when you rez the vendor. If you grant permission, it will drain your account of Lindens, and then self-destruct.

No one is authorized to hand out Bloodlines affiliate vendors, and real vendors do not have transfer permission. If someone hands you Bloodlines affiliate vendors, they are fake, and will probably try to drain your account. The only place you can get real Bloodlines affiliate vendors is delivered in a crate from our in-world servers in response to you requesting them from the vendors on Liquid Estate. The servers that the vendors are delivered from are all owned by Mars Bracken, and the vendors themselves will be listed as created by Mars Bracken.

If you have fallen victim to this scam, please check your transaction history by logging into, and find the name of the person that your money was sent to, and file an abuse report on that person for Fraud > L$. Be as detailed as possible in your abuse report.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lyle Maeterlinck directly. Be careful out there!