April 21st, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, another in the Angel Havens RP area, with a little crossover to Mortal Crossroads.
Vincent Montague has lost touch with a close friend, but when he sends you to investigate you end up getting wrongfully accused of murder! Work to clear your name, solve the mystery and help the people of Angel Havens.
The quest rewards are listed on the flyer. This quest starts with Vincent Montague in Bloodlines Midland.
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April 17th, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’ve made a few small additions that should add fun going forward: Hidden Quests and Randomization.
Hidden Quests will be smaller tasks or adventures that may not show up in your Quest Journal, but will give repeatable rewards for those in-the-know. The first of these has been launched today. In the Telescopic Troubles quest where you craft the mesh Root Elixir bottle and create a Root Elixir resource to heal a tree, afterwards the tree reports to you that, “if you try the elixir on random trees in the world, sometimes it will work and they will reward you”.
The first tree has been activated on Angel Havens. You must use wand-waving to reveal it, and then use a crafted Root Elixir to heal it, and it will reward you. This hidden quest is repeatable occasionally, and we will likely add a few more trees around once we’re sure this new mechanic is working smoothly.
Which brings us to the second small update: we’ve added randomization of loot to the reward that the tree offers, so that it varies how large or small the rewards is based on a random spin. Thus far in Legends the rewards have been predictable, and we’ll still have many quests where the reward is consistent. However for various things – damage, loot, some conversations – we’re hoping some randomization will make the adventures even more interesting and realistic.
So feel free to wander the forests of Angel Havens waving your wand, with a Root Elixir at the ready – and keep an eye out for more Hidden Quests and randomization mechanics in the future!
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April 14th, 2020 by Mars Bracken
A few days ago we made a couple of adjustments to the way attacks on fresh victims work. It became apparent that some players were logging in thousands of alts a day to game fresh victim achievements and farm free blood. This presented a risk that a) the achievements would become meaningless and b) metrics would be come worthless. As always we commend people on their creativity and motivation in getting these achievements, but we obviously have to take the measures we can in order to prevent cheating, gaming, and exploits.
The two changes we’ve made are as follows:
- Without Payment Info Used (not just “On File, but “Used”) in a profile, that player will be unable to gain metrics from attacks on fresh victims. All other attacks and achievements will continue to work fine for these players.
- While any player with Payment Info Used will be able to make as many attacks / achievement attacks a day as they like on Fresh Victims, they will get a max of 50 attacks worth of metrics for that day from fresh victim attacks. Normal attacks on non-fresh victims will works as normal.
Hopefully for most of you these changes will not affect you at all. We do realize that by preventing the extremely bad actors from being able to game the system, this will affect some who did not intend to harm the community. All we can say is that in order to protect the integrity of Achievements and the value of metrics in the system, we have to shut off avenues where exploitation is possible.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this policy change, please file a ticket in our support system and we’ll respond: http://slbloodlines.com/support
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April 8th, 2020 by Liquid Designs

Hello All! Ahh Spring…The sun is shining and birds are chirping! Do you feel the warm breeze and smell the blooming flowers? Come to our Spring Fling this Saturday and dance the day away! Great music and giveaways throughout the event!
When: Saturday April 11th, 1pm-4pm SL
Suggested Attire: Formal attire, Spring attire, anything that makes you feel spring has sprung!
Where: Bloodlines West
Music: DJ Candi | Decor: Fawn | Host: TBD
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March 29th, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, another in the Angel Havens RP area.
The Angel Orion, Steward of the Observatory, uses his enchanted telescopes to find and help people in need around the Angel Havens. He could use an extra hand with some of the more challenging adventures, and the citizens you help will be grateful!
The quest rewards are listed on the flyer. This quest starts with Orion on Bloodlines North.
*UPDATE 3/31/20:
We had some players reporting issues with getting the Glow Bulb Seedlings to appear out of the ground. At first we thought this was due to the mesh not appearing correctly. We uploaded new higher resolution Seedlings, as well as recommended upping LOD settings to 2.5 on your viewer.
While we always recommend seeing SL as beautifully as your machine can handle, we think we tracked down the actual source of the complaints:
Apparently there was a misunderstanding that the Bulbs were to be found near the bases of the full-sized Glow Bulb Trees. While a few of them are in this area, the rest of the Seedlings are spread out around a much wider area. See the below image to see the zone to look for the Seedlings in:

