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Archive for the ‘Products’ Category

New Sci-Fi Collectible Textures!

Saturday, July 27th, 2024

This second Sci-Fi set has a few legacy textures but is primarily all new designs! They tanks will be out today during the party, and the other container sets will come out as they’re finished this week.

As always, when all the sets are done there will be machines at all 5 of our regions, locations below. This set will be available until midnight of August 28th at which time the machines will explode gloriously.

Happy nexta-ing!

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines North

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines West

Potion Cabinet Textures: Barrel

Friday, July 12th, 2024

For a limited time, purchase a corresponding potion and you’ll receive a free Potion Cabinet Texture, delivered directly to your rare library.

To be clear – textures are delivered to the purchaser, and it’s one texture per purchase. This includes multi-packs, so if you purchase a 4 Pack of Wormwood, you will get 1 Wormwood Container texture.

This bonus texture delivery will be in effect for at least the next month, but then will go away. Get them while you can! Potions are available on MP, in affiliate vendors, and at our home regions below:

BL Midland .|. BL East .|. BL South .|. BL North .|. BL West

*These texture deliveries do not work with a gift card. We’ll work on updating this, but for now please be aware!

New Sci-Fi Collectible Textures!

Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

This first Sci-Fi set is primarily an expansion of the original Sci-Fi textures for Tanks, now expanded to the other container styles.

There will be another Sci-Fi set out soon, filled mainly with all-new designs, and we’ll announce here and in the groups when the time comes.

As always, there are machines at all 5 of our regions, locations below. This set will be available until midnight of July 12th at which time the machines will explode gloriously.

Happy nexta-ing!

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines North

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines West

Unscheduled Seasons Maintenance

Thursday, June 6th, 2024

***UPDATE 6/7/24 12:52PM: The unexpected behavior that we observed allowed unlocked rewards to be claimed multiple times. Many people took advantage of this, and claimed hundreds of copies of rewards. We are in the process of reclaiming these rewards. Licenses for additional rewards have been revoked. If you received multiple copies of any potions, you will be contacted individually and asked to rez all of the potions to register them so they can be cleared out. For claim flag rewards that were claimed more than once, licenses have been cleared for flags that have not been registered, and registered flags that were used were reversed. For anyone who claimed a texture reward more than once, we have cleared all of those texture licenses, and the records of the reward claims. This means that for checkpoints where you chose textures, you may see an already claimed reward appear unclaimed again, this will allow you to select one reward for that checkpoint again, so that you can keep the texture that you want. Thanks for everyone’s patience and cooperation in helping us to resolve this issue. If you have any questions, please create a ticket here:, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

***UPDATE 9:56PM – ALL CLEAR – The issues with the Season rewards deliveries has been resolved, the HUD is live again and the Season is progressing. Thanks for your patience!

8:58PM Just a heads up – we’re doing unscheduled maintenance on the Seasons HUD, due to some unexpected behavior regarding rewards claiming. The HUD / Season is shut off for the moment, but we’re working hard on getting it back up and running smoothly. We’ll update the blog to sound the all-clear, and thanks for your patience!

New Quest: Skeleton Skirmish!

Sunday, October 1st, 2023

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, and a new supplemental HUD for Legends.

Theresa Bathory is dealing with an infestation of reanimated skeletons, and she needs your help. She’ll reward you with coins which will be useful ongoing in Piper’s Prize machine, for mesh items and collectible container textures!

In addition to craftable Legends resource Spells, we’re trying out a new Spell HUD, specially designed for faster-paced combat and spellcasting. It’s available for free from the rotating dice on Theresa’s desk, along with a Legends Spell Nexus.

The current reward sets, Ice Bones and Fire Bones, will be in the machines for at least a month.

The achievements quest rewards are shown on the flyer. This quest starts with the pirate skull on Theresa Bathory’s desk in the wizard tower on Bloodlines East

*For non-Legends players who would still like to acquire rare textures and items, at the quest LM there is a barrel with Coins on sale for Lindens. You’ll still have to wear a Legends HUD to buy from the Prize Machine, but that’s it. However, note that purchasing coins is a more costly way to acquire items than by doing the Quest.

Bloodlines Fandom Con Pavilion is Open!

Friday, July 21st, 2023

Bloodlines sponsored a region in this year’s SL Fandom Con, and we encourage you to visit our Pavilion and attend some of the many fantastic events they have planned this year.

