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Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Bloodlines Event: Winter Wonderland

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane… Well you get the general idea, yeah? It’s winter time in our neck of the woods, and we’d like to celebrate it with you! Won’t you join us for an evening of great music, rare texture giveaways, and awesome prizes?

We’ll also be announcing the winners of our Season’s Greetings photo contest, so definitely stop by!

When: Saturday, December 5th, 2-5pm SL

Suggested Attire: Winter apparel, holiday clothes etc

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: TBA | Decor: Fawn | Host: Skittles

Rare Winter Gacha

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020





















We feel jolly to announce a gacha event for the winter season! With the exception of a few of the Tank textures, most of these have not been made available before.

We have put out both types of gacha machines this time – one that takes Linden dollars, and one that takes Legends Gold Coins. Reminder: the Legends machine does deliver a paint can, but the textures will not automatically load, you have to choose “Load” in the can menu to load the texture that you won.

There are machines at 4 of our regions, locations below. This set will be available until midnight of December 31st, 2020 at which time the machines will explode.

Happy gacha-ing and happy holidays!

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines North

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines West


Bloodlines Photo Contest: Season’s Greetings!

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

Bloodlines is having a photo contest! We are feeling quite festive and we want to see what makes you get into the holiday spirit, whatever frosts your snowman! The best photos will be featured in the banner on our website, as well as hung in a gallery down on Bloodlines North.

The contest is free to enter, and you may enter as many times as you like (as long as each photo is different).

How to Enter
1) Take a photo of a winter scene, avatar(s) dressed in a holiday theme (can be yourself or another), or a beautiful winter  tableau. Final dimensions need to be our Website Banner size, so at least 2400 x 600, max 4800 x 1200. If you wish, you can submit a photo that is square (2400×2400 min) but make sure that there is a croppable strip appropriate for a banner.

To submit an entry, create a new ticket in our support system, include “Winter Photo Contest” in the title and be sure to include your avatar name:

Contest Rules
Time: The contest will end on December 4th, 2020.

Judging: Entries will be judged by Mars Bracken, Lyle Maeterlinck and LiquidDesigns Resident

Criteria: Entries will be judged based on the overall image, but some things to consider might be setting/location, lighting, and mood, and whether you have some RP or race elements present (angel, demon, vampire, etc.). Photoshopping is of course acceptable but please don’t add text to the photos. Bloodlines also reserves the right to do slight photoshopping to winners (if necessary) in order to format them for the final banners.

– Top Runners Up (number TBD)will receive Photo Silver texture for one type of container
– 1st Place Winners (number TBD) will receive Photo Gold texture for one type of container as well as becoming a banner on the Bloodlines homepage.

We’re looking forward to checking out all the entries and picking the best ones for our site. Good luck!

Haunted Tour Winners

Saturday, October 31st, 2020













We’re pleased to announce the winners and runners-up of our Haunt Tour Contest. Thanks to everyone who participated! The 3 Winners will get the Gold Rare Textures, the 20 Runners Up will get the Silver, and anyone who participated will get the Participation Rare. Textures will delivered automatically to your Rare Library soon so look for it on your profile, or rez a Paint Can or Bloodlines Container and look for the texture in the menu to download.

Thanks everyone for making this event a success!

Gold Winners

Silver Winners


Bloodlines Event: Halloween Horrors

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Look outside your window right now, do you see it? It’s creepy… It’s spooky…. It’s downright horrible! Guess that means it’s time to celebrate Halloween with Bloodlines. Nothing is more fun than getting all gussied up and partying down. Won’t you join us for an evening of great music, rare texture giveaways, and awesome prizes?

We’ll also be announcing the winners of our Haunted Tour, so definitely stop by!

When: Saturday, October 31st, 1-5pm SL

Suggested Attire: Halloween Costumes, witches, ghosts, vampires, creepy crawly things!

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord | Decor: Crystal Starlight | Host: Skittles

New Quest: Make Your Marker

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce another new seasonal quest.

Atticus Litchfield the Badlands undertaker has an idea for a new business venture, please help him work out the best way to execute his plans…

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

This quest starts with Atticus Litchfield’s Pumpkin at Bloodlines South.

Seasonal Quest runs from 10/1 to 11/1 annually.

Grid-wide Event: Bloodlines Haunted Tour

Thursday, October 1st, 2020




















We’re excited to announce the next official grid-wide Bloodlines Event – The Haunted Tour 2020! It will start on October 1st and run to October 31st.

