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Archive for the ‘Products’ Category

New Release: Crafting Station Sets 1-3

Thursday, February 20th, 2020


We’re happy to announce the release of Crafting Station Sets 1, 2 and 3! These include the Granite Mine, the Smithing Bench, the Ink Stove, The Farm Knoll, the Wild Knoll, the Cooking Station, the Oak Tree, the Paper Press, and the Scroll Desk!

These stations already have some function for current Bloodlines Quests, and we’ll be adding quests, resources, and recipes as we go forward. The Cooking Station also has the ability to deliver mesh items with certain recipes, and we plan to add this perk to some recipes across all the stations so keep an eye out for those!*

We tried to keep the stations low land impact while still being an item well crafted enough to use as just rustic decor for your castle, clan land or roleplay area.

The stations are available in our stores at Bloodlines North, Bloodlines South, Bloodlines Midlands, Bloodlines East and Bloodlines West, and will shortly be available on the MP as well as in our affiliate vendors, with a refresh.

For some stations you’ll need tools (Axe, Pick Axe, Shovel) and while we eventually will sell the vendors for those, currently you’ll need to get tools at these locations (which are also where you can smelt iron ore to fix the tools):

Happy crafting!

*Note: As crafting, recipes and quests develop over time, we must reserve the right to alter, add to or subtract from the current resources lists in the stations. We will try to do this only when it’s apparent that something is out of balance.

The Virtue: Human Update + Achievements

Sunday, January 19th, 2020

















We’re excited to announce a major update to the Human race in Bloodlines! We’ve added the ability to opt-in to a human secret society (or be “Initiated”) human status called an Elder. This allows for:

  • Sap Attack – green magic attack for stealing / transmuting metrics to humanity
  • Royalty Rankings – 17 new human rankings and emblems
  • Upward tallying of owned souls in family (along with nightly Curse)
  • Snakeroot Potion – allows dissolution of Elder state if needed
  • Signet Ring / Emblem Badge – cosmetic items for attack / status reveal

There are also a full set of new achievements that go along with this new Elder status, along with monthly Soul War rares that can be won:

  • Initiator (Daily record of being last attack prior to a Human turning Elder)
  • Elder Frenzy / Berserk (Total Elder sap attacks in a timeframe)
  • Vampire Hunter / Redeemer (Attacks on vampires / converting vital to humanity)
  • Lycan Hunter / Redeemer (Attacks on lycans / converting lumens to humanity)
  • Angel Hunter / Redeemer (Attacks on angels / converting ether to humanity)
  • Demon Hunter / Redeemer (Attacks on demons / converting ichor to humanity)

To be clear – this update is free to anyone who already owns the Human HUD. Also, anyone who wishes to continue to role-play a Human as they previously did do not have to use or engage with the new Elder status or rankings. The new HUD crate will be delivered but none of the new options need be utilized, this update is completely optional.

We’ve also done a minor update to the Apple Trees, which now allow for resizing via a menu.

New Release: Angel & Demon Bar Packs

Friday, January 10th, 2020
















We’re happy to announce the release of the Angel and Demon Bar packs!

You can now set up vending machines, bar taps, posters and neon signs. You can vend Ichor and Ether bottles and shots, earn a commission, and take your clan land or club to the next level.

You can buy these at their respective sims Bloodlines North and Bloodlines South. They will also appear immediately in affiliate vendors (with a refresh) under Tools.

Happy Hunting!


New Release: Ichor and Ether Altars

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019








We’re happy to announce the release of the Ether and Ichor Altars! They work just like our other altars, but are tailored for the angel and demon races and their metrics.

You can buy the Ether Altars at Bloodlines North, and you can buy the Ichor Altars at Bloodlines South. They should also appear immediately in affiliate vendors (with a refresh) under Tools.

Happy sacrificing!


New Release: Ichor and Ether Scanners

Monday, November 18th, 2019









We’re happy to announce the release of the Ichor and Ether Scanners! They work just like the scanners from other races, but tailored to Angels and Demons.

You can buy them at their respective sims Bloodlines North, and Bloodlines South.They will also appear immediately in affiliate vendors (with a refresh) under Tools.

Happy Scanning!


Legends Catalogue Vendors & General Updates

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

We’ve been releasing periodic notecards in the Legends group with updates, but just in case we thought we’d also do an info post here!


Some of you no doubt already noticed, but mid-week last week we made an update to how the journal displays quest chains. On a main quest with child or side quests contained within the chain, they will now nest within the main quest. These are indicated by a small white arrow icon, which will turn down or sideways depending on whether the nest is expanded or not. We hope this will make it easier to consult the journal!


For those that submitted suggestions asking to be able to not as easily (or accidentally) restart quests all the time, we slightly changed the accepting of quests.

Old Way – If a quest is ready to repeat, as soon as you touch the NPC it will accept the quest again immediately.

New Way – If a quest is ready to repeat for you, you can chat with the NPC a little first, and then eventually you’ll get a step in the conversation where you accept the quest, and that’s what will start it over for you again in the journal. Usually this accept step is pretty clear, but a few times it’s triggered by just discussing Quests or Magic Items. Either way, you do have to actually go down the conversation a little before it will accept the quest.

This also means that if you want to talk to the NPC about a different quest you’re on, you don’t have to worry about accidentally accepting another quest repeat in the process. We thought this change made sense and we hope it’s helpful!


We’ve had a lot of requests to somehow prevent people from clogging up Midland either on accident (going afk) or on purpose (holding a spot for themselves later or for an alt) so that new players can get more access to the Quests. Obviously we’re working on getting another sim open, but we also want to try to address this issue in other ways.

