News and Updates

New Quest: The Amulet of Absolution

June 11th, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, another in the Demon Badlands RP area.

Vanessa Price has left her past life as an Vampire and aspires to eventually become a full fledged Demon. In the meantime help her acquire a Demon Amulet and learn the recipe yourself in the process.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.*

This quest starts with Vanessa Price in Bloodlines South.

* The Demon Infinity Amulet mesh is only craftable by a player who already has an Infinity Amulet of one type or another. Crafting this item does not give Infinity Protection, just the mesh and the icon for your profile. The Amulet mesh is no-transfer (like with normal amulet meshes) so you can only craft it for yourself. You are free as always though to sell / trade the resources necessary to craft it to other avatars.

** The main reward on this quest is the Infinity Amulet mesh. The quest does not return the ‘normal’ amount of coins, Elementum or other rewards per the stamina spent. If you do not have an interest in having / crafting this amulet mesh, you may want to consider doing other quests instead!

New Quest: The Aspirational Amulet

June 5th, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, another in the Angel Havens RP area.

The young angel Aketa isn’t shy about her former life as a Demon – but she wants the Angel Amulet regardless! Help her solve a mystery so she can eventually get her wish, and learn the recipe yourself in the process.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.*

This quest starts with Aketa in Bloodlines North.

* The Angel Infinity Amulet mesh is only craftable by a player who already has an Infinity Amulet of one type or another. Crafting this item does not give Infinity Protection, just the mesh and the icon for your profile. The Amulet mesh is no-transfer (like with normal amulet meshes) so you can only craft it for yourself. You are free as always though to sell / trade the resources necessary to craft it to other avatars.

** The main reward on this quest is the Infinity Amulet mesh. The quest does not return the ‘normal’ amount of coins, Elementum or other rewards per the stamina spent. If you do not have an interest in having / crafting this amulet mesh, you may want to consider doing other quests instead!

Revised Update on Obtaining Metrics From Fresh Victims

June 5th, 2020 by Lyle Maeterlinck

In April we made an update to Bloodlines to try to prevent gaming of the stats through the use of alts. We noticed that some people were obtaining unlimited metrics by registering thousands of alts and using them only for the metrics obtained from the first attack on a fresh victim. Obviously, this is grossly unfair to everyone who plays the game honestly without farming alt accounts. The metrics obtained from fresh victim attacks are meant to be a reward that you get for hunting, not something that gets farmed from alt accounts. In April we made it so that in order to get the metrics from an attack on a fresh victim, you had to have payment info used on your account (used as an indicator of a real, unique account and not an alt), and metrics from fresh victims were limited to 50 attacks per day.

We’ve realized that these limits have been inadequate, and alt farmers continue their practices despite these limits. So, unfortunately, in order to keep the game fair to everyone, we have removed the above limits, and put in place a different limit. We’ve just issued an update so that attacks on fresh victims don’t provide metrics to the attacker until the soul is transferred. When the soul is transferred from a new person to an attacker (either the first attacker, or the first attacker after a Wormwood potion is used), the metrics from the first bite are also transferred at that time. If your metrics are full at the time that this transfer takes place, they will go into your metric reserve instead, and can be obtained from a refill station. This has the additional benefit of removing the previous arbitrary limits. Now, your payment status is no longer a factor, and there is no limit on the metrics you can get from fresh victims in a day.

Ideally this will be the last change we need to make. Thanks for your patience while we’ve struggled with these bad elements. The game should now be more fair for everyone.

New Harvesting Station: The Basalt Mine

June 3rd, 2020 by Mars Bracken
















As we mentioned in our post regarding the update to the Granite Mine, we have released a second mineral harvesting station, “The Basalt Mine”.

There are 30 new resources available in the Basalt Mine, and this is the last large drop of new harvestables that we plan to do for some time. We promise to have Quests and Recipes out soon to make use of all the new resources, including some of our favorites we’ve been holding onto like Radium and Mythril!

One final note (repeated from the Granite Mine post): there is Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum Ore in the new mines. This ore will soon have recipes for crafting into ingots, however we have no plans to ever have it craftable into Coins. Coins are hard-earned resources through Questing and we are going with the RPG logic that coins must be minted by official governments and currency-creators in the world, and ore that is mined will strictly be for ingots and crafting. Having said that, we’ve still made sure to make the precious metal ores Rare and Ultra-Rare, because it ought to be valuable!

Crafting Stations Set 5

May 29th, 2020 by Mars Bracken




We’re happy to announce the release of Crafting Station Set 5! This includes The Forge, The Transmogrifier, and the Carpentry Counter.

These stations already have some function for current Bloodlines Quests, and we’ll be adding quests, resources, and recipes as we go forward. They also have the ability to deliver mesh items with certain recipes.

