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The Determined Achievement

May 2nd, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

Update: This is a clarification of the procedure you need to follow every single day if you want to make sure you get the Determined achievement. YES, you really do need to follow this procedure every day!

  1. BEFORE you log in: look at your achievements on your profile on the Bloodlines website and look at your Determined count. If you already had it loaded, make sure you reload the page to make sure you see the most recent count.
  2. When you log in and wear your Bloodlines HUD, make sure that you see the message in local chat “You have been checked in with the Bloodlines system.” If you don’t, detach and reattach your HUD until you do.
  3. Check the website again by reloading the page with your achievement stats, and make sure your number has counted up. If not, go back to step 2 and repeat.

Original post follows:

We receive many support requests regarding the Determined achievement, and I wanted to address some concerns with this achievement. For a while, we’ve been resetting this achievement for various people who requested it who believed that they didn’t miss a day logging in and that their achievement didn’t update correctly, and we’ve been resetting it for people on the honor system. But, because of the level of competition that has emerged for this achievement, and because of the volume of these requests we’re receiving, we are no longer able to reset this achievement on request. We have thoroughly tested this achievement, and we know that it is operating correctly, and it works for the vast majority of people.

How Determined Works

When you wear your HUD, the on_rez event in a script in your HUD sends a request to the Bloodlines system letting it know that you’ve worn your HUD. When the system receives this request, it will check your determined achievement, which records the date and time of the last time you wore your HUD. If the last time you wore your HUD was yesterday, it updates the time to today, and gives you a +1 on the achievement. If the date of the last wear is before yesterday, it will reset your achievement to 1 day. For example, today is May 2. If you wear your HUD today, the system will check and see if your determined date is May 1. If so, you will get +1. If it is April 30 or before, it will be reset to 1. The date cutoffs are in Second Life (US Pacific) time. In order to keep up with the achievement, you need to log in once during each Second Life day. You will need to pay attention to this if you are in a different time zone.

Here is an example of how being in a different time zone could cause you to miss a day on this achievement. Say you’re on GMT time (currently SL +7 hours), and you log in at 6am local time on April 30th, the system would record you as having logged in at 11pm on 4/29, which would be the current SL time/date. Then, you don’t log in again until May 1st at 6pm local time, the system sees you logging in on May 1 at 11AM SL time. Even though you have logged in once during two consecutive days local time, there were 36 hours between logins, and one entire SL day (April 30, which started at 7AM on 5/1 local time, and ended at 7AM on 5/2 local time) where the system did not receive a login from you.

There are also other things that can go wrong. If you attach your HUD in a no-script area, the signal will not be sent to our system, and your achievement will not be recorded. The signal will also not be sent f you are already wearing your HUD when you log in, and you log into a no-script area. There are also conceivably problems with the login signal being sent from the sim you’re on, due to lag, or other issues. This achievement also won’t work for you if you leave your avatar logged in all the time without logging in / out.

If you are competing for this achievement:

  1. Make sure you are wearing the current version of the HUD. If you don’t have the current version, you will get a message telling you that an update is available when you wear your HUD.
  2. Make sure that no more than 24 hours passes between times that you wear your HUD. You can stay logged into SL all the time, but you will need to reattach your HUD every 24 hours.
  3. When you log in, make sure you see the message “You have been checked in with the Bloodlines system…” in your local chat window. If you don’t see this message, you were not checked in. You will have to detach and re-wear your HUD.
  4. After you log in, look at your determined achievement, and make sure it counted up to where you expect it to be, +1 since yesterday. You might also want to check it before you log in, just to be sure of where it should be. You can view your achievements by going to your Bloodlines profile on the website and clicking on the link “View Progress” next to your achievements.
    1. If your achievement did not count up, please try detaching and reattaching your HUD.
  5. If you are sure you have followed all of the above, and you believe there is genuinely an error with your achievement, please send the following to Lyle Maeterlinck:
    1. Your local chat log showing the message from your HUD “You have been checked in…”, with the date and time that you got this message.
    2. You will need to send this to me on the day that it isn’t counting up, where your count shows the amount from your login from the day before, or else I won’t be able to help you.



Bloodlines Event: Future Party

May 1st, 2014 by Mars Bracken

SL_Future_Party2psdUPDATE: This event has been moved to 4-7 pm SL time.


