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Archive for the ‘Legends’ Category

New Release: Crafting Stations 4

Monday, March 23rd, 2020




We’re happy to announce the release of Crafting Station Set 4! This includes the Tincture Table and Potion Station.

These stations already have some function for current Bloodlines Quests, and we’ll be adding quests, resources, and recipes as we go forward. They also have the ability to deliver mesh items with certain recipes, and we plan to add this perk to some recipes across all the stations so keep an eye out for those!*

We tried to keep the stations low land impact while still being an item well crafted enough to use as just rustic decor for your castle, clan land or roleplay area.

The stations are available in our stores at Bloodlines North, Bloodlines South, Bloodlines Midlands, Bloodlines East and Bloodlines West, and will shortly be available on the MP as well as in our affiliate vendors, with a refresh.

Happy crafting!

*Note: As crafting, recipes and quests develop over time, we must reserve the right to alter, add to or subtract from the current resources lists in the stations. We will try to do this only when it’s apparent that something is out of balance.

New Quest: Runes of a Rogue

Saturday, March 21st, 2020

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, one of the first in the Angel Havens RP area.

Pylades, Steward of Knowledge in the Angel Castle, is troubled by an Evil Rune he found. Concerned there are more, he wishes to recruit you to help him track them down and dispel them, and he’ll reward you for your efforts.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer. This quest starts with Pylades on Bloodlines North.

New Quest: Seekers of Skyvale

Saturday, March 21st, 2020

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, one of the first in the Angel Havens RP area.

Governor Flavian is looking for helpful, civic-minded adventurers to assist the townspeople of Skyvale – and he’ll reward you handsomely for your efforts.

Help the tavern owner research a new brew, assist the blacksmith in his quest to craft a legendary warhammer, help the apothecary stave off a nameless evil and more!

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

This quest starts with Governor Flavian on Bloodlines North.

*Note: The Angel Wizard Tower (and tutorial quest) are also now open, which means unique Angel wands and angel wand parts are available! And more Angel Havens quests will be out over the next few weeks.

A Word About Wands

Saturday, March 21st, 2020
















We’ve activated the Wand Altar at the Angel Wizard Tower in the Havens RP area. But what does this mean? How is this different than the other Wizard Towers?

There are 4 parts to a wand (Handle, Gem, Stick, and Spirit thing inside the gem) and we made some parts that are cosmetically race-specific. You can see a complete race-specific wand sitting above each of the altars on their respective sims, and pictured here. These wands are pretty difficult to obtain and require a lot of luck, but they are definitely possible! They can only be tried for however at the Wizard Tower specific to that race.

Also, a side note in terms of wand powers and functionality – we realize there have not been an abundance of Quests or activities that utilize the various different properties of wands. We’re working on improving that as we add more quests in the coming weeks. Thanks for your patience as always!


Event & Angel RP Area Opening

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

Greetings everyone! We’re excited to announce an Event, coinciding with the official opening of the Angel Havens RP area and Quests.

Come Saturday to our cloud-bound event area to relax with your fellow Families and Legends and enjoy music, a costume contest and rare giveaways.

There will also be Summoning Stations (that will eventually be moved to the Angel Havens landing area) where you can summon a copy of the new Havens Explorer Satchel.

When: Saturday March 21st, 12pm-3pm SL

Suggested Attire: Anything angel, sky, heaven themed

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Fawn Madrigal

New Quest: Mysterious Meals

Saturday, March 7th, 2020

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest. Chandler Kolbeck is writing a new cook book, and he wants to include some recipes of renown that the owners are reluctant to give up! Help him ferret out the mysterious ingredients so he can complete his book and you can earn glory.

The quest rewards are listed above. One note: the mesh food this time is not delivered during the quest, but is craftable via the recipes earned on the quest.

This quest starts with Chandler Kolbeck on Bloodlines Midland.


New Quest: A Taste of Home

Saturday, February 29th, 2020

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest. We can all relate with the nostalgia of home cooking, and some residents of the Lycan Woodlands are desperate for your help to get that experience.

The quest rewards are listed above. This quest starts with Baxter Trank on Bloodlines West.


New Legends Quest: A Bountiful Harvest

Sunday, February 23rd, 2020

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest is being released today. Olaf Stroud is planning a feast and needs your help getting other residents of Weston on board.

This quest is in conjunction with the release of Food Crafting in Legends. Not only can you use a new Food Crafting Station to make food items for stamina, but you will also receive matching mesh food items for home decor.

The quest rewards are listed above. This quest starts with Olaf Stroud on Bloodlines Midland.


New Release: Crafting Station Sets 1-3

Thursday, February 20th, 2020


We’re happy to announce the release of Crafting Station Sets 1, 2 and 3! These include the Granite Mine, the Smithing Bench, the Ink Stove, The Farm Knoll, the Wild Knoll, the Cooking Station, the Oak Tree, the Paper Press, and the Scroll Desk!

These stations already have some function for current Bloodlines Quests, and we’ll be adding quests, resources, and recipes as we go forward. The Cooking Station also has the ability to deliver mesh items with certain recipes, and we plan to add this perk to some recipes across all the stations so keep an eye out for those!*

We tried to keep the stations low land impact while still being an item well crafted enough to use as just rustic decor for your castle, clan land or roleplay area.

The stations are available in our stores at Bloodlines North, Bloodlines South, Bloodlines Midlands, Bloodlines East and Bloodlines West, and will shortly be available on the MP as well as in our affiliate vendors, with a refresh.

For some stations you’ll need tools (Axe, Pick Axe, Shovel) and while we eventually will sell the vendors for those, currently you’ll need to get tools at these locations (which are also where you can smelt iron ore to fix the tools):

Happy crafting!

*Note: As crafting, recipes and quests develop over time, we must reserve the right to alter, add to or subtract from the current resources lists in the stations. We will try to do this only when it’s apparent that something is out of balance.

New Quest: Secret Admirers

Friday, February 14th, 2020

Greetings Legends! We’re deliciously delighted to announce a new quest. Posy Trumane is behind on her dessert orders again, and needs your help. This time she’ll recruit you to do some baking as well, and you’ll learn 5 new tasty recipes which will craft edible food (for stamina) as well as deliver decorative mesh food items* you can use at home for entertaining.

The quest also has usual XP and achievement rewards. The quest starts with Posy Trumane in the Gloomburg Main Street at Bloodlines South.

*Some recipes deliver multiple consumable Legends Resources, but will always only deliver one mesh in-world item upon recipe completion.