August 26th, 2023 by Mars Bracken
According to new research, it’s possible that placental mammals coexisted with dinosaurs. In a salute to those we lost to dinosaur food, join us for music, dancing, and raffles of rare textures and gift cards.
When: Saturday, August 26th, 2-5pm
Suggested Attire: Prehistoric / Cave Person
Where: Bloodlines Midland/West
DJ: Lord Host: Maze Atheria Decor: LilahCeleste Belar
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August 15th, 2023 by Mars Bracken
The summer is winding down, but let’s enjoy the fading glow! Join us for great LIVE music courtesy of Club Saguaro, along with our usual raffles of rare textures and gift cards.
When: Thursday, August 17th, 2-5pm
Suggested Attire: Beach Themed
Where: Bloodlines Midland/West
Sponsor: Club Saguaro / Catherine Fairlady Host: LilahCeleste Belar Music: Gardo Sky, Loopman Blep, Dorian Dragon
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August 1st, 2023 by Mars Bracken
We are pleased to announce Season 12!
This time around, there are three big things to take note of:
- DOUBLE TEXTURE REWARDS – We’ve added many more prize options along the path, as well as double the collectible texture rewards. There are also bonus Soul Reaper textures on intermediate steps, and a crown texture for season completion.
- SEASON LENGTH OF SIX WEEKS – This season is short, running only six weeks rather than two months. There are a few reasons for this, not least of which is so we can have a full six weeks of spooky season running up to Halloween.
- 15% EASIER COMPLETION – The points total for completion is 35,000 instead of 50,000! We may never go this low again, but due to the short season and a few other factors, we wanted to give it a try. That means you’ll get all the rewards, with 15% less time and activities to achieve them.
As with the last Season, you will earn points for doing challenges, the points increase a progress bar, and when you reach checkpoints you unlock rewards. Both Bloodlines and Legends activities are included in the challenges. The rewards are a wide mix including but not limited to: Bloodlines Products, Legends Products, Metrics, Resources, Rare Textures and Gift Cards.
The Seasons HUD is available free in vendors at our RP regions.
For full reference information, check out the Seasons Guide.
The current season will run from midnight (SL time) on July 31st to midnight on September 15th, 2023.
Happy achieving!
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July 28th, 2023 by Mars Bracken
Arr, Pirate Season be upon us! Not only are we having a party to ring in the apex of summer, we’re also preparing for the launch of Season 12 on August 1st, which will be Pirate themed. Join us for great music in a fantastic location, with raffles of rare textures and gift cards!
When: Sunday, July 30th, 11-3pm
Suggested Attire: Pirate Themed
Where: Bloodlines Midland/West
Music: DJ Lord Host: Maze Atheria Decor: Lilahceleste Belar
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July 21st, 2023 by Mars Bracken
Bloodlines sponsored a region in this year’s SL Fandom Con, and we encourage you to visit our Pavilion and attend some of the many fantastic events they have planned this year.
More details can be found on their site, and the location of the Bloodlines Pavilion is below. There is an Exclusive set of mesh Horns available there, as well as a Legends satchel which will be available there only until the Con ends!
When: Friday July 21st through Monday July 31st 2023
Con Details: SL Fandom Con Homepage
Our Location: Bloodlines Pavilion @ Noir New Orleans
Follow Us: Flickr | Facebook | Instagram
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July 18th, 2023 by Mars Bracken
We can’t think of anything more pleasant right now than escaping the heat! Join us for great LIVE music courtesy of Club Saguaro, along with our usual raffles of rare textures and gift cards!
When: Thursday, July 20th, 2-4pm
Suggested Attire: Beach Themed
Where: Bloodlines Midland/West
Sponsor: Club Saguaro Music: Gardo Sky & Dorian Kash
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July 18th, 2023 by Mars Bracken
Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest.
Vincent Montague is ramping up his attempts to tame the beasts around Weston, and he needs your help in researching ways to deal with the Minotaurs in the labyrinth. He’ll reward you with coins which will be useful ongoing in Piper’s Prize machine, for mesh items and collectible container textures!
Just a heads-up, we are exploring some new mechanics with some of these quests, so please submit feedback via support ticket if you have suggestions, notes or ideas. We’ve already had the recommendation to let people know to try closing their Legends HUD inventory while ‘fighting’ the minotaurs, because accidentally spamming the inventory arrows can lead to overload.
Another note: to try and reduce the amount of menu buttons that appear when touching Vincent, we’ve moved the start of “Fog of the Foul Fungus” to begin by touching the glowing ghoul hand specimen on his desk.
There is another Collectible Reaper Texture with this quest, and a reminder: you will need up wear an updated Soul Reaper in order to utilize the new texture sets, but one should be auto-delivered when you wear or rez your Reaper. If not, you can retrieve a new one via our Update Terminals.
The current reward set, Viridian Vortex, will be in the machines until August 18th.
The achievements quest rewards are shown on the flyer. This quest starts with Vincent Montague’s Minotaur Bust on Bloodlines Midland.
*For non-Legends players who would still like to acquire rare textures and items, at the quest LM there is a barrel with Tauric Coins on sale for Lindens. You’ll still have to wear a Legends HUD to buy from the Prize Machine, but that’s it. However, note that purchasing coins is a more costly way to acquire items than by doing the Quest.
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July 6th, 2023 by Mars Bracken
It’s July, the month of the Ruby birthstone! As a result, there’ll be two Limited Legendary resources: The Star Ruby, which can be mined on Level 1 of the Granite Mine, with the Iron Pick. The Ruby Scepter can be found on Level 1 of the Magic Map. At the end of the month these resources will become un-findable again, for who-knows-how-long, so if you want one, get to searching!
The Magic Map can be used anywhere in SL, and if you don’t own a Granite Mine or have a friend with one, there are a few placed around the regions below:
Mortal Crossroads ~ Granite Mine
Angel Havens ~ Granite Mine
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July 4th, 2023 by Mars Bracken
Announcing the very first Nexta set of Soul Reaper textures! The Dark Future set will go great alongside your container textures, or in your favorite post-apocalyptic RP region.
*We’ve updated Reapers to v3.0 in order to accommodate the new collectible textures, so you will either get an auto-delivery upon rezzing your older Reaper, or you can get a free update at one of your Update Terminals.
There are machines at all 5 of our regions, locations below. This set will be available until midnight of Aug 4th, 2023 at which time the machines will explode.
Happy nexta-ing!
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines North
.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines West
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July 1st, 2023 by Mars Bracken
Join us for great music, rare textures, and gift card giveaways!
When: Saturday, July 8th, 12-4pm
Suggested Attire: TV Show Themed
Where: Bloodlines Midland/West
Music: DJ Lord Hosting: Maze Atheria
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