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13th Anniversary Haunt Winners

Friday, May 7th, 2021













We’re pleased to announce the winners and runners-up of our Haunt Tour Contest. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Very soon, the 3 Winners will get the Gold Rare Textures, the Runners Up will get the Silver, and anyone who participated will get the Participation Rare. Once we send them out, textures will delivered automatically to your Rare Library soon so look for it on your profile, or rez a Paint Can or Bloodlines Container and look for the texture in the menu to download.

Thanks everyone for making this event a success!

Gold Winners

Silver Winners


Bloodlines 13th Anniversary Party!

Thursday, May 6th, 2021

Holy moly 13th years! How is it possible that Bloodlines is finally a teenager? Please come celebrate our birthday with us, we couldn’t do this without you! Speaking of the amazing Bloodlines community, we’ll be announcing the winners of our Haunted Tour. We can’t wait to see you so please join us for an evening of great music, rare texture giveaways, and awesome prizes.

When: Friday, May 7th, 1-5pm

Suggested Attire: Halloween Evening Wear

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Host / Decor: Fawn Madrigal

Grid-Wide Event: 13th Anniversary!

Thursday, April 22nd, 2021

We’re excited to announce an official grid-wide Bloodlines Event – The Bloodlines 13th Anniversary Haunted Tour and Anniversary Party! Bloodlines is officially a teenager now and we’re really in the mood to party! Since it’s our lucky 13th we’re getting a bit spooky this year so if you want to decorate your Haunt location keep that theme in mind!

On May 7th you can tp to the party here: Anniversary Party!

The event starts now (April 22nd) and runs through Thursday May 6th at 12:00pm SLT. We’ll immediately be connecting participating Haunts via the website and the HUDs, so that you can easily travel from event to event, while discovering new Bloodlines-friendly locations. In the last week before the party, Mars and Lyle will be visiting participating locations to help with the final judging of the top Haunts, and we hope to see you there!

For Haunt owners, this event means a chance to raise awareness of your clan land, club, bar or RP area! The Anniversary Event will provide an influx of new visitors, as well as give you a chance to network with other Bloodlines friendly locations. Players will be able to vote on their favorite Haunts they visited during the week. The day after we have made our deliberations (Friday May 7th) we’re having an event on the Bloodlines sims, and we’ll give away the prizes!

To vote on your favorite Haunts, all you need to do is press the ‘Vote’ link next to the 13-year anniversary icon on the profile of participating haunts.


Anniversary Participation Rare – Given to anyone who opted-in their Haunt to the event. (Limit one per avatar)

Runner-Up Rares (Silver Crown) – Given to the best 20 Haunts (may be more or less depending on the quality of entries)

Top Haunt Rares (Gold Crown) – Given to the top 3 Haunts. These will also receive a banner on the Bloodlines homepage for a week following the event. (may be more or less depending on the quality of entries)

Getting involved is simple:

Location Owners – If you already have a Haunt, just log into your profile, Edit Haunts, and opt-in via the radio button for the 12th Anniversary Event. Make sure to use the Haunt Events calendar to schedule specific times for your events. We’re keeping the theme wide open – as long as your space is Bloodlines (or Legends) themed in some way, we’re excited to check it out!

Bloodlines players – The 13th Anniversary Event will automatically generate locations in your HUD, under the Haunt button. We’ll also make it clear on the website which locations are participating, so you should be able to easily find the next great location to visit!

On May 7th, we’ll wrap it up with an official party / awards ceremony on the Bloodlines sims where we’ll deliver all the prizes, so be sure to stop by. See you there, and thanks to everyone for making Bloodlines a vibrant RP community for 13 years running!

Seasonal Event: Rare Spring

Friday, April 9th, 2021

Spring is officially here and with it comes fresh excitement and adventures! Jasper Windsong was flying his airship when magical winds ran amok. He’s landed on the Mortal Crossroads and has different Rare Spring events for you:

  • Carrot  Hunt – A new breed of carrot has been spotted growing on Midland! They seem to be magical, better grab a few before the season ends! Touch all 25 of them to pick a spring carrot that will give you 5 stamina.
  • Egg Hunt – Rabbits from Pleador hibernate in brightly colored egg-shaped pods, and the magical winds keep blowing them out of storage on Jasper’s airship and into the lands about. Find 25 Rabbit Eggs and turn them in for Carrot Coins which can be spent on rare loot.
  • Rabbit Rescue – Some of the Rabbit Eggs have hatched in the chaos, and the bewildered rabbits are running around in need of rescue. Craft an Empty Egg, find a burrow and use your wand to rescue a rabbit and earn larger coin rewards. *This is a challenging quest so see the bottom of this post for tips on how to do it.
  • Gacha & Prizes – Head to the Piper’s Plunder mobile pirate ship, located in the water just below Jasper’s airship at Mortal Crossroads.

He’ll have more exciting quests in the coming weeks as well!

The event is set up right near the Wizard Training Tower at the Mortal Crossroads.

The event will run until May 1st, so if you want any of that loot you’d best get hunting!

