News and Updates

9th Anniversary Haunt Contest Winners!

May 26th, 2017 by Lyle Maeterlinck

We had hundreds of Bloodlines member opt their Haunt locations into our 9th Anniversary Celebration week special event, and we have tremendous gratitude towards everyone who participated in celebrating this milestone with us by opting in, decorating, holding events, engaging the Second Life community with Bloodlines, not to mention the hundreds of avatars who attended events and voted on their favorite locations.

Everyone who opted in their haunts to the 9th Anniversary event will receive a special limited-edition tank and prism texture that they can apply to their blood tanks or lumen prisms.

We’d like to announe our 3 winners, who will receive an additional limited-edition texture, and have their haunts featured on the Bloodlines homepage for a week:

The Shadows Blood River Hearse



And our 20 runners-up, who will also all receive an additional limited-edition texture:

Crimson Republic
Sanctum of Darkness – Bloodlines 9th Anniversary!
Mad Hatters Playhouse
Underworld Empire
The Jungle
Circus Nocturnus
Honoris Fidei Pack
Forsaken Souls Of the Night
Rockin Country Saloon Bloodlines Shop
Rare Texture Display Room
Family Of The Forbidden::EzmiElite
Aeterna HQ
Vendor Room Legacy of Darkness Estate
ENTRY Domini Noctis Requem
Inish Loughlin – Beyond Eternity land
EOD – The Legacy
The Blue Steele Club
Perils In Paradise tamus Pro Veritate Homelands!

Friday Event: 9th Anniversary Awards Party

May 24th, 2017 by Mars Bracken







Come join us Friday as we hand out the participation awards for the 9th Anniversary Haunt Event! We’ll also be doing our usual random number drawings, this week letting winners choose from all our past event Rares. We’ll also have music with a live DJ, dancing, and costume awards. Join us and help ring in 9 wonderful years of the best RP community ever!

When: Friday, May 26th 1-5pm

Suggested Attire: Formal, dresses, suits / tuxedos

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Mars Bracken



Updates to Prevent Gaming of the Achievements

May 19th, 2017 by Mars Bracken

Update 5/23/17: We’ve made some additional changes to the achievements. First, many of you will be happy to know that based on overwhelming community feedback, we removed the throttle on Haunt visits. We realize many people have turned the Haunt-visiting at single locations in to a sort of mini-game, and that the throttling greatly hindered this. We studied and reassessed the situation, and have concluded that this aspect of the achievements, while the requests did seem to be coming in at a high rate, was probably not being automated, at least not by the vast majority of players who enjoyed this activity. We still urge you to strive to visit a variety of different Haunt locations instead of standing in one place at large Haunt farms. You can always access active Haunts using the Haunt button on your HUD.

We’ve also added some additional controls on the biting / clawing achievements (Berserk and Frenzy) in order to make gaming of these achievements using alts less rewarding. If you’re doing these achievements honestly with your friends instead of logging in lists of alts, you probably won’t notice any change. If any of your attacks do get throttled, make sure you aren’t logging in a long list of alts to attack, and instead, try to interact with a variety of real Bloodlines players in order to gain your achievements. Thanks everyone for your feedback and patience with us while we work to address these situations, and please let us know if you have any other thoughts.

Original post follows:

Yesterday we made a couple of adjustments to the Detective, Investigator, Voyager, and World Travels achievements. We believe that some people may have been using automated tools to cheat at these achievements. We commend people on their creativity and motivation in getting these achievements, but we also have to take the measures we can in order to prevent cheating, gaming, and exploits.

Wikipedia defines an exploit as:

“the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game’s designers. Exploits have been classified as a form of cheating”

To be very clear, nobody has hacked or compromised any Bloodlines items; rather some players have found ways to automate avatar logins or clicks in order to cheat at the achievements. We were also seeing things like 4 haunt visits per second, second after second, and thousands of avatar scans that run 24 hours per day. We see patterns in our logs that are clearly not legitimate actions performed by human players. So, we put in place some measures that we hope will make it inconvenient to cheat at the achievements.

This could be referred to as nerfing:

Among game developers, MMORPG designers are especially likely to nerf aspects of a game in order to maintain game balance. Occasionally, a new feature (such as an item, class, or skill) may be made too powerful, unfair, or too easily obtained to the extent that it unbalances the game system. This is sometimes due to an unforeseen method of using or acquiring the object that was not considered by the developers. The frequency of nerfing and the scale of nerfing vary widely from game to game but almost all massively multiplayer games have engaged in nerfing at some point.”

Keep in mind that all scans and haunt visits will keep working just as they always have: you will always get scan data back, and information on haunts no matter what. The only thing that has changed is whether you get achievements for those actions. If you are playing in good faith, and finding real players to scan instead of logging in thousands of alts, and if you are visiting legitimate haunts instead of clicking as fast as you can at a haunt farm, it is very unlikely that any of the updates will affect you.