We tried to keep the stations low land impact while still being an item well crafted enough to use as just rustic decor for your castle, clan land or roleplay area.

The stations are available in our stores at Bloodlines North, Bloodlines South, Bloodlines Midlands, Bloodlines East and Bloodlines West, and will shortly be available on the MP as well as in our affiliate vendors, with a refresh.

Happy crafting!

*Note: As crafting, recipes and quests develop over time, we must reserve the right to alter, add to or subtract from the current resources lists in the stations. We will try to do this only when it’s apparent that something is out of balance.

Bloodlines Event ~ Moulin Rouge

May 28th, 2020 by Liquid Designs

Greetings! Sacre bleu! This weekend we feel like doing some french… dancing. Can-can you join us on Saturday and dance the day away? Great music and giveaways throughout the event!

When: Saturday May 30th, 12pm-3pm SL

Suggested Attire: Burlesque, cabaret, french opera house

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Aimee Novaland

New Gacha Set: Vessel Fantasy 1

May 27th, 2020 by Mars Bracken































We put out a new gacha set of rare textures for the Ether Vessel today! None of the textures have ever been available before. There are two versions of the gacha machine, one that take Lindens and one that takes Legends Gold Coins, earned via Questing. *** Note: on the Legends machines, you will get a paint bucket but it will be empty, you’ll need to manually load the texture from your Library into it.

These machines have a timer on them and will explode (and disappear) 30 days after release.

The machines are rezzed on 4 sims so if one set is busy you can try another location:

Angel Havens Gacha Machines

Lycan Woodlands Gacha Machines

Vampire Islands Gacha Machines

Demon Badlands Gacha Machines

If you’d like to read our original Rare / Gacha release post, it’s here.

New Product: Elder Amulets

May 21st, 2020 by Mars Bracken
















We’re happy to announce the release of the Elder Amulets. As with the other Amulets, they protect against various degrees of the nightly Curse.

We’d like to remind everyone that if you own one of the Infinity Amulets, you have Curse protection across all races – you do not need to purchase an Elder Amulet if you change from another race to Elder and wish for Infinite protection. You can find the Amulets for sale at our store on Bloodlines Midland, or in affiliate vendors.

We also want to announce that we’re opening quests that allow for the crafting of the various Infinity Amulet meshes (and activation of profile icons)  if you already are an owner of one of the Infinity Amulets. The first of these is detailed here: The Elusive Amulet. More to come soon for the other Amulet meshes!

New Quest: The Elusive Amulet

May 21st, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, another in the Mortal Crossroads RP area.

Pastry maker Patrick Sawyer has a new love interest, but to fit in better with her Elder clan he needs the appropriate Amulet to wear at family functions. Help him research how to build it and learn the recipe yourself in the process.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.*

This quest starts with Patrick Sawyer in Bloodlines Midland.

* The Elder Infinity Amulet mesh is only craftable by a player who already has an Infinity Amulet of one type or another. Crafting this item does not give Infinity Protection, just the mesh and the icon for your profile. The Amulet mesh is no-transfer (like with normal amulet meshes) so you can only craft it for yourself. You are free as always though to sell / trade the resources necessary to craft it to other avatars.

** The main reward on this quest is the Infinity Amulet mesh. The quest does not return the ‘normal’ amount of coins, Elementum or other rewards per the stamina spent. If you do not have an interest in having / crafting this amulet mesh, you may want to consider doing other quests instead!

Update to Granite Mine

May 19th, 2020 by Mars Bracken

We made an update to the Granite Mine today that we wanted to elaborate on. Originally the mine only had 7 possible resources in it. Now that the Forge and Transmogrifier crafting stations are out and soon to be released for sale, we’re about to start releasing more quests and craftable mesh items that require metals and ore.

There will be another Mine coming out soon, and between the two we’ve spread out all the new minable resources. These include a lot of rock and stone, some gemstones, and semiprecious and precious metal ores. All told there will be around 60 new resources, 30 or so of which will be now on the Granite Mine.

While we do always reserve the right to update harvesting stations with new resources, we realize this is a large drop compared to the one or two that we add occasionally to the Knolls or the magic map. The original 7 have retained their rarities and it should still be fairly easy to get key ones like Coal and Salt Crystals. And we promise to make good use of all the new resources in Quests and Recipes coming soon!

One final note: there is Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum Ore in the new mines. This ore will soon have recipes for crafting into ingots, however we have no plans to ever have it craftable into Coins. Coins are hard-earned resources through Questing and we are going with the RPG logic that coins must be minted by official governments and currency-creators in the world, and ore that is mined will strictly be for ingots and crafting. Having said that, we’ve still made sure to make the precious metal ores Rare and Ultra-Rare, because it ought to be valuable!