News and Updates

Blood Tanks and Casks Affiliate Vendors

June 23rd, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

affiliate_tanks_casksWe have just released new Blood Tank and Cask Affiliate vendors. They are packaged in the same crate with the existing Thirst affiliate vendors. Just to be clear: we have not added the Tanks and Cask products to the existing affiliate vendor product sets, we have added new, separate affiliate vendors to the same crate as the existing affiliate vendors. So, in order to get the Tank and Cask affiliate vendors, you will need to get an update of the affiliate vendor crate from an update terminal. Pressing the update button on your existing vendors will not add them. Once more: this is a new set of affiliate vendors, it’s just been added to the same crate. Commission is 3%, the same as all other Bloodlines affiliate vendors, and they work the exact same way. So, if you already own the affiliate vendors, you just need to go to the update terminal and get an update. If you don’t, you can pick them up at any Bloodlines store for 1L$. We hope you enjoy these new vendors!

Network Issues

June 18th, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

Over the past 14 hours or so, Bloodlines has been suffering intermittent downtime due to a networking problem at our webhost. We wanted to let you know how sorry we are for this unacceptable interruption to the system, and that we are doing everything we can to reduce the downtime as much as possible. The service interruption was caused by a hardware upgrade at the data center where the Bloodlines servers are hosted, and this hardware upgrade caused unexpected problems. So, this service interruption should be a very rare and unusual event. While the system is up and healthy for now, we are not out of the woods yet, they have told us that they are continuing to work on the problem, and that additional periods of downtime may happen before it is complete. If you made any purchases during the downtime that you did not receive, please send a notecard to Lyle Maeterlinck, and I will make sure you get your delivery as soon as possible. Thanks very much for your patience and understanding while we get through this!

Blood Containers Series 5

June 17th, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

Mesh Tanks and Casks

Presenting Blood Containers Series 5, our best containers ever. These containers have been re-built from the ground up, both inside and out. They are jam-packed with features, and almost everything about them is customizable. Every container comes with 9 free changeable textures, and premium texture expansion packs are on the way. You can also tag your container with a bit of text to help keep track of it, and the tag will add itself to the object name, and to the hover text, which you can also change the color of, or turn off completely. These containers come with the same level of security options as previous releases, where you can open your container to the whole grid, to a list of up to 25 friends, or to a group, or you can lock it down and keep all the blood for yourself.

Series 5 also comes with the ability to accept Linden payments for blood directly through the containers, at a price per liter that you set. Blood sales are also subject to security controls, so you can set different prices for different groups or lists of friends, and keep everyone else out. You can also use your containers to sell larger amounts of blood to others who own Blood siphons. They can pay your container to siphon directly into their own container. The hover text will keep you updated on the full security and sales status of your container.

What’s more: these containers are no longer purchased from the rez-style vendors on Liquid Estate. They have been integrated into the same licensing system that we use for other no-copy items such as the drinks and apples, so they are delivered directly from our inventory servers. This means that Tank and Cask affiliate vendors are coming soon. And one more thing: these containers will be able to be updated for life, and you’ll never have to buy a new version in order to get the new features.

Stay tuned, we will be releasing Series 5 Prisms and Cider Barrels very soon!

Bloodlines Event: Club Bloodlines

June 17th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Club_Bloodlines2uhn tiss uhn tiss UHN TISS UHN TISS!!!
Do you hear the pounding beat? Follow the sound and come dance with us this Friday evening at Club Bloodlines!! Come as you are. Prizes to random winners this week!

When: Friday June 20th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border


Bloodlines Event: Yellow Brick Road

June 12th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

YellowBrick_partyAhahahahahahahahahahaha! I’ll get you my pretty! And your little dog too! We’re definitely not in Kansas anymore! If you love this timeless classic as much as we do, follow us on the yellow brick road to the Emerald City and relive the magic that we all know and love!

When: Friday, June 13th  4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid South/Badlands Border

Coming Soon ~ Bloodlines University!!!

June 4th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

BLOODLINES_UNIVERSITY2Presently Seeking: Teachers from all time zones, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. (Note: This is strictly non-profit; it is a volunteer position only.)

Don’t forget: We need teachers for