If you have any questions, please contact Lyle Maeterlinck. Happy achieving!


Friday Event: Steam Pirates

May 18th, 2017 by Mars Bracken






What’s that whirring / clicking sound in the air? It must be steam pirates about to invade, and rob you of your gold and all things steam powered. Let’s just wave the white flag and party while the invasion happens – join us for music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways!

When: Friday, May 19th 3-6pm

Suggested Attire: Steampunk, pirates

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Raevyn Storm | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Mars Bracken

Update: Refill Stations

May 15th, 2017 by Mars Bracken







We are pleased to announce that the refill stations have been updated. They are now all-mesh environments, we’ve (hopefully) made them more easy to use, and there’s particle and sound effects added.

To help raise awareness of their new locations and to celebrate their creation, we’ve made some station-themed Limited Rares which will be available for the next month. From May 15 – June 15, whenever you make a purchase at a refill station you will automatically be delivered a license into your Rare Library for the appropriate cider, blood or lumen container shown above.


New Cider Refill Station – Badlands

New Lumen Refill Station – South

New Blood Refill Station – West

All 3 New Refill Stations – Frontier

Friday Event: Mad Circus

May 10th, 2017 by Mars Bracken

The circus is in town and it’s fun for the whole family! You can hear the cheers from blocks away. Or wait, are those cheers or screams? Hm. Well anyway, join us in the bigtop for music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways!

When: Friday, May 12th 2-5pm

Suggested Attire: Anything circus-related, clowns, serial killers, serial killer clowns

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Mars Bracken

Bloodlines 9th Anniversary Event

May 6th, 2017 by Mars Bracken
















We’re excited to announce an official grid-wide Bloodlines Event – The Bloodlines 9th Anniversary Party! It’s been an amazing 9 years, and we’d like to celebrate.

The event will start on May 19th 2017, and run until May 26th. During that week we’ll be connecting participating Haunts up via the website and the HUDs, so that you can easily travel from event to event, while discovering new Bloodlines-friendly locations. Mars and Lyle will be visiting participating locations to help with the final judging of the top Haunts, and we hope to see you there!

For Haunt owners, this event means a chance to raise awareness of your clan land, club, bar or RP area! The Anniversary Event will provide an influx of new visitors, as well as give you a chance to network with other Bloodlines friendly locations. Players will be able to vote on their favorite Haunts they visited during the week. On the final day (Friday May 26th) we’ll be having an event on the Bloodlines sims, and we’ll give away the prizes.

Voting will start on May 19th and run that week. During that time, all you need to do to vote is press the ‘Vote’ link next to the 9-year anniversary icon on the profile of participating haunts.


Anniversary Participation Rare – Given to anyone who opted-in their Haunt to the event. (Limit one per avatar)

20 Runner-Up Rares (Silver Crown) – Given to the best 20 Haunts

3 Top Haunt Rares (Gold Crown) – Given to the top 3 Haunts. These will also receive a banner on the Bloodlines homepage for a week following the event.

Getting involved is simple:

Location Owners – If you already have a Haunt, just log into your profile, Edit Haunts, and opt-in via the radio button for the 9th Anniversary Event. Make sure to use the Haunt Events calendar to schedule specific times for your events.

Bloodlines players – On May 19th, The 9th Anniversary Event will automatically generate locations in your HUD, under the Haunt button. We’ll also make it clear on the website which locations are participating, so you should be able to easily find the next great location to visit!

At the end of the week on May 26th, we’ll wrap it up with an official party / awards ceremony on the Bloodlines sims where we’ll deliver all the prizes, so be sure to stop by. See you there, and thanks to everyone for making Bloodlines a vibrant RP community for 9 years running!

Friday Event: Western Frontier

May 4th, 2017 by Mars Bracken

Well hello pardner! Feeling parched after a long trip through the dusty week? Come join us for a drink in the land of the tumbling tumbleweeds to enjoy music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways!

When: Friday, May 5th 3-6pm

Suggested Attire: Western, cowboy/girl, horses, etc.

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Lundin | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Mars Bracken

April Soul War Results

May 1st, 2017 by Mars Bracken

The April Soul War is complete, and we’ll be delivering the Rare textures today! The winners can be found listed below:

Month Records   |   Top Individuals   |   Top Families

Congrats to all the Soul Warriors!

Due to popular demand, the Rare gifts for winners of the Soul War will continue. The current texture set will remain in place for May. For more details on the gifts, see our original posting here.

Friday Event: Underwater Trance

April 25th, 2017 by Mars Bracken

What more relaxing way to end the week than by drowning slowly in a charming underwater landscape?  Come enjoy music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways!

When: Friday, April 28th 4-7pm

Suggested Attire: Sea life, mer-people, diving suits, anything water related!

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Aimee Novaland