News and Updates

Legends Update: Gold and Silver Tools

August 14th, 2020 by Mars Bracken
















Hello Legends! We’re happy to announce that two local blacksmiths, Baxter Trank and Bendis have released two new sets of tools, Silver and Gold. These tools not only have greater durability for more harvesting ability, but also have the ability to harvest a few new Ultrarare and Legendary resources from harvesting stations.

They can be purchased with Gold Coins and repaired with either Silver Ingots or Gold Ingots respectively. The tool vendors are scattered around on the Legends RP sims.

We also lowered the stamina costs for smelting ingots and repairing tools; they were 10 stamina each and now are 2 stamina each. They are still 10 stamina per strike.

Happy harvesting!

Legends: Moving Flags Off of Inaccessible Regions

August 12th, 2020 by Lyle Maeterlinck

It has come to our attention that some claimed regions in Legends have become inaccessible for one reason or another. In order to address this, we have added a feature where you can move Legends Claim Flags off of regions that are no longer accessible. If you have flags that can be moved, you will see a link at the top of your Legends Land page that will take you to a form that will let you move your flags to a different region. To get to this page, make sure you are logged into, navigate to your profile, and then click on the Claim Flag icon in the Legends section of your profile. You are not required to move flags off of inaccessible regions, you can leave them there if you wish. Current discoverers of inaccessible regions are not affected by this. Sovereigns of regions and region levels are updated when flags are moved.

Right now, the only situation in which we’re facilitating the moving of claim flags is if the region the flags are on can no longer be accessed. You can’t move flags that you placed on a region that is still accessible.

Regions that are marked as inaccessible can still be browsed to on the website, and you can still use your Legends HUD on them if you are somehow able to access them. They just will not show up in the region search that you access through the compass button on your HUD.

Regions can only be marked as inaccessible manually by us. We won’t know if a region is inaccessible unless someone reports it to us. If you discover a region in Legends that is missing, private, or otherwise can’t be accessed, please report it to us by creating a support ticket, and we will investigate it. Likewise, if you discover a region that is currently marked as inaccessible that has become accessible, please report that to us as well. Happy adventuring!

Bloodlines: Angel Domain

August 10th, 2020 by Mars Bracken























We’re excited to announce our first mesh decor set – Angel Domain! None of the these items have been available before. We’ve had many requests over the years to sell decor items from our stores or RP sims but this is our first time trying it out; if it goes well we’ll likely do sets for the other race-themed sims.

We are releasing these in a gacha machine for the next month, ending on midnight September 8th. We do reserve the right to sell these again later as possible no-trans items, but for the near-term the 75L individual and tradeable transfer-enabled versions will end when the machine goes away.

*NOTE: The “21 Altar” item is a Limited Rare – meaning it will never be sold in any form again by us, as part of a full set or otherwise. So if you want one of those, you’ll have to win it via gacha spins!

The items in the gacha machine are set to no copy / transfer for trading and reselling, but we have trade-in stations set up on the sims where you can trade items in for a copy / mod / no transfer version if you wish to only use the items for your own decorating needs.

The machines are rezzed on 4 sims so if one set is busy you can try another location:

Angel Havens Gacha Machines

Lycan Woodlands Gacha Machines

Vampire Islands Gacha Machines

Demon Badlands Gacha Machines

If you’d like to read our original Rare / Gacha release post, it’s here.

New Quest: Pioneer Problems

August 1st, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, another in the Angel Havens RP area.

Alicyn the Alpacorn is considering moving her pack to the Angel Havens, but the local flora doesn’t seem to be agreeing with her. Help her find a resolution to this problem!

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer. This adventure starts with Alicyn in Bloodlines North.

New Quest: The Vital Amulet

July 19th, 2020 by Liquid Designs
















Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, This time in the Nightville RP area.

