We wanted to let you all know that we’ve set up caching for the families section of the Bloodlines website. This means two things:
The families listing and family profile pages should load faster.
Any stats on the pages are going to be temporarily cached. This means that any stats you view in the family listing or on the main family profiles may be up to 5 minutes old. If you notice that a stat isn’t updating on your family profile, just wait about 5 minutes and refresh the page.
If you want to view live non-cached stats for achievements, you can go to your family’s achievement or soul war progress page by clicking on the ‘view progress’ links on your family’s profile.
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This Friday we are entering a world of magic and enchantment! This magical wonderland is perfect for acting out all your fairytale dreams. Please bring your best paintbrush and join us this Friday for a night full of costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music!
When: Friday, January 18, 4-7pm
Suggested Attire:Alice in Wonderland, decks of cards, mome raths, anything fantastical !
Update 1/31/2019: some people have asked for more reasoning for why we’re making this change, here is the explanation:
Many people have trouble with this achievement, we get several support requests every day asking for this achievement to be reset because they failed to log in. Sometimes HUDs don’t connect when people log in, and they have to go through the process in our blog post where they check the website to make sure it counted up. We can’t send a message to people about this every time they wear their HUD without sending a message every time everyone wears their HUD. This way, we can give an explicit update message to people when they touch the well, and they have to take an explicit action to update the achievement, instead of something that people assume happens automatically, but sometimes doesn’t.
Now, instead of the procedure being: look at the website, log in, look at the website again, reattach until it counts up, it’s: go to the sim, click the well, see a fun magic particle effect, and get a message tell you exactly what your status is.
Original post follows:
We’ve made an update to the sims which will affect the Determined achievement. This update should create more reliability with the achievement (for some users who were having difficulties) and add some interactive fun for everyone!
At the center of each main store is a Determined Well. If your avatar is within 10 meters and you touch the well, it will register your Determined point for the day as well as trigger a particle and sound effect. The locations of the wells are below:
Until February 1st, the Determined achievement points will register the normal way (via HUD check-in) and via touching the Determined Wells. At the end of the month (February 1st, 2019) we will turn off the HUD check-ins and all Determined points will need to be registered via touching the wells.
This update will help make getting the Determined Achievement a bit less mysterious, because after touching one of the wells, you’ll get a message letting you know the exact status of your achievement, and you should no longer need to follow the procedure that we outlined in our previous Determined post here.
Thanks for the great suggestions, and stay tuned for more updates!
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It’s the first Bloodlines Event of the year and we are back with a vengeance! We’re ready to dance and party like it’s 1999…. just 20 years too late. Make it your resolution to join us for a night of dancing to a live DJ, best costume contests, and Rare Texture giveaways.
When: Friday, January 4, 2-5 pm
Suggested Attire: New Year’s hats, glasses, whatever you’d wear to a New Year’s Eve celebration!
HAPPY HOLIDAZE!!! Bloodlines is giving you the opportunity you’ve been waiting for – a chance to put off shopping just a little bit longer. Please join us this Friday for a night of prizes, costume contests, and awesome music!
Aliens and Astronauts and Asteroids Oh MY!! You guys, it’s finally time – time we went back into space. IT’S TIME TO PORT-Y!!!! Please come and enjoy our spaced out evening of music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.
When: Friday, December 14, 1-4pm
Suggested Attire: Astronauts, aliens, or anything you’d wear on your next space adventure
This Friday Bloodlines is under da sea! We’ve sunken way down deep into the watery depths of Davy Jones’ locker, and we’re searching for treasures. Please join us this Friday for a night full of costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music!
When: Friday, November 30, 3-6 pm
Suggested Attire: Atlantis citizens, mermaids, underwater creatures, the Kraken, etc
This Friday Bloodlines is being taken over by fantastical creatures! We’ve been seeing little slithers and sparks in the shadows and with the help of our spectrespecs we can see them all! Please join us this Friday for a night full of costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music!
We’re excited to announce the first release in the Bloodlines Legends RPG Expansion: The Claim Flag!
This item allows you to discover Second Life regions, getting your name permanently listed in the Bloodlines Legends records. You can also use flags to try and take over land claimed by another avatar, do battle with other races for control of land areas, and raise the level of regions which affects treasure and resource discovery levels.
The Flags come in 3 types: a 1-point flag, a 10-point flag, and a 25-point flag. They are all single-use, but will contribute that many points to the ownership of the land.
It’s finally Friday! Look out but it looks like somethin’ real spooky is going on around Bloodlines! Ghosts, and goblins, and ghouls, oh my!! Please join us this Friday for a night full of costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music!
Welcome to the Bloodlines Blog! This is the official source of information on the family of Bloodlines games in Second Life: The Thirst, The Rage, Bloodlines Humans, and Bloodlines War.