*For those non-Legends players who would still like to acquire rare textures, at the end of the month for 1 week we’ll be putting Carrot Coins on sale for Lindens. You’ll still have to wear a Legends HUD and put the coins in your ‘hand’ to take spins, but that’s it. The coins will even out to our normal gacha spin price of 75L / spin (vs. around 50L / spin if you play the quests and earn the coins) but at least there will be an option for you.










































*Rabbit Rescue Tips*

This quest can be tricky to complete, and is unfortunately more susceptible to lag than most. Here are some tips and tricks to know in order to help make it a smoother process:

  • Use the smallest wand wave. It’s a quicker wave (so you can do more) and also creates less visual chaos so you can see the rabbit.
  • Any wand will work, the rabbits don’t have a power requirement.
  • You need 3 successful waves near a rabbit to rescue it. However, if the rabbit goes underground and you have to rez a new one from the burrow, that new rabbit will ‘remember’ that you made progress and you can pick up where you left off.
  • The rabbits are set so that if they are stuck in one place for 5 seconds or more, they’ll teleport back to the burrow area.
  • The rabbits are set such that if they run around for 1 minute and aren’t caught, they ‘go underground’. Just rez another one at the burrow to keep going.
  • Lag does affect these, so in bad conditions the rabbit unfortunately may not fully register. If you’re standing right over it and waving and no effects seem to be happening, wait for the rabbit to go underground and try again by touching the burrow.
  • Last but not least, if you are really stuck and lag is preventing rabbits from registering for you, try another burrow! There are 10 of them over 5 sims, and at any given point you should be able to escape the lag storms that occasionally plague these lands.

Finally, if you feel there is something truly amiss you can always file a ticket and we’ll get you sorted out one way or another! Thanks for your patience and happy rescuing!


Bloodlines Event ~ Saint Patrick’s

Friday, March 12th, 2021


Sláinte! It’s that time of year again, when you must don some kind of green clothing or else suffer the pinching, spanking, and ridicule of your peers. The upside is that you also get kisses and booze! Join us this Friday for a cheerful evening of music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, March 19th, 2-5pm

Suggested Attire: Anything green!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Candi | Host / Decor: Fawn Madrigal

Seasonal Event: Rare Luck

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021

There’s luck in the air and adventure afoot! Charlie the Leprechaun banker at Angel Havens finds himself every year aglow with extra magic during the month of March, and he’d like to share the wealth. He’s got different Rare Luck events for you:

  • Clover  Hunt – There are patches of clover all of Angel Havens, touch them and collect a 4-Leaf Clover to turn back in to Charlie’s Chest at the event landing to collect Leprechaun Gold.
  • Map Hunts – Use Gold Coins or Stamina to purchase treasure maps that Charlie has hand-drawn. There are 25 randomized maps and each depicts a crude drawing of a specific spot somewhere in the 5 regions. If you can find that spot and wave your wand, a pot of gold should rise up, rewarding you with anywhere from 5 to 50 Leprechaun Gold.
  • Gacha & Prizes – Head to the Piper’s Plunder mobile pirate ship store behind Charlie’s home to use Leprechaun Gold to take spins on Rare Container Gacha machines as well as use Leprechaun Gold to purchase mesh holiday items.

In addition:

  • Seasonal Treat Quest – Find 50 (!) Stamina-building treat drinks scattered over the 5 regions. They’re hidden in random objects and decor, you just need to touch the right thing to find the drink. See the previous blog post.

A new landing has been created temporarily for this event here at Angel Havens.

The event will run through April 1st, so if you want any of that loot you’d best get hunting!

Valentines Gacha

Sunday, February 14th, 2021





















We warmly announce a gacha event for this season! With the exception of a few of the Tank textures, most of these have not been made available before.

We have put out both types of gacha machines this time – one that takes Linden dollars, and one that takes Legends Gold Coins. Reminder: the Legends machine does deliver a paint can, but the textures will not automatically load, you have to choose “Load” in the can menu to load the texture that you won.

There are machines at all 5 of our regions, locations below. This set will be available until midnight of February 28th, 2021 at which time the machines will explode.

Happy gacha-ing!

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines North

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines West


Bloodlines Event: Immortal Love

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

It’s the season of love and what better way to celebrate than to hang out with the people you love the most? Won’t you join us for an evening of great music, rare texture giveaways, and awesome prizes?

Mars promises that he’ll be releasing a new set of Gacha textures as well!

When: Friday, February 12th, 2-5pm SL

Suggested Attire: Burlesque, cabaret, french opera house, Moulin Rouge

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Candi | Decor: Fawn | Host: TBA

Bloodlines Event ~ Medieval Ball

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021

We’re feeling quite medieval this week, so what better way to savor that feeling than some good (very) old fashioned jousting? Come celebrate the weekend with us, we’ll have great music, prizes, and awesome texture giveaways!

When: Saturday, February 6, 12-3pm SL

Suggested Attire: Medieval, Ren Faire, Knights and Ladies fair

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: Lord Halostar | Decor: Crystal Starlight | Host: Fawn Madrigal


Jingle Bell Ball

Wednesday, December 16th, 2020

We’ve decided what better way to send off the year 2020 than dressing up in our finest frippery and dancing the day away? We seriously all need to let a load off so please join us for an afternoon of great music, rare texture giveaways, and awesome prizes!

We are so grateful to belong to one of the best communities in Second Life and we can’t wait to show you what we have in store for 2021.

When: Saturday, December 19th, 1-4pm SL

Suggested Attire: Black Tie, Evening wear

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Nadya Ivercourt


We’ve also decided to put out an exclusive texture gacha! These textures will only be available until the new year so definitely come out for your first crack at them!