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Beware of Fake Affiliate Vendors

February 11th, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

It has come to our attention that someone has copied the prims and textures of our affiliate vendors, and is passing them out. The fake vendors don’t contain our scripts, but they do contain a script by someone else that asks for permission to take Lindens from your account when you rez the vendor. If you grant permission, it will drain your account of Lindens, and then self-destruct.

No one is authorized to hand out Bloodlines affiliate vendors, and real vendors do not have transfer permission. If someone hands you Bloodlines affiliate vendors, they are fake, and will probably try to drain your account. The only place you can get real Bloodlines affiliate vendors is delivered in a crate from our in-world servers in response to you requesting them from the vendors on Liquid Estate. The servers that the vendors are delivered from are all owned by Mars Bracken, and the vendors themselves will be listed as created by Mars Bracken.

If you have fallen victim to this scam, please check your transaction history by logging into, and find the name of the person that your money was sent to, and file an abuse report on that person for Fraud > L$. Be as detailed as possible in your abuse report.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lyle Maeterlinck directly. Be careful out there!

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