More details can be found on their site, and the location of the Bloodlines Pavilion is below. There is an Exclusive set of mesh Horns available there, as well as a Legends satchel which will be available there only until the Con ends!

When: Friday July 21st through Monday July 31st 2023

Con Details: SL Fandom Con Homepage

Our Location: Bloodlines Pavilion @ Noir New Orleans

Follow Us: Flickr | Facebook | Instagram

New Quest: Minotaur Menace!

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest.

Vincent Montague is ramping up his attempts to tame the beasts around Weston, and he needs your help in researching ways to deal with the Minotaurs in the labyrinth. He’ll reward you with coins which will be useful ongoing in Piper’s Prize machine, for mesh items and collectible container textures!

Just a heads-up, we are exploring some new mechanics with some of these quests, so please submit feedback via support ticket if you have suggestions, notes or ideas. We’ve already had the recommendation to let people know to try closing their Legends HUD inventory while ‘fighting’ the minotaurs, because accidentally spamming the inventory arrows can lead to overload.

Another note: to try and reduce the amount of menu buttons that appear when touching Vincent, we’ve moved the start of “Fog of the Foul Fungus” to begin by touching the glowing ghoul hand specimen on his desk.

There is another Collectible Reaper Texture with this quest, and a reminder: you will need up wear an updated Soul Reaper in order to utilize the new texture sets, but one should be auto-delivered when you wear or rez your Reaper. If not, you can retrieve a new one via our Update Terminals.

The current reward set, Viridian Vortex, will be in the machines until August 18th.

The achievements quest rewards are shown on the flyer. This quest starts with Vincent Montague’s Minotaur Bust on Bloodlines Midland.

*For non-Legends players who would still like to acquire rare textures and items, at the quest LM there is a barrel with Tauric Coins on sale for Lindens. You’ll still have to wear a Legends HUD to buy from the Prize Machine, but that’s it. However, note that purchasing coins is a more costly way to acquire items than by doing the Quest.

New Nexta Set: Dark Future Reapers!

Tuesday, July 4th, 2023

Announcing the very first Nexta set of Soul Reaper textures! The Dark Future set will go great alongside your container textures, or in your favorite post-apocalyptic RP region.

*We’ve updated Reapers to v3.0 in order to accommodate the new collectible textures, so you will either get an auto-delivery upon rezzing your older Reaper, or you can get a free update at one of your Update Terminals.

There are machines at all 5 of our regions, locations below. This set will be available until midnight of Aug 4th, 2023 at which time the machines will explode.

Happy nexta-ing!

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines North

.:[ Nexta Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines West

New Quest: Rabbit Rescue + Introduction of Rare Reaper Textures!

Monday, June 19th, 2023

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce the revival of a previous quest in a new incarnation – Rabbit Rescue!

Since so many of his people were being scattered during their migration from Pleador every year, Jasper Windsong has decided to set up residence in Angel Havens. If you help him find and rescue his rabbit kin from the 5 regions, he’ll reward you with coins which will be useful ongoing in Piper’s Prize machine, for mesh items and collectible container textures!

We’re also introducing Collectible Reaper Textures with this quest, and there will be more of these textures soon to come! *You will need up wear an updated Soul Reaper in order to utilize the new texture sets, but one should be auto-delivered when you wear or rez your Reaper. If not, you can retrieve a new one via our Update Terminals.

The current reward set, Purple Haze, will be in the machines until July 20th.

The achievements quest rewards are shown on the flyer. This quest starts with Jasper Windsong on Bloodlines North.

*For non-Legends players who would still like to acquire rare textures and items, at the quest LM there is a barrel with Carrot Coins on sale for Lindens. You’ll still have to wear a Legends HUD to buy from the Prize Machine, but that’s it. However, note that purchasing coins is a more costly way to acquire items than by doing the Quest.

February Bonding Gifts

Friday, February 3rd, 2023


For the next month we’ve added a Collectible Texture delivery to every Bond purchase. If you gift (or purchase for yourself) an Angel, Demon, Lycan, Human or Vampire Bond, you’ll receive the correlating texture. The giveaways end on February 28th.

We realize that bonds aren’t solely romantic, and can also be between friends, or colleagues, or dear family members. We’ve tried to make the variety of images on the containers reflect this.

*The textures are delivered straight into your Rare Texture Library on your profile and do not come with a paint can delivery. You should be able to load them either straight onto a container or into an empty paint can in-world.

***If you make a Bond purchase with a gift card, the texture delivery does not work. We’ll work on updating this, but for now please be aware!