Also, we had some tickets stating that the last tree, Horvac, was not responding to wand waves. We believe we’ve tracked this complaint down to a misunderstanding about how the wand waves work. Just in case you are not aware, there are 3 strengths of wave – Weak, Medium, and Strong. These can be chosen from a blue menu after touching the Wand itself, or (easier) they can be triggered by touching various spots on the wand icon on the Legends HUD.
Below is a graphic illustrating the 3 different types of wand waves. In addition, since we are starting to incorporate more Skill Checks in quests based on the various Wand attributes, included in this graphic is a reiteration of what parts of the wand are dictating the various attributes:

Posted in Legends, Quest | Comments Off on New Quest: Telescopic Troubles
March 26th, 2020 by Liquid Designs

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, another in the Angel Havens RP area.
Veronica St. Claire is the owner of the local tavern on Angel Havens, she’s been thinking about starting to offer food options at her bar. If you agree to help her work through how to improve a recipe she’s offering you coin and her famous eggs and bacon. You can’t lose!
The quest rewards are listed on the flyer. This quest starts with Veronica on Bloodlines North.
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March 23rd, 2020 by Mars Bracken

We’re happy to announce the release of Crafting Station Set 4! This includes the Tincture Table and Potion Station.
These stations already have some function for current Bloodlines Quests, and we’ll be adding quests, resources, and recipes as we go forward. They also have the ability to deliver mesh items with certain recipes, and we plan to add this perk to some recipes across all the stations so keep an eye out for those!*
We tried to keep the stations low land impact while still being an item well crafted enough to use as just rustic decor for your castle, clan land or roleplay area.
The stations are available in our stores at Bloodlines North, Bloodlines South, Bloodlines Midlands, Bloodlines East and Bloodlines West, and will shortly be available on the MP as well as in our affiliate vendors, with a refresh.
Happy crafting!
*Note: As crafting, recipes and quests develop over time, we must reserve the right to alter, add to or subtract from the current resources lists in the stations. We will try to do this only when it’s apparent that something is out of balance.
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March 21st, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, one of the first in the Angel Havens RP area.
Pylades, Steward of Knowledge in the Angel Castle, is troubled by an Evil Rune he found. Concerned there are more, he wishes to recruit you to help him track them down and dispel them, and he’ll reward you for your efforts.
The quest rewards are listed on the flyer. This quest starts with Pylades on Bloodlines North.
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March 21st, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, one of the first in the Angel Havens RP area.
Governor Flavian is looking for helpful, civic-minded adventurers to assist the townspeople of Skyvale – and he’ll reward you handsomely for your efforts.
Help the tavern owner research a new brew, assist the blacksmith in his quest to craft a legendary warhammer, help the apothecary stave off a nameless evil and more!
The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.
This quest starts with Governor Flavian on Bloodlines North.
*Note: The Angel Wizard Tower (and tutorial quest) are also now open, which means unique Angel wands and angel wand parts are available! And more Angel Havens quests will be out over the next few weeks.
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March 21st, 2020 by Mars Bracken

We’ve activated the Wand Altar at the Angel Wizard Tower in the Havens RP area. But what does this mean? How is this different than the other Wizard Towers?
There are 4 parts to a wand (Handle, Gem, Stick, and Spirit thing inside the gem) and we made some parts that are cosmetically race-specific. You can see a complete race-specific wand sitting above each of the altars on their respective sims, and pictured here. These wands are pretty difficult to obtain and require a lot of luck, but they are definitely possible! They can only be tried for however at the Wizard Tower specific to that race.
Also, a side note in terms of wand powers and functionality – we realize there have not been an abundance of Quests or activities that utilize the various different properties of wands. We’re working on improving that as we add more quests in the coming weeks. Thanks for your patience as always!
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