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10th Bloodlines Anniversary Event Contest

Friday, May 4th, 2018

We had an overwhelming amount of Bloodlines members opt their Haunt locations into our 10th Bloodlines Anniversary special event, and we have tremendous gratitude towards everyone who participated by decorating, holding events, and engaging the Second Life community with Bloodlines, not to mention the hundreds of avatars who attended events and voted on their favorite locations!

Everyone who opted in their haunts to the 10th Anniversary Event will receive a special limited-edition tank and prism texture that they can apply to their blood tanks or lumen prisms.

Our 3 winners, who will receive an additional limited-edition texture, and have their haunts featured on the Bloodlines homepage for a week are as follows:

Ascent or Torment – Choose Sides

Angels – Demons 10 Anniversary

Angel or Demon -Infinity Gate-

And our 11 runners-up, who will also all receive an additional limited-edition texture:

DarkStars Angels V Demons

Ex Vita Un Nex Gateway to Heaven

EVE RageHeart Land

Illuminati – Angels & Demons

Evolved Heaven


Bloodlines 10th Anniversary **

Rapture @ House of Jenvieve

V E R I T A S Torment & Ascent





Bloodlines Updates, Maintenance, and Stats (Resolved)

Thursday, April 12th, 2018

Last week, Bloodlines experienced some issues related to our move to a new hosting environment. We wanted to take the opportunity to explain what happened, why it happened, and what we’ve done to resolve it.

On Friday, April 7, we sent out group notices and put out a blog post warning everyone with very short notice that the Bloodlines system was going to go down temporarily for scheduled maintenance. The reason for this was so we could re-point our server side systems to a new hosting environment that we had been preparing. We expected to be able to complete the changeover in about 15 minutes, which was about right for the majority of our systems, including the vendor system, and the application that interfaces with Second Life. However, we experienced an unexpected problem with the Bloodlines website that took us several hours to resolve so we could bring the website up again.

The Curse, which reduces metrics every night at midnight, was canceled for the night of 4/7, because of the maintenance, and was resumed the following night, Saturday. The Curse routine was running on our new host in a new environment on Saturday night, and another unexpected issue caused it to be retried 10 times, which means that many people were destroyed, lost souls, and lost 10x as much blood and lumens as they should have. As soon as this problem was discovered on Saturday morning, all destructions were immediately reversed, everyone who had lost souls as a result of this had them returned, and we ran routines to restore all lost blood and lumens to everyone who had lost them the night before. We realized today that while these routines restored metrics to the majority of players who lost them, they missed approximately 1000 players. Those players had blood and lumens restored today.

We were only able to restore blood and lumens directly to the member accounts of those who had enough room to hold the extra metrics. Anyone who didn’t have enough room in their veins to hold the restored metrics had them returned to their reserve accounts. Reserve accounts can be accessed by filling the metrics into the container at any refill station.

For many accounts, we were not able to restore the exact metrics that may have been had before the Curse error, so in some cases were erred on the side of returning too many metrics rather than too few. So if you find yourself with slightly extra that you had before the error, consider this a gift from us in return for the hassle!

Our new hosting environment is vastly more robust than our previous environment, and will allow us to recover from problems much more quickly, and to automatically scale the capacity of our systems in response to demand. The quick translation is that the game will run faster, and we’ll have far fewer outages!

In conclusion, we think we’ve resolved everything from the transition – however if you believe that you are still missing any stats, souls, or metrics as a result of these problems, or if you have any questions, please create a ticket at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Bloodlines Event: St. Paddy’s Day!

Thursday, March 15th, 2018


Sláinte!  It’s time to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day and we can’t wait to spend the evening with you!  We have a night full of costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music!

When: Friday, March 16, 2-5 pm

Suggested Attire: Green attire, shamrocks, anything that makes you think of St. Patrick’s Day!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Aimee Novaland

Bloodlines Event: Sweetheart’s Dance

Thursday, February 8th, 2018


Hello Lovers! It’s a big day and we’ve got a BIG case of VD – Valentine’s Day that is! So grab the one or the one for right now and join us this Friday. We’re going to make sweet music together all night with costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music!

When: Friday, February 9, 2-5 pm

Suggested Attire: Tuxedos, ballgowns, cupid costumes, anything valentine’s-y

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Zel

Bloodlines Event: 80’s Arcade

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018


It’s Friday and it’s totally tubular. It’s like, totally time for a rad party! So grab your favorite dude or dudette, take a chill pill, and come to this gnarly night full of fresh music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways!

When: Friday, January 12 – 4-7pm

Suggested Attire: Members Only jackets, popped collars, fanny packs, or whatever you wore or would wear in the 80’s!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Fawn Madrigal | Decor:Hosea Whitfield | Host: Aimee Novaland

Bloodlines Event: Holiday Party!!

Wednesday, December 20th, 2017


It’s that time of year again, can you believe it? It’s time for the Bloodlines annual party! Get jolly, get cheery, get dressed up and join us for a night of dancing to a live DJ, best costume contests, and Rare Texture giveaways.

When: Friday, December 22, 1-7 pm

Suggested Attire: Ugly holiday sweaters, anything related to winter or the holidays!!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Candi & DJ Fawn | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Fawn Madrigal & Mars Bracken

Bloodlines Event: Space Port

Friday, December 15th, 2017


Aliens and Astronauts and Asteroids Oh MY!! The big day has finally arrived – SPACE PORT DAY of course! Please come and enjoy our spaced out evening of music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, December 15, 2-5pm

Suggested Attire: Astronauts, aliens, or anything you’d wear on your next space adventure

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Fawn Madrigal

Bloodlines Friday Event: Winter Is Here

Wednesday, December 6th, 2017

Brrrrrr, do you feel the chill in the air? Even though the calendar may say differently, this Friday at Bloodlines Winter will arrive in full force. Please come and join us for a frozen evening of music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, December 8th 2-5pm

Suggested Attire: Medieval furs, winter garb, or your house colors!

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Music: DJ Gothy | Decor: Hosea Whitfield | Host: Fawn Madrigal

Scheduled Maintenance Part 3 (last one)

Thursday, July 13th, 2017

Bloodlines systems will be unavailable today, Thursday, July 13 from 4-4:05pm SL time for scheduled maintenance. We’re sorry for the short notice on this, and any inconvenience that it causes. Thanks for your patience during this time. If you miss any purchases during this time, or have any questions, please contact Lyle Maeterlinck in-world.

Bloodlines Event: Vendetta

Friday, November 4th, 2016








Remember remember, the fifth of November! Come plot with us on Friday (the 4th…) while dancing to a live DJ, best costume contests, and Rare Texture tank giveaways.

When: Friday, November 4th 4-7pm

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Suggested Attire: Anything mashed up with a Guy Fawkes mask will do! As well as anything related to the graphic novel, movie, or period clothing from the 1600s.

Music: Lord Halostar | Decor: AnnaMargeaux | Host: Mars Bracken