News and Updates

Valentines Gacha

February 14th, 2021 by Mars Bracken





















We warmly announce a gacha event for this season! With the exception of a few of the Tank textures, most of these have not been made available before.

We have put out both types of gacha machines this time – one that takes Linden dollars, and one that takes Legends Gold Coins. Reminder: the Legends machine does deliver a paint can, but the textures will not automatically load, you have to choose “Load” in the can menu to load the texture that you won.

There are machines at all 5 of our regions, locations below. This set will be available until midnight of February 28th, 2021 at which time the machines will explode.

Happy gacha-ing!

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines North

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines West


Bloodlines Event: Immortal Love

February 9th, 2021 by Liquid Designs

It’s the season of love and what better way to celebrate than to hang out with the people you love the most? Won’t you join us for an evening of great music, rare texture giveaways, and awesome prizes?

Mars promises that he’ll be releasing a new set of Gacha textures as well!

When: Friday, February 12th, 2-5pm SL

Suggested Attire: Burlesque, cabaret, french opera house, Moulin Rouge

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Candi | Decor: Fawn | Host: TBA

New Legends Satchel: Valentines Voyage

February 8th, 2021 by Mars Bracken

We’ve put out a Valentines themed Legends Satchel. If you take your wand to the dome at Bloodlines Midland (or any of the other four domes) you can summon one for yourself before they go away!

Bloodlines Event ~ Medieval Ball

February 2nd, 2021 by Liquid Designs

We’re feeling quite medieval this week, so what better way to savor that feeling than some good (very) old fashioned jousting? Come celebrate the weekend with us, we’ll have great music, prizes, and awesome texture giveaways!

When: Saturday, February 6, 12-3pm SL

Suggested Attire: Medieval, Ren Faire, Knights and Ladies fair

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: Lord Halostar | Decor: Crystal Starlight | Host: Fawn Madrigal


Update for All-Time Legends Family Achievements

January 28th, 2021 by Lyle Maeterlinck

We wanted to let you all know about a change that we made with the way that the all-time Legends Achievements are tracked for families.

When we released Legends War at the beginning of January, we started tracking Legends Achievements by Family as well. Before January, we were just tracking Legends Achievements for individuals, for all time. With the release of Legends War, we added three new categories of tracking:

  1. Monthly individual stats for the Legends War monthly contest.
  2. Montly family stats for the Legends War monthly contest.
  3. All-time family stats.

Family achievements are recorded as the aggregate of the progress and levels of the family members. That is, the progress doesn’t accumulate to achieve the levels, the progress just accumulates, and the family gains a count on a level when an individual reaches that level. For example: if two people in one family each get 5 on an achievement that requires 10 for level 1, this progress won’t accumulate to win level 1 for the family. The family will just get a progress of 10. Then if they each get 5 more and both reach Level 1, then the family will have a progress of 20, and two instances of Level 1.

So, levels for monthly family achievements (for Legends War) were triggering when family members gained levels in the monthly counting, and levels for all-time family achievements were triggering when family members gained levels in the all-time counting. But, if family members had already gained levels in the all-time counting before family tracking started, there was no way to earn those levels again. It’s all-time, you can only earn them once. However, if you hadn’t gotten the achievements before and did them for the first time after we started recording family achievements, then you could earn them for your family. This caused a lot of confusion, because when looking at the stats, achievements were showing up in the monthly counting, but not in the all-time counting for members that had already earned the all-time levels before Legends War started.

This seemed unfair, and here is the solution that we have come up with for this: if you earn an achievement level in the monthly counting for Legends War, and your family isn’t marked as having that level earned in the all-time stats, it will set it as earned. This has been retroactively applied to the beginning of January from our logs. What this means is that any levels that you earned for your family in the monthly counting, should now also be earned for your family in the all-time counting.

If you have any questions about this, or anything still doesn’t look right in your stats, please create a support ticket. Thank you!

Legends War Starting January 1

December 30th, 2020 by Lyle Maeterlinck

UPDATE 1/11/21: We’ve added a “Completist” award which will go to any player that completes all the Achievements once during the course of the month! As with the other award textures, the container style will be based on what your dominant race is at the stroke of midnight at the end of the month.

