News and Updates

New Legends Quest: Scent O’Mental

January 12th, 2020 by Liquid Designs

Greetings Legends! We’re delighted to announce a new quest is being released today. A mysterious stranger has dropped off a package with Hugo for you, who was that man and what could be in that box? The answers may surprise you! The quest rewards are listed above. This quest starts with Hugo on Bloodlines Midland.


New Release: Angel & Demon Bar Packs

January 10th, 2020 by Mars Bracken
















We’re happy to announce the release of the Angel and Demon Bar packs!

You can now set up vending machines, bar taps, posters and neon signs. You can vend Ichor and Ether bottles and shots, earn a commission, and take your clan land or club to the next level.

You can buy these at their respective sims Bloodlines North and Bloodlines South. They will also appear immediately in affiliate vendors (with a refresh) under Tools.

Happy Hunting!


Bloodlines Event ~ Fall Y’all

November 27th, 2019 by Liquid Designs

Hey y’all, are you sick of family obligations yet? If you’re anything like us, you really need to cut loose. After all, it’s Fall Y’all! We need to get down and party and share some fun times with our friends. So come join us for a night of music, prizes, and rare texture giveaways!

When: Friday November 29th, 4pm-7pm SL

Suggested Attire: Fall Attire, sweaters, cozy jammies, anything that says Fall!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Fawn Madrigal 

New Product: The Determined Wells

November 22nd, 2019 by Mars Bracken
















We’re happy to announce the release of the Determined Wells! They work just like the wells on our sims, but you can own and Rez them on your clan or family lands.

You and your friends can check in for the Determined achievement conveniently and also have a nice race-oriented decorative well with particle effects as decor.

There’s a well for each race, and you can buy them at their respective sims Bloodlines NorthBloodlines South, Bloodlines East, Bloodlines West, and Mortal Crossroads. They will also appear immediately in affiliate vendors (with a refresh) under Accessories.

Happy Hunting!


New Release: Ichor and Ether Altars

November 20th, 2019 by Mars Bracken








We’re happy to announce the release of the Ether and Ichor Altars! They work just like our other altars, but are tailored for the angel and demon races and their metrics.

You can buy the Ether Altars at Bloodlines North, and you can buy the Ichor Altars at Bloodlines South. They should also appear immediately in affiliate vendors (with a refresh) under Tools.

Happy sacrificing!


Rarity Update

November 20th, 2019 by Lyle Maeterlinck

We’ve just updated the rarity requirements to include all of the new Angel and Demon items. Rarity will probably not change for most people except those who only own Angel and Demon items.

The update was done in a way to make sure that it is fair to everyone. For example, if there were two items available in a given category for two rarity points, and now there are four, there are still only two possible rarity points available in that category, even if you own more than two. So, someone who owns the Spike and the Absolver previously only had one rarity point for the Spike, but now will have two in the Enhanced Metric Collection category, and someone who previously had the Spike and Rampage Claw will still have one point for each of these in that same category.

For more details on how the new rarity points are totaled, please see the rarity section of the game guide.

New Release: Ichor and Ether Scanners

November 18th, 2019 by Mars Bracken









We’re happy to announce the release of the Ichor and Ether Scanners! They work just like the scanners from other races, but tailored to Angels and Demons.

You can buy them at their respective sims Bloodlines North, and Bloodlines South.They will also appear immediately in affiliate vendors (with a refresh) under Tools.

Happy Scanning!


Legends Update: Notice Boards

November 17th, 2019 by Mars Bracken



We’ve made a small but hopefully very helpful update to the Legends RP sims. There are now Notice Boards that will give clues or notice information for new quests that are available. Just touch the board and see what you find! We’ll be adding almost every new quests released to these boards as we go, so also make sure to check back in periodically.

There are currently two boards per sim (one at the portal / landing and another in that sim’s town) on the Woodlands, Badlands and Crossroads sims. We’ll add notices to the Angel and Vampire RP areas as they open up. The boards do not actually start quests for you. They just provide some information on where to find a lead, and usually a character name that you can be looking for to talk to in that area.

Happy questing!

New Legends Quest: Spooked Sweethearts

November 17th, 2019 by Liquid Designs

Greetings Legends! We’re delighted to announce a new quest. Garrick Flint, one of the local musicians needs some help finding his one true love. The quest rewards are listed above. This quest starts with Garrick on Bloodlines West.

Please note – because we discovered a couple bugs while testing if you have previously finished the quest, or gotten through part of it, it may show on the website that you are stuck on a certain portion. This is not actually the correct status, wherever you last left off on the quest is actually where you are and you still have the achievement etc. The only way to show the correct progress on your Bloodlines quest page is to re-do the quest. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by filing a ticket.

New Legends Quest: Murky Machinations

November 4th, 2019 by Liquid Designs

Greetings Legends! We’re delighted to announce a new quest. Gil-Man, a mer-creature under the local water is concerned that someone is trying to harm his fellow water folk. The quest rewards are listed above. This quest starts with Gil-Man on Bloodlines West.

We’re really excited to be bringing more quests to you very soon. Thanks for your patience while we were getting more quests together and let us know if you have any questions or comments! Hope you guys have fun!