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Banner Photo Contest

August 17th, 2018 by Mars Bracken
















UPDATE 8.31.18

We’ve chosen the winners for the 2018 banner contest! It was very difficult to judge, thanks to everyone who participated, really excellent work.

Moon Angel
Wiktiri Junibalya – gold
Snowlashes Resident – silver

Moon Demon
Chele Bowenford – gold

Blood Angel
Billy Aedipo – gold
Gunnkar2 Resident – silver

SylBernstein – gold
Mikeblair41 Resident – Silver
Braid Bugatti – silver
LilahCeleste Belar – silver

edge velde – gold
Acrylickitty Resident – silver
Jadebelgie Wylie – Silver
bella cardboard – silver

Catrie Resident- gold
Adriam Carling – silver
RainNight Resident – silver

Midnighttornado Resident – gold
Adriam Carling – Silver

Blood Demon
SylBernstein – gold

calina kestenberg – gold

Nosbor34 resident – gold

Sasch Petrov – gold
Ninurs Resident – silver
Naughtylilkittykat Resident – silver
Aimee Novaland – silver


Bloodlines is having an avatar photo contest! We’ll have a category for each race (including all the hybrids) so there are lots of opportunities to win. These photos will be featured in the banner on our website for each race’s home page!

The contest is free to enter, and you may enter as many times as you like (as long as each photo is different).

How to Enter
1) Take a photo of an avatar (can be yourself or another) of a specific Bloodlines Race. Final dimensions need to be our Website Banner size, so at least 1200 x 300, max 2400 x 600. If you wish, you can submit a photo that is square (1200×1200 min) but make sure that there is a croppable strip appropriate for a banner.
2) Either put the texture in a notecard, along with your name, title of the photo, and the race represented and pass it to LiquidDesigns Resident

– OR –

Submit the photo via the Bloodlines Flickr Photo Contest page. Please name your entry with your avatar and the race represented, or it may not be counted in competition. We recommend using Flickr as your photo won’t suffer SL compression, but it’s up to you. Either way, you may want to periodically check the Flickr page to see what your competitors have been submitting!

Contest Rules
Time: The contest will end on August 31st, 2018.

Judging: Entries will be judged by Mars Bracken, Lyle Maeterlinck and LiquidDesigns Resident

Criteria: Entries will be judged based on the overall image, but some things to consider might be setting/location, lighting, and mood. Photoshopping is of course acceptable. Bloodlines also reserves the right to do slight photoshopping to winners (if necessary) in order to format them for the final banners.

– Top Runners Up (number TBD) in each race category will receive Photo Silver texture for one type of container
– 1st Place Winner in each race category will receive Photo Gold texture for one type of container as well as become the banner for the homepage of that race

We’re looking forward to checking out all the entries and picking the best ones for our site. Good luck!

Bloodlines Event: Jungle Apocalypse

August 16th, 2018 by Liquid Designs


Oh NO we got stranded on a jungle island and the world has dissolved into chaos!! What are we going to do?? Well if you’re anything like us, you figure, why not have a massive party!! Come out this Friday for an awesome night of great music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, August 17, 1-4 pm

Suggested Attire: Old tattered clothes, jungle wear, apocalyptic finery

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Candi | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Fawn

Thirst Store Update

August 8th, 2018 by Mars Bracken






As part of our ongoing effort to get the sims ready for the RPG Expansion, we’ve updated our Thirst store on Bloodlines East! All the vendors should be working, but if you see any out-of-place prims do let us know.

Aside from the upcoming Angel and Demon refill stations, this concludes the update of the store areas. Next up is a revamp (no pun intended) of the RP areas, in preparation for the RPG Expansion and Quests this Fall.

Bloodlines Event: Winter In August

August 1st, 2018 by Liquid Designs


Shhh… Do you hear what I hear? What… Is.. Is that sleigh bells? Do you hear it too? Suddenly the whole forest is covered in snow! I guess climate change isn’t fake news after all. Oh well, might as well enjoy our last days on earth. Please join us this Friday for a night of fun and merry making as we deck the halls and troll the ancient yuletide carols. We’ll have a costume contest or two and probably some rare giveaways, oh and there will be music as well brought to us by the always spirited, Lord. Please join us, and bring some hot cocoa!

When: Friday, August 3, 4-7 pm

Suggested Attire: Holiday wear, ugly sweaters, winter gear, cross country skis, etc

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Aimee Novaland

Bloodlines Event: Steampunk Gala

July 20th, 2018 by Liquid Designs


This Friday we dressed in our steampunkiest duds dusting off our dancing mechanical shoes to dance the night away at Bloodlines’ Steampunk Gala!  Channel your inner clockwork gear and join us this Friday for a night full of costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music!

When: Friday, June 20, 4-7 pm

Suggested Attire: Steampunk eleganza

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Aimee Novaland

Lycan Store Update

July 18th, 2018 by Mars Bracken






As part of our ongoing effort to get the sims ready for the RPG Expansion, we’ve updated our Lycan store on Bloodlines Midland! All the vendors should be working, but if you see any out-of-place prims do let us know.

We’ll have more updates coming soon!

Bloodlines Event: Summer Carnival

July 6th, 2018 by Liquid Designs


Step up step up ladies and gents! It’s the time you’ve all been waiting for, the Bloodlines Summer Carnival! Can you smell the popping corn? Can you hear the ping ping ping of the games as someone gets to take home the big stuffed bear? What a delight! Please join us this Friday for a night full of costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music!

When: Friday, July 6, 2-5pm

Suggested Attire: Anything you’d wear (or eat?) at the fair!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Syn Vicious | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Ivy Vicious

New Gacha Sets!

June 27th, 2018 by Mars Bracken





The 3 new sets of Gacha textures are in the machines as of today!

The machines are still rezzed on each of our sims, so if one set is busy you can try another location:

Bloodlines Midland Gacha Machines

Bloodlines North Gacha Machines

Bloodlines South Gacha Machines

Bloodlines East Gacha Machines

Bloodlines West Gacha Machines

These 3 sets will be out for about a month and then we’ll pull them back.

If you’d like to read our original Rare / Gacha release post with further details, it’s here.

Fury HUD Update 1.4

June 26th, 2018 by Mars Bracken






Angel and Demon attacks (both on their respective HUDs and this new Fury HUD) do not yet count towards achievements (Embracer, Enrager, etc.). We do plan on integrating these HUDs and attacks into achievements (as well as creating new specific achievements for Angels and Demons) but for the time being be aware that they do not generally count. An exception is the Determined achievement, which will tally with the new HUDs.


We’re happy to announce that we’re updating the Fury HUD to version 1.4 today. The HUD will now be useful for any combination of 2 Bloodlines races (excluding Humans). You can set the race combination in the settings menu, and as long as you have the HUDs / Nexus objects for the appropriate races, the functions should all work great.

We’ll be sending out an auto-update for anyone who currently owns the Fury HUD.

Thanks for everyone bearing with us during this time of great change! We’ll have more updates to announce soon.

Human Store Update

June 23rd, 2018 by Mars Bracken






In the process of getting ready for our big Human HUD update coming next month, we’ve updated our Human store on Bloodlines Midland! All the vendors should be working, but if you see any out-of-place prims do let us know.

We’ll have more updates about the Human HUD update coming soon!