UPDATE 1/4/21: Since the Quest Achievements are likely to have a large number of players tied for the #1 spot, we’ve decided for that category anyone who is in the #1 spot at midnight at the end of the month will receive an award container texture. This is only for the Quest Achievements, all other achievements will behave similarly to Soul War (1 winner only, ties broken by whomever scored the last point before midnight). Also, we believe we’ve remedied most of the display issues but if you still believe something is not displaying correctly, please file a ticket so we can look into it!

UPDATE 1/1/21: The Legends War is active and working, but we are experiencing a few issues with certain achievements not displaying progress correctly on the new individual and family progress pages. No data is being lost (and you can check this by seeing your achievement progress normally on your original Achievements profile page) but we hope to have the display issues in the new sections corrected soon.

UPDATE 12/30/20: The Legends War achievement counting will start at 12pm SL time on 1/1/21. Also, for now, The Legends War will only include monthly achievement tracking, not daily, as this post previously stated.

Starting on January 1, 2021, we will have a new feature added to Legends, the Bloodlines questing and crafting game. Right now, there are dozens of achievements that can be earned for completing quests, hunting, gathering, discovering lands, and crafting. But starting on January 1, we will also begin tracking these achievements on a monthly basis, in a similar way to The Soul War.

We’ll have various rankings, and you can compete to be among the top individual achievers, as well as the top family, or the MVP for your family. Just like in Soul War, at the end of each month, the top achiever in each individual achievement will get a rare container texture for that achievement, and the top 10 achievers, leaders of the top 10 families, and the MVP in the top 10 families will also get special rare container textures!

You can view the list of available achievements now by clicking on the ‘Achievements’ icon in the Legends section of your profile.

**Note, as with the recent addition of the Medals Awards (and as with any new award or achievement we release) we do not retroactively award these based on previous game activity. The main reason for this policy is that often we have not even been storing or tracking the data necessary to backdate awards prior to the new release, and it wouldn’t be fair to only give some retroactive awards and not others. So, we always start fresh from the official release date of the achievement or award to keep the playing field level.

New Quest: Winter’s Warmth

December 20th, 2020 by Liquid Designs

UPDATE 1/8/21: Because this quest was only able to run for about a week, we’ve decided to re-open it for another week.

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce our another quest for the winter season.

Patrick Sawyer, the Midlands baker wants to treat his customers to some delicious delights for the holidays. Help him by going to some friends and asking them to pitch in for the cause.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

This quest starts with Patrick in Bloodlines Midland.

Seasonal Winter quests will be available through 12/31/20.

Jingle Bell Ball

December 16th, 2020 by Liquid Designs

We’ve decided what better way to send off the year 2020 than dressing up in our finest frippery and dancing the day away? We seriously all need to let a load off so please join us for an afternoon of great music, rare texture giveaways, and awesome prizes!

We are so grateful to belong to one of the best communities in Second Life and we can’t wait to show you what we have in store for 2021.

When: Saturday, December 19th, 1-4pm SL

Suggested Attire: Black Tie, Evening wear

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Nadya Ivercourt


We’ve also decided to put out an exclusive texture gacha! These textures will only be available until the new year so definitely come out for your first crack at them!

Research Stations

December 14th, 2020 by Mars Bracken

We’re happy to announce that we’ve added a small new feature to Legends – the Research Station! At these stations you can look up recipes to learn where you can unlock them, and also sometimes just immediately learn new crafting recipes at the Research Station itself. We kicked the stations off by immediately adding a new recipe, the Rustic Cart, which can be immediately learned and then crafted at a Carpentry Counter.

For now the stations are just on our own sims, but if they prove useful we may eventually release them for home use. You can find them at our landing domes, as well as in our main stores next to the crafting station displays:

.:[ Vampire Islands ]:. ~ Bloodlines East

.:[ Mortal Crossroads ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland

.:[ Lycan Woodlands ]:. ~ Bloodlines West

.:[ Haunted Domain ]:. ~ Bloodlines South

.:[ Angel Havens ]:. ~ Bloodlines North

Season’s Greetings Contest Winners

December 5th, 2020 by Mars Bracken













We’re pleased to announce the winners and runners-up of our Season’s Greetings Photo Contest. Thanks to everyone who participated! The 3 Winners will get the Gold Rare Textures, the Runners Up will get the Silver. Textures will delivered automatically to your Rare Library soon so look for it on your profile, or rez a Paint Can or Bloodlines Container and look for the texture in the menu to download.

Thanks to everyone for making this event a success!

Gold Winners (Shown Above)

Silver Winners