News and Updates

Bloodlines Event ~ Of The Gods

March 29th, 2019 by Liquid Designs

Lords and Ladies, Gods and Goddesses, you are cordially invited to the court of Zeus for a most spectacular party, fit only for the Gods! Dust off those togas, don those robes, and Join us for an evening of great music, best costume contests, and Rare Texture giveaways!

When: Saturday, March 30, 12-3pm

Suggested Attire: Togas, Gods/Goddesses, monsters from Greek Myths (Cyclops, Gorgon, Centaur, Pegasus, etc.)

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord | Decor: Lilahceleste Belar | Host: Aimee Novaland | Rare Texture: Hosea Whitfield | Event Organizer: Aimee Novaland

New Release: The Chrysalis & Furnace

March 20th, 2019 by Mars Bracken

We’re stoked to announce the release of The Chrysalis and The Furnace! Now angels and demons can join the other races, hibernating in style.

These items function much the same as our other coffins, with the ability to send metrics to other avatars whether they be online or nearby.

You can find these beauties at Bloodlines South and Bloodlines North, as well as in our affiliate vendors as of today!

New Release: Ether and Ichor Bonds

March 15th, 2019 by Mars Bracken

We’re elated to announce the release of the Ichor and Ether Bonds! Now angels and demons can propose to those they care about with their very own specialized bond ring boxes and rings.

The Bonds function much the same as our other bonds, with the addition of a HUD that allows you to send Charisma and metrics and interact with other settings, without having to touch the ring itself. The rings are mesh, but not bento rigged; they are however attached to the ring finger attach point, which (with a little adjustment) should work / animate with almost all mesh bodies and hands. We did this to keep the ring editable, and also so that those with certain kinds of mesh bodies would not be excluded from using it!

As with the other Bonds, we have Ring redelivery terminals set up at our main stores. You can find them to the left of the main Torment and Ascent HUD vendors, at Bloodlines South and Bloodlines North, respectively.

Bloodlines Event: St. Patrick’s Day

March 14th, 2019 by Mars Bracken







Sláinte! It’s that time of year again, when you must don some kind of green clothing or else suffer the pinching, spanking, and ridicule of your peers. The upside is that you also get kisses and booze! Join us this Friday for a cheerful evening of music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, March 15th, 4-7pm

Suggested Attire: Anything green!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Syn | Decor: Aimee Novaland | Host: Lilahceleste Belar

Rare Texture: Hosea Whitfield | Event Organizer: Aimee Novaland

New Achievements!

March 2nd, 2019 by Mars Bracken





We’re thrilled to announce the release of new achievements for Angels, Demons, and Humans that support them. There are over two dozen new challenges with multiple levels, each of which can earn you badge icons for your profile, and the envy and esteem of your fellow players!

We’ve made an update to our Rarity calculation as a result of the new achievements. There are certain achievement requirements in order to reach certain soul rarity levels, such as that you need 7 or more achievements at level 5 in order to reach Ultra-rare soul status. Before this update, there were four frenzy and berserk achievements, but now there are eight. Only four frenzy and berserk achievements will continue to count towards the rarity requirement, in order to maintain the same level of difficulty for the rarity levels. So, any four out of the eight total frenzy and berserk achievements will count for rarity.

We made a similar update to The Soul War medal award system. There are medals you can win in soul war for getting certain numbers of achievements to certain levels, such as getting 5 different achievements to level one to get the Wooden Star. Only four out of the eight Frenzy and Berserk Achievements will count towards Soul War Medals. You can still do all eight, and they still count for Soul War Progress and rankings. You just won’t be able to use only Frenzies and Berserks to get the Wooden Star and other medals, you will have to get other achievements as well.

Again, the goal of the above two updates is to maintain the same difficulty level of getting medals and rarity, while just expanding the number of achievements that there are to choose from to get medals and increase rarity.

And finally, this month we’ll be releasing a completely new style of Soul War Rare textures! Details on that are to come, but the gist is that we will be retiring the previous Soul War Rare design and replacing it with a new one. Also, the way in which textures are delivered will change; currently if you win a Soul War category, you get a texture for multiple container designs. Since we’ve added two containers, delivering 5 different versions of the same award texture (especially when not everyone owns every type of container) seems a bit overkill.

Starting on April 1st, if you win a Soul War category you will be delivered just one rare texture, and it will be in the container type of whatever your dominant race is on the 1st. So if you are demon-dominant, you’ll be delivered an Urn Soul War Rare texture for your winning category, if you’re angel-dominant you’ll be delivered a Vessel Soul War Rare texture, and so forth. More details on the new style of Soul War Rare texture will be released soon, so stay tuned to this blog!

For more information on achievements, check the Wikia, or the Achievements Guide pages:

Achievements Wikia Page   Achievements Guide Page

Bloodlines Event: Final Frontier

March 1st, 2019 by Liquid Designs

Do you ever have one of those days you feel like you need to get out of here? Like off of this planet out of here? Well come on down to Bloodlines and party extraterrestrial style with us this Friday! Join us for an interstellar evening of music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways!

When: Friday, March 1, 3-6pm

Suggested Attire: Aliens, Spacesuits, Cyberpunk, or anything you’d wear on your next space adventure

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Lilahceleste Belar | Host: Aimee Novaland

Rare Texture: Hosea Whitfield | Event Organizer: Aimee Novaland

New Release: Ether and Ichor Vials

February 27th, 2019 by Mars Bracken
















We’re happy to announce the release of the Ichor and Ether vials! They work just like our other range of vial products, except of course with these you can use precious ether and ichor metrics to fill them.

***Note: these vials will need to be rezzed on the ground at least once, in order to make them transfer.

You can read more on the Ether Vial and Ichor Vial gear pages. You can buy the Ether Vial at Bloodlines North, and you can buy the Ichor Vial at Bloodlines South.

Happy vial trading!


Ether and Ichor Refill Stations

February 26th, 2019 by Mars Bracken














We are pleased to announce that the Ether and Ichor refill stations are live. They should work just as the other refill stations do, and there are info notecards available at the sites.

Thanks for your patience on these, and stay tuned for more Angel and Demon developments coming soon!


New Ether Refill Station ~ Bloodlines North

New Ichor Refill Station ~ Bloodlines South

New Release: Ether and Ichor Siphons

February 25th, 2019 by Lyle Maeterlinck









We’ve just released the Ether and Ichor Siphons! Now you can more easily and quickly transfer large amounts of Ether and Ichor between your Vessels and Urns.

If you’re familiar with our other siphons, we’ve updated these to be easier to use. There are fewer menus to click through, you only need to select ‘siphon’ on the siphon menu, then press the select button on your source container, then press the select button on your receiving container, then select the amount.

You can read more on the Ether Siphon and Ichor Siphon gear pages. You can buy the Ether Siphon at Bloodlines North, and you can buy the Ichor Siphon at Bloodlines South.

Bloodlines Event: Castle Nights

February 6th, 2019 by Liquid Designs

Attention all Lords and Ladies, the honor of your presence is kindly requested at the occasion of the Bloodlines Event this Friday. There will be bards and minstrels aplenty, who knows maybe a dragon will show up. There will be costume contests and prize giveaways, be there or a pox be upon ye.

When: Friday, February 8th, 4-7 pm

Suggested Attire: Medieval garb, Knights, Dragons, Princes, and Princesses

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Aimee Novaland