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Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Bloodlines Event: Clone Party

Thursday, September 25th, 2014

CLONE_PARTYOK…you want a double? No problem, we can make it happen for you! Just come on over to the Bloodlines lab! Let me get your cell sample…and voila!

When: Friday, Sep. 26th  4-7pm SL

Where:Liquid Badlands/South Border

Bloodlines Event: Graveyard Party

Thursday, September 18th, 2014

Graveyard_PartyPssssst! Wanna go party in the graveyard? Come on, don’t be afraid to wake the dead! Come hang out in the spooky darkness of our graveyard this Friday night! We got awesome music and there will be prizes as always!

When: Friday, Sep. 18th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid Badlands/South Border

Bloodlines Event: Gender Bender Party

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

GENDER_BENDER_PARTYYes, that’s right, Gender Bender Party! Have you ever wondered how it’d be like to be the opposite sex? Do you want to challenge the norms or just try it for fun? Whatever your reason may be, come enjoy the party and express yourself!

When: Friday, Sep. 12th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: BBQ Party

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

BBQ_PartyBBQ Party #2 this Friday, September 5th 4-7pm SL See you all there!

Hey! Summer isn’t over, yet!! Join us at our BBQ party this Friday. We got smashing music, food and drinks! Come chill out, dance, lay on the comfy lounge chairs and take a dip in the pool!

When: Friday, Aug 29th  1-4pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Apocalypse

Tuesday, August 19th, 2014

APOCALYPSE_PARTYAttention: All survivors of the Apocalypse! Yes, the time is rough, but the new era has began!! Let us all join at Bloodlines and start rebuilding a new and better world!

When: Friday, Aug 22nd  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Haunted House

Thursday, July 24th, 2014

Haunted_House_partyAre you afraid of ghosts? Come on, you can handle them! Come dance and hang out at our Haunted House tomorrow! You might make some ‘interesting’ friends. Boo!

When: Friday, July 25th  1-4pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Goth Ball

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

Goth_ball_partyUnder the pale moon light, your darkest desires await you. Waltz, dance, and party the night away at our Gothic Ball! Come express the Goth in you!

When: Friday, July 18th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Ice Party

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

ICE_PARTYSummertime and the living’s easy! Feeling the heat? Want to chill out and get some relief from the dog days of Summer? Then we have the perfect solution for you! Come on over to our Ice Party! Through the exclusive manipulation of weather patterns and global warming, we have devised a method to freeze our local water hole!

When: Friday, July 11th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands

Bloodlines Event: Beach Party

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

Beach_Party2Summer is here!! Party at the beach! Sipping Piña Coladas surrounded by sand, blue ocean, tropical sun and pleasant breeze…Hit our beach this Friday! As always, great music and giveaways, too!

When: Friday, June 27  1-4pm SL

Where: Liquid Badlands/South Border

Bloodlines Event: Club Bloodlines

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

Club_Bloodlines2uhn tiss uhn tiss UHN TISS UHN TISS!!!
Do you hear the pounding beat? Follow the sound and come dance with us this Friday evening at Club Bloodlines!! Come as you are. Prizes to random winners this week!

When: Friday June 20th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border