Ah future, the unknown…make it great or not, it’s your choice. Join us at our future party tomorrow! Who knows? You might make some new friends or meet that special someone!!

When: Friday, May 2nd

Time: 4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid Badlands/South Border

Bloodlines Event: Asylum Party

April 23rd, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Asylum_PartyThere there. It’s all in your mind. The voices, the shadows… All of it. Lie back, this dose should be juuust right. Trust us, we just want to help you. (Lights flicker… Zap! Zap!) “What was that?!” Oh, that’s just Shock Therapy… You’re next!

When: Friday, April 25th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid Badlands/South Border

Bloodlines Event: Easter Party

April 16th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Easter_Party2Happy Easter everyone!! Come celebrate with us this Friday night at our Easter Party! Yes, there will be bunnies and Easter eggs, great music and giveaways as always!! Who knows, you may find something special at the end of the rainbow!

When: Friday, April 18th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border


Bloodlines Event: The Scottish Pub

April 9th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

ScottishPub_Party3Oye Laddys N’ Lasses! What ya duin Friday? Why not come down the pub for a pint (or 10) and a visit with us?! Oh aye it’s gonna be a right bit o’ fun for us all! Rumor has it even Ole Nessy L’ll be there! So don yer kilts, be brave and enjoy your FREEEEEDOM!!!

When: Friday, April 11th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid Badlands/South Border

The Soul Trophy

April 8th, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

If you’re one of the many Bloodlines soulkeepers who has a special soul that is near and dear to them, now you can put that soul on display in-world using the new Bloodines Soul Trophy. The Soul Trophy is an attractive display case for any soul that you’re the keeper of. It comes with 10 default textures and 8 glass styles that combine to give you 80 different possible looks for displaying your favorite soul. When you load a soul into the Soul Trophy, the base loads that soul’s avatar picture and Bloodlines Status on an official soul certificate at the base of the trophy, and also loads particle effects. Start showing off those souls you’re most proud of today! Soul Trophy Instructions

Bloodlines Event: Gladiator Party

April 3rd, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Gladiator_PartyFriends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your spears! Gladiators and Gladiatrices, come, battle your way through death to glory against the most fearsome competitors ever assembled in one arena. Bloodlines welcomes you to Gladiator Party!

When: Friday, April 4th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

The Apple Tree

March 28th, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

UPDATE 3/29/14: We realized we screwed up, and that it’s unfair to have the apples be 15L in the affiliate vendors. We did this, because to our knowledge, that’s what most people were already doing, buying the apples at the Eternal Orchard for 14L, and then selling them on their own land for 15L. But not everyone was doing that, some were just re-selling them for 14L. So, we decided to change the trees so that apples are 14L across the board, from the trees in the Eternal Orchard, and from trees  you set up on your own land. Current apple trees out there have been updated, but the sign out front will still show 15L. If you want to get an updated tree with 14L on the sign, you can get one for free at any liquid update terminal.

Original post:

At long last! This is our #1 requested item: The Bloodlines Apple Tree, and we’ve finally released it for you to set up on your very own land. The Apple Tree is an attractive full mesh tree with a land impact of only 1 prim. It’s copyable, so feel free to set up an entire orchard!

It comes with a little chalkboard sign out front that lets your visitors know that they can buy apples from the tree. But, if you don’t like the sign, or you want to rez multiple trees, and don’t want a sign on each of them, you can turn the sign off through the tree menu. It also comes with the firefly particle effect you know and love from the Eternal Orchard on Liquid East. This can also be toggled on and off through the tree menu. Apples are sold from these trees at $15L, and you get to keep a $1L commission on each apple sold.

For more information, check out the Apple Tree on the gear page.

Bloodlines Event: Dark Alley Party

March 26th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Dark_Alley_PartyPsst…. PSSST! Wanna party? You look like you wanna party… Come hang out in the shadows with the other denizens of the night at our Dark Alley Party this Friday night. I promise there’ll be prizes and awesome music!

When: Friday, March 28th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Pool Party 2

March 20th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

BeachParty2Since many of you like our water slides so much, we are having another Pool Party tomorrow. The event will be held a couple of hours earlier, from 2pm SL. We hope more people from different time zones can come hang out! Great music and giveaways to random winners this week as well!

When: Friday, March 21st  2-5pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border