1) Idle Ejector – we’re working on implementing an idle ejector which will warn you if you are afk / idle for a period of time, and then eventually eject you if you do not get active again.

2) Altering Repeatability – we’re adjusting the repeatability clocks on some of the quests. Some will stay at 24 hours because we think it’s fun to have things to grind on a daily basis, but some of the longer quests are going to 36 hours to see if this will let more new players get a crack at them.

We will see how this goes and consider other options if it seems necessary. And we are always open to suggestions of course as well!


People grinding quests on alts (some more than others) also made us look more carefully at some of the metric balancing. We saw some areas where things could be balanced a little better:

– Copper: we added more copper coins to several of the quests. Some of the quests got significantly more (Wards of Weston is now 50 Copper instead of 25, etc.)
– XP: We added more XP to almost all of the quests.
– Elementum: We adjusted the Elementum on 3 of the magic items; these were quests where there was a pretty significant imbalance between ease/length and the reward at the end. Most notably The Webs We Weave is a pretty short quest and was getting a disproportionately large Elementum pot at the end, and people were grinding that one more than the others, etc.


We did an update to the chests that are sold from this point forward. They turn off the auto-close function, the icons are full bright, and also now you can tag your chest with a name so that it’s easier to keep track of them in inventory. Unfortunately we can’t update chests that are already out there; due to the complexity of all the various resources being stored, it may take some time before we are able to create a machine (as with the blood containers etc.) that can update chests automatically. The old chests will continue to work perfectly however, and any new chests will be the updated v2 version.


We had a lot of requests for the Legends catalogue vendors and “Friendly” signs, so we got those out! They are in all our main stores now, and will be on MP shortly.


Whether you had heard or not, up until now it has been possible in the RP areas to avoid some stamina losses via creatures by just allowing yourself to go to 0 Stamina before encountering them. The system would tell you didn’t have enough stamina to continue, but you could keep questing / performing necessary actions with the monsters regardless.

Today we updated the monsters so they have the ability to eject you from the sim. If you take damage from a ghoul, or minotaur, or blister bramble etc. and you don’t have enough stamina in your bar to absorb the hit, you will ‘lose consciousness’ and find yourself waking up elsewhere (usually on Bloodlines East it seems, although it could be any of the other sims).


Coin Operated Gacha and Support NPCs

Saturday, May 25th, 2019

We’re excited to release a new gacha set of rare textures, this time for all container types! This gacha set is different from the past ones we’ve done however, in that the machines do not take Linden dollars, they take Bloodlines Legends Coins. Each spin is 2 Gold Coins, and while there are not quests providing these coins (yet…) we have added two support NPC stations near each gacha location to assist. Tabitha Manx has a stand set up where she is currently buying Pigeon Feathers for coins, and next door the banker of Weston, Trillian Bardi, has opened a small money exchange where he will trade currency.

A few details to note:

  • The machines work slightly differently than our normal gacha. Sit your avatar on them, and they’ll prompt you with a menu to put the gold coins into your Legends backpack ‘Hand’. Proceed on the menu, and you’ll get your spin.
  • There is not currently an empty paint can delivered, we’re still working that out with the new system. If you desperately need some empty cans, file a ticket; while we’re still working this out we’ll deliver them to those who have gotten rares through these machines.
  • We’ll keep these rare textures in the machines for a month.
  • During that month, Tabitha may change what resources she is willing to purchase for coins.
  • We do not plan on selling these textures for Lindens, ever.
  • The gacha setups are on North, South, East and West (but not Midland due to lag / being at constant capacity from Questers).

We will also be releasing some new quests next week, as well as doing a little balancing which should make more coins available on the quests, so stay tuned!

Bloodlines Anniversary + Legends Module 1 Release Party

Thursday, April 25th, 2019




We’re excited to announce that the first release of Bloodlines Legends will be happening on our 11th anniversary, May 6th 2019!

This release will be Module One, which will include:

  • Magic Map & Backpack HUD
  • Treasure Chests & Market Barrels
  • Collectible Rare Magic Wands
  • Quests (including rare texture and mesh item prizes)
  • Skills
  • Achievements (based on the mechanics from Module One)
  • Profile Updates

We’ll be having a party on the 6th to celebrate this release and our anniversary, with more details to come so keep watching this blog and the in-world group notices!


New Release: Ether and Ichor Bonds

Friday, March 15th, 2019

We’re elated to announce the release of the Ichor and Ether Bonds! Now angels and demons can propose to those they care about with their very own specialized bond ring boxes and rings.

The Bonds function much the same as our other bonds, with the addition of a HUD that allows you to send Charisma and metrics and interact with other settings, without having to touch the ring itself. The rings are mesh, but not bento rigged; they are however attached to the ring finger attach point, which (with a little adjustment) should work / animate with almost all mesh bodies and hands. We did this to keep the ring editable, and also so that those with certain kinds of mesh bodies would not be excluded from using it!

As with the other Bonds, we have Ring redelivery terminals set up at our main stores. You can find them to the left of the main Torment and Ascent HUD vendors, at Bloodlines South and Bloodlines North, respectively.

New Release: Ether and Ichor Vials

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019
















We’re happy to announce the release of the Ichor and Ether vials! They work just like our other range of vial products, except of course with these you can use precious ether and ichor metrics to fill them.

***Note: these vials will need to be rezzed on the ground at least once, in order to make them transfer.

You can read more on the Ether Vial and Ichor Vial gear pages. You can buy the Ether Vial at Bloodlines North, and you can buy the Ichor Vial at Bloodlines South.

Happy vial trading!