Andrei Cretu has decided to leave Elder life behind and seek fame and fortune as a Vampire with the Codrin Clan. He would like to have the Vampire Amulet to feel like he belongs but unfortunately the Dragomir Family has it locked in the Nightville Castle library. Help him find the Amulet Lore, acquire a Vampire Amulet, and learn the recipe yourself in the process.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.*

This quest starts with Andrei Cretu in Bloodlines East.

* The Vampire Infinity Amulet mesh is only craftable by a player who already has an Infinity Amulet of one type or another. Crafting this item does not give Infinity Protection, just the mesh and the icon for your profile. The Amulet mesh is no-transfer (like with normal amulet meshes) so you can only craft it for yourself. You are free as always though to sell / trade the resources necessary to craft it to other avatars.

** The main reward on this quest is the Infinity Amulet mesh. The quest does not return the ‘normal’ amount of coins, Elementum or other rewards per the stamina spent. If you do not have an interest in having / crafting this amulet mesh, you may want to consider doing other quests instead!

Bloodlines Event ~ Pep Rally!

July 9th, 2020 by Liquid Designs

Gimme a P! Gimme an E! Gimme a P! What’s that spell?? Ehhhh we’re not sure, it was probably on the test that we skipped. This Friday we’re feeling some pep in our step and some waltz in our walk as we take on the Pep Rally ! Join us, won’t you as we cheer on the home team. Rare texture and gift card giveaways with awesome music to get the weekend started right!

When: Friday, July 10th, 3-6pm SL

Suggested Attire: High School sports, pep squad, cheer leaders, anything high school

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Gothy | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Fawn Madrigal

New Quest: The Moonlit Amulet

July 7th, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, another in the Lycan Woodlands RP area.

Ketzen Vaculus has left his life as an Angel and wishes to have a Lycan Amulet, unfortunately in the conflict between the Lycans and Orcs the lore was lost. Help him find the Amulet Lore, acquire a Lycan Amulet, and learn the recipe yourself in the process.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.*

This quest starts with Ketzen in Bloodlines West.

* The Lycan Infinity Amulet mesh is only craftable by a player who already has an Infinity Amulet of one type or another. Crafting this item does not give Infinity Protection, just the mesh and the icon for your profile. The Amulet mesh is no-transfer (like with normal amulet meshes) so you can only craft it for yourself. You are free as always though to sell / trade the resources necessary to craft it to other avatars.

** The main reward on this quest is the Infinity Amulet mesh. The quest does not return the ‘normal’ amount of coins, Elementum or other rewards per the stamina spent. If you do not have an interest in having / crafting this amulet mesh, you may want to consider doing other quests instead!

New Quest: Protecting the Pack

June 30th, 2020 by Mars Bracken

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, another in the Lycan Woodlands RP area.

The lycans are beefing up security at their encampment. Talk to Maximore Skybane about how you can help!

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

This quest starts with Maximore Skybane in Bloodlines West.

New Gacha Set: Iron Pop

June 20th, 2020 by Mars Bracken































We put out a new gacha set of rare textures for the Iron Prism today! None of the textures have ever been available before. There are two versions of the gacha machine, one that take Lindens and one that takes Legends Gold Coins, earned via Questing. *** Note: on the Legends machines, you will get a paint bucket but it will be empty, you’ll need to manually load the texture from your Library into it.

These machines have a timer on them and will explode (and disappear) 21 days after release.

The machines are rezzed on 4 sims so if one set is busy you can try another location:

Angel Havens Gacha Machines

Lycan Woodlands Gacha Machines

Vampire Islands Gacha Machines

Demon Badlands Gacha Machines

If you’d like to read our original Rare / Gacha release post, it’s here.

Bloodlines Event ~ Moon Ritual

June 18th, 2020 by Liquid Designs

Hello All! This week we’re feeling a little restless, and we’re blaming it on the moon. Join us for our event Moon Ritual and dance the day away! Great music and giveaways throughout the event!

When: Friday June 19th, 1pm-4pm SL

Suggested Attire: Wolfy, werewolfish, medieval garb, pagan, witchy loonie-moony fun!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Fawn | Decor: Fawn | Host: Skittles