Birthstones Collectible Textures
Wednesday, January 15th, 2025Happy nexta-ing!
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South
Happy nexta-ing!
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South
Another small Nexta set for the holidays! They’re available until Dec 31st.
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South
We put out a small Nexta set for the holidays! As well as a Chest texture in Piper’s Prize Machines. They’re available until Jan 15th.
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South
This is just a quick note to let you know we’re working on updating mesh not only in our items, but around the regions. We apologize for the dust and thank you for your patience! Also, the landing point for all future parties if fixed now at the Bloodlines Pavilion / Hub on North, and we’ve added a walkway displaying (almost) all of our previous events. Feel free to touch the pictures to pick up any past flyers you’d like to have for your collection!
We’re hoppingly happy to release these Rabbit Rescue themed Legends chests in 10, 25, and 50 pocket sizes. They function just like the basic Legends Resource Chest, but they have a nicer mesh and the ability for texture change and Rare Texture collection.
There are “Haze” chest textures in Piper’s Prize machine now, available by purchase with Carrot Coins from the Rabbit Rescue quest.
*Note: We won’t be doing trade-ins, but the original Legends Chests will continue to work just fine.
You can purchase these chests in our main stores below, or in any Legends affiliate vendor. Happy hoarding!
.:[ Vendors ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland
.:[ Vendors ]:. ~ Bloodlines East
.:[ Vendors ]:. ~ Bloodlines South
Today we are releasing three updates to Bloodlines that we are excited to share with you!
This update is intended to make the stat listings and rankings more fresh and current. What this update does is move old accounts into a separate stat ranking called The Eternal Shrine. Any players that haven’t logged in by wearing their Bloodlines HUD in over a year are moved to The Eternal Shrine, where they are ranked only among other members in the Eternal Shrine. Members in the main stat listings are ranked among other players that are currently playing, or players that have logged in in the last year. If you are in the main stat listings, you may notice that your rank in various listings or your generation has gone up, this is a result of some members being moved to The Eternal Shrine. If someone is moved to the Eternal Shrine, all they need to do to get back to the main stats is log into Second Life and wear one of their Bloodlines HUDs. Find out more detail in The Eternal Shrine Guide.
This program constitutes a second chance for many accounts that have been banned over the years. Some people that have been banned in the past for violating Bloodlines Terms of Service or Second Life Community Standards over the years have been granted amnesty. Bloodlines has been around for 15 years now, and many people come to us asking to have their accounts reopened, having realized they made mistakes and wanting to correct them. What we’ve always said is that if we give one person another chance, we have to do it for everyone. This is us giving that chance to everyone. Well, everyone that we believe is safe to offer another chance. Accounts with especially egregious violations, such as deliberate, premeditated malicious activity, or that we believe constitute a danger to the community will remain permanently banned. This does not apply to region or estate bans, this applies to bans from the Bloodlines game. The accounts that have been granted amnesty have violations that we believe are unlikely to occur again. But, as always, we will be vigilant and respond to reports of violations of our terms of service and Second Life community standards by applying our standard moderation procedures. If you are banned and want to find out if you have been granted amnesty, all you need to do is wear your Bloodlines HUD. You will be asked to agree to the Terms of Service again, and once you do, your Bloodlines account will be automatically reactivated. If you are banned and you have not been granted amnesty, and you want to appeal, please send a notecard to Lyle Maeterlinck in-world, and we will review your case. We had a huge number of cases to review, and we may have missed people who should have gotten amnesty.
This is a fun one that we have had some requests for from the community. The Prestige Update allows you to “Prestige” or “Level Up” certain all-time achievements. Which means, you can keep your current levels, but stack them in a similar way to the daily achievements. With daily achievements, you can stack the levels every day, and now with all-time achievements, you can stack the levels each time you Prestige that achievement. Prestiged achievements are indicated with a numbered laurel across the top of the achievement badge, and each subsequent level has a new look. We have updated the combined top player achievement rankings to rank prestige progress and total prestige levels above total medals and total achievements. The benefit of this is that it will allow more fair competition in the rankings, and allow newer players a chance to climb all the way to the top of the rankings by using prestiges. This update won’t affect daily achievements, The Soul War, or family achievements, only certain individual all-time achievements. Read more in The Prestige Guide.
We’ve added a Sweet Dreams texture set to Reapers. There are machines at all 5 regions below. This set will be available until midnight of January 15th, 2024 when the machines will explode!
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South
In Second Life, you may have received a message that looks like this:
Are you tired of paying your Linden Dollars?
Well, we have an interesting solution for you!
with our SecondLive Viewer, everything is free and open.
Unlock unlimited Linden Dollars (L$) for all your virtual adventures.
Fly to unlimited heights.
Build freely on any land of your choice.
And that’s just the beginning.
We’re grateful to everyone who joins us in our mission to make SecondLife entirely free.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!
Best regards.
Linden Labs is currently attempting to shut down our site and blacklist the IP addresses used to host our free land.
we will not be fooled by a multinational that thinks it can do everything! Here is a direct download link in case our site goes down.
If it isn’t obvious to you, this is a phishing scam, and it is not a good idea to download the file they point to. Here are a couple of ways you can identify it as a scam. First, the URL shortener is used, this could forward to nearly anywhere, but it probably forwards to a domain the attacker controls. As soon as you visit it, it will know your IP address and other information about your computer. Anything you type into that website, they will get. Second, they make false claims. It isn’t possible for them to do what they are claiming they can do. The servers that track Lindens and control Second Life land are operated by Linden Labs, and they keep those resources secure. A custom viewer can’t get around this unless it is exploiting some vulnerability in the security of the Second Life servers, but that vulnerability can be patched by Linden Labs. What a viewer can do is collect your Second Life name and password and send it to an attacker who can then take over your account. For that reason, you shouldn’t use any third-party viewer that isn’t listed in the official third-party viewer directory. Also, never type your Second Life password into any site that you clicked on from a link. Type into your browser, or use a bookmark you made yourself. Someone could make a domain that is like If you go to this site, you are really going to, and www.secondlife is just a subdomain. If you own a domain, you can name subdomains whatever you want. Third, if they could hypothetically do what they are claiming, it would be crime. It is not wise to place any trust in online criminals or download things they link you to.
Good luck, and be careful out there!
Edit: here is someone who did some analysis on what the download actually does (spoiler: installs remote administration tools). This link is safe to click, you can see it goes to
We’ve added a Nightmares texture set to Urns, Vessels, Barrels, and Reapers, as well as updated a few of the tank and iron textures from the set. There are machines at all 5 regions below. This set will be available until midnight of November 30th, 2023 when the machines will explode!
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines North
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines West
We’ve added Dark Future texture set to Urns, Vessels, and Barrels, as well as updated a few of the tank and iron textures from the set. There are machines at all 5 regions below. This set will be available until midnight of July 17th, 2023 when the machines will explode.
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South