News and Updates

Bloodlines Event: Egyptian Party

February 6th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Egyptian_partyPharaohs and Queens, citizens of all classes: You are cordially invited to Bloodlines Egyptian Party. Apply your makeup and your most prized clothing to pay respect to the ancient and fascinating way of life along the Nile and beyond.

When: Friday, February 7th, 4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border


Scheduled Maintenance Tonight

January 31st, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

Hi everyone, overnight tonight we are having a period of scheduled maintenance starting at about 3:00AM SL time. We expect the maintenance to last for 30 to 45 minutes. During this time, all Bloodlines services will be unavailable, including the Bloodlines website, and all in-world web-connected items. To view the status of the Bloodlines system during the downtime, please stay tuned to

We’re really sorry about this. We take downtime of the system very seriously, and will be taking additional steps to prevent future maintenance episodes of this kind.  If you have any questions regarding the downtime, please contact me (Lyle Maeterlinck) in-world. Thanks!

Bloodlines Event: Wild West Party

January 29th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

WEST_PARTYYeehaw! Ride em cowboy! Strap on your spurs and mosey on down to our Wild West party! Injuns dudes and gals are all welcome…Just leave your guns at the door.

When: Friday, January 31st

Time: 4:00-7:00pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Disco Party

January 22nd, 2014 by Mars Bracken

DISCO_PARTYAre you ready to get down and boogie, cut a rug and take it to the max? Can you dig it? Keep on trucking cool cat cause it’s dynomite… on Friday night… at our Disco Party! All you foxy mamas and funky dudes, be there or be square! Groovy!!

When: January 24th, 2:00-5:00pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border


Bloodlines Event: Pirates and Wenches Party

January 17th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Pirate2Ahoy scallywags and wenches! Row on down to Bloodlines party tonight. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. Argh! Ye best be coming down to claim yer booty before me parrot does!

When: Friday, January 17th

Time: 4:00-7:00pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: New Year’s Ball

January 9th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

NY_PartyHappy New Year, everyone!! Out with the old and in with the new. Celebrate with us tomorrow night to kick off the new year! All the best in 2014!! See you there!

When: Friday, January 10th

Time: 4:00-7:00pm SL

Where: Liquid SouthBadlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Holiday Party

December 18th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

XMAS_PARTYHappy Holidays from all of us at Bloodlines! Let’s celebrate in the festivities and close out 2013 with a bang! Join us this Friday for Bloodlines first ever Holiday Party.

When: Friday, December 20th

Time: 4:00-7:00pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Angels and Demons

December 12th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

Heaven_HellSince the creation of time, there’s been a battle between good and evil. Each side fighting for what they believe. Who’s side are you on? Are you an angel or a demon? Show up as your instinct tells you.

When: December 13th, 4-7pm SLT

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: 50’s Party

December 5th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

50s HOPAaaaeeeeyyyyy! Boys and girls, be bop over to the Bloodlines 50’s sock hop! No school tomorrow, stay up all night, dynamite! Check out our drive-in diner, bowling alley and all the other swell nostalgia of the 50’s. Be there or be square.

When: December 6th  1:00-4:00pm SLT

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Samurai and Geisha Party

November 27th, 2013 by Mars Bracken

Samura2iGuys suit up as samurais, the ancient warrior protectors of the elite society of Japan! Ladies powder yourselves white and wrap yourselves in kimonos. Grab your fans and become beautiful geishas, Japan’s infamous female entertainers!

When: November 29th  4:00-7:00pm SLT

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border