We will send this out in a notecard in the Legends group as well, but here are the recent updates!
We’ve put out a gacha machine with the Ghost Hunter texture from the release of the Shards quest. There are texture for all 6 container types and the chances of getting them are even across the board. The machine operates like the Legends Banner machine and takes 2 Gold Coins for a spin. The machines will be on East, West, South and North and will be up for at least a few weeks.
Rumor has it that on Monday trader Tabitha Manx is going to change the resource she’s buying, from Broomstick Twigs to Iron Bolts. Cash in those twigs if you haven’t yet!
We have been making great progress on the Demon quests and should be announcing a release party for the Demon Badlands RP Area and Quests next Friday, so stay tuned for that! Nothing will be active there until then however so please do not come looking for Quests or activities until we announce it.
We made Stamina Packs no-drop today, but for those that are saddened at their inability to share stamina with friends or minions, we have a Food crafting station in the works and will soon have consumable Legends Foods that will give stamina when you eat them. We’ll post here on the blog when that is out, along with more information about crafting Recipes and how to unlock them.
We’ve added escape buttons to a few locations on the sims, which look like the Snail Shell that is above the Portal Doors that you use to TP around the sims. The Snail Shell button is now in the center of the Minotaur maze, as well as the top of the Wizard Tower, and touching it will magically zoom you back to the TP landing area. We will add more of these escape buttons as we find areas where they are appropriate.
We did a behind-the-scenes update to your HUDs, and now if you touch two pockets filled with the same type of resource it will combine them into one pocket (assuming you have enough room in one pocket for it all). Hopefully this will make it a little easier to manage the Backpack inventory.
Just another reminder on this – whether you had heard or not, up until last week it had been possible in the RP areas to avoid some stamina losses via creatures by just allowing yourself to go to 0 Stamina before encountering them. The system would tell you didn’t have enough stamina to continue, but you could keep questing / performing necessary actions with the monsters regardless.
Today we updated the monsters so they have the ability to eject you from the sim. If you take damage from a ghoul, or minotaur, or blister bramble etc. and you don’t have enough stamina in your bar to absorb the hit, you will ‘lose consciousness’ and find yourself waking up elsewhere (either on another of our sims, or else at your SL Home Location).
Happy Friday, Happy Questing, and have a great weekend!