The Haunted Tour is an event for people who wish to show off their haunted houses, dungeons, clubs and bars for the spooky holiday ahead.  Anyone owning a Bloodlines Haunt can opt-in, and anyone with a HUD will be able to participate in the tour.

What specifically does this mean for Bloodlines players? It means during that month we’ll be connecting participating Haunts up via the website and the HUDs, so that you can easily travel from haunted location to haunted location, and meet up with people while discovering new Bloodlines-friendly places.

For Haunt owners, this event means a chance to get your location on the map! The Haunted Tour will provide an influx of new visitors, as well as give you a chance to network with other Bloodlines friendly locations. Players will be able to vote on their favorite Haunts, and prizes will be awarded at the end. Mars, Lyle Liquid Designs Resident and other officials will be visiting participating locations to help with the final judging of the top locations, and we hope to see you there! On the final day (Saturday October 31st) we’ll be having an event on the Bloodlines sims, and we’ll give away the prizes.

Voting will start in a few days and run until October 30th. During that time, all you need to do to vote is press the ‘Vote’ link next to the Haunted Tour icon on the profile of participating haunts.

Prizes (Awarded at the end of the Month):

Haunted Tour Participation Rare – Given to anyone who opted-in their location to the event. (Limit one per avatar)

10 Runner-Up Rares (Silver Crown) – Given to the best 10 Haunted Locations (or more if judges decide there are more worthy runners-up).

3 Top Rares (Gold Crown) – Given to the top 3 Haunted Locations. These will also receive a banner on the Bloodlines homepage for a week following the event.

Getting involved is simple:

Location Owners – If you already have a Haunt, just log into your profile, Edit Haunts, and opt-in via the radio button for the Haunted Tour Event. Make sure to use the Haunt Events calendar to schedule specific times for your events.

Bloodlines players – The Haunted Tour will automatically generate locations in your HUD, under the Haunt button. We’ll also make it clear on the website which locations are participating, so you should be able to easily find the next great location to visit!

At the end of the month on October 31st, we’ll wrap it up with an official party / awards ceremony on the Bloodlines sims where we’ll deliver all the prizes, so be sure to stop by. See you there!


Bloodlines: Angel Domain

Monday, August 10th, 2020























We’re excited to announce our first mesh decor set – Angel Domain! None of the these items have been available before. We’ve had many requests over the years to sell decor items from our stores or RP sims but this is our first time trying it out; if it goes well we’ll likely do sets for the other race-themed sims.

We are releasing these in a gacha machine for the next month, ending on midnight September 8th. We do reserve the right to sell these again later as possible no-trans items, but for the near-term the 75L individual and tradeable transfer-enabled versions will end when the machine goes away.

*NOTE: The “21 Altar” item is a Limited Rare – meaning it will never be sold in any form again by us, as part of a full set or otherwise. So if you want one of those, you’ll have to win it via gacha spins!

The items in the gacha machine are set to no copy / transfer for trading and reselling, but we have trade-in stations set up on the sims where you can trade items in for a copy / mod / no transfer version if you wish to only use the items for your own decorating needs.

The machines are rezzed on 4 sims so if one set is busy you can try another location:

Angel Havens Gacha Machines

Lycan Woodlands Gacha Machines

Vampire Islands Gacha Machines

Demon Badlands Gacha Machines

If you’d like to read our original Rare / Gacha release post, it’s here.

Bloodlines Event ~ Pep Rally!

Thursday, July 9th, 2020

Gimme a P! Gimme an E! Gimme a P! What’s that spell?? Ehhhh we’re not sure, it was probably on the test that we skipped. This Friday we’re feeling some pep in our step and some waltz in our walk as we take on the Pep Rally ! Join us, won’t you as we cheer on the home team. Rare texture and gift card giveaways with awesome music to get the weekend started right!

When: Friday, July 10th, 3-6pm SL

Suggested Attire: High School sports, pep squad, cheer leaders, anything high school

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Gothy | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Fawn Madrigal

Bloodlines Event ~ Moulin Rouge

Thursday, May 28th, 2020

Greetings! Sacre bleu! This weekend we feel like doing some french… dancing. Can-can you join us on Saturday and dance the day away? Great music and giveaways throughout the event!

When: Saturday May 30th, 12pm-3pm SL

Suggested Attire: Burlesque, cabaret, french opera house

Where: Bloodlines West

Music: DJ Lord Halostar | Decor: Fawn Madrigal | Host: Aimee Novaland