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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Bloodlines Event: Holiday Nutcracker

Thursday, December 20th, 2018

HAPPY HOLIDAZE!!! Bloodlines is giving you the opportunity you’ve been waiting for – a chance to put off shopping just a little bit longer. Please join us this Friday for a night of prizes, costume contests, and awesome music!

When: Friday, December 21, 4-7pm

Suggested Attire: Holidays, Ugly Sweaters, Anything wintery

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Syn | Decor: LilahCeleste | Host: Aimee Novaland

Bloodlines Event: Warehouse Rave

Thursday, October 11th, 2018


This Friday get ready for the sweatiest dance party this side of the 90s. We are going to dance and let our minds float away with the music.We’ll have a costume contest or two and probably some rare giveaways, oh and there will be music as well brought to us by the one and only Lord. Please join us and bring your dancing shoes!

When: Friday, October 12, 3-6 pm

Suggested Attire: Ravewear, Club kid wear, neon etc

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord | Decor: Fawn | Host: Aimee Novaland

Gallery Tour 2018 Results!

Friday, September 28th, 2018

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Bloodlines Gallery Tour! It was very difficult judging this event, because there were a lot of really amazing galleries. If you were one of the hundreds of locations that opted your Haunt in, big thanks to you for being a creative participating member of the Bloodlines community.

Everyone who opted in their haunts to the Gallery Tour event have received a special limited-edition tank, prism and barrel texture that they can apply to their blood tanks or lumen prisms.

We have 3 winners, and they will receive an additional limited-edition Gold Crown texture for tank, prism and barrel, and have their haunts featured on the Bloodlines homepage for a week:

Lover Gallery 2018

The Arcana Imaginarium Gallery

Smaugs Stolen Treasures (Formerly Novalands)

We originally said we’d do 10 runners-up, but there were just too many great entries, so we went with 12 instead! These avatars will also all receive an additional limited-edition Silver Crown texture for prism, barrel and tank:

Kinky Dark Souls Texture Museum

Queen Kymberlys Texture Gallery

The Addams Family Horde Estate

Rare Textures

Temple of Rares

Devious Garage & Galler


E.L.O Display Room

Liliths Offspring Gallery Tour Please Vote

Andrea*s Blood Bank – Tank Texture Gallery & Shop

The Devils Gallery

Bravin Gallery

For the original Gallery Tour event post, check here.

Gallery Tour Awards Party!!

Friday, September 28th, 2018


It’s finally time to announce the winners of the Bloodlines Gallery Tour!

We’ll be holding an event on our sims with a DJ, music, costume prizes, and a Rare giveaway just for the party. Then at the end Lyle and Mars will announce the winners of the Gallery Tour event, and deliver everyone’s Rare Textures (including the Participation awards).

We hope to see you there!

When: Friday, September 28th from 1-4 PM SL

Suggested Attire: Ball attire, dresses / suits / gowns / etc.

Where: Bloodlines North

Music: DJ Candi | Host: Aimee Novaland

Bloodlines Event: Jungle Apocalypse

Thursday, August 16th, 2018


Oh NO we got stranded on a jungle island and the world has dissolved into chaos!! What are we going to do?? Well if you’re anything like us, you figure, why not have a massive party!! Come out this Friday for an awesome night of great music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways.

When: Friday, August 17, 1-4 pm

Suggested Attire: Old tattered clothes, jungle wear, apocalyptic finery

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Candi | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Fawn

Bloodlines Event: Murder Mystery

Thursday, June 21st, 2018


It’s finally Friday and things are getting a little creepy! Do you think you have what it takes to figure out whodunnit? Professor Plum in the conservatory with the lead pipe? Perhaps Miss Scarlet in the library with the rope. Please join us this Friday for a night full of costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music!

When: Friday, June 22, 12-3 pm

Suggested Attire: 30s-40s era glamour!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Fawn

Bloodlines is hiring!

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018

Do you want to join the team that makes Bloodlines, or know someone who might? We are currently seeking a full-time developer to help us build the next generation of Bloodlines updates. We’re looking for candidates with experience in front and back end web application development, database administration, and LSL scripting. Artistic ability, 3D, and game design experience is a plus. Candidates must be located in the US. For more information, please contact Lyle Maeterlinck in-world.

Bloodlines Event: California Dreaming

Friday, June 1st, 2018


This Friday we’re heading to the beach! Who doesn’t love sitting in the sand letting the sun warm your skin? We’re excited to swim with the fishies in the literal sense. Please join us this Friday for a night full of costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music! Just remember clothing is mandatory at Bloodlines’ Beach! 😉

When: Friday, June 1, 4-7 pm

Suggested Attire: Anything you’d wear to the beach!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Syn | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: AphroditeStarr

Bloodlines Event: Backyard Campout

Thursday, May 17th, 2018


This Friday we’re ready for a campout!  After a long week who doesn’t want to put on their PJs and rough it in the safety of your own backyard? Make sure to bring your s’mores fixins and a sleeping bag or two. Make sure and join us this Friday for a night full of costume contests, rare texture giveaways, and awesome music!

When: Friday, May 18, 3-6 pm

Suggested Attire: Pajama party!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Shark | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Aimee Novaland

Problem in last night’s family rebuild routine

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

Well, last night, we had a problem in our family rebuild routine that caused everyone’s status to be set to destroyed, and for soul totals to not be updated correctly. The good news is that this is 100% fixable, and we have routines chewing through the necessary fixes now. We should have everyone’s status and soul total updated correctly within the next hour.

We’re very sorry for the inconvenience on this, and we thank you for your patience with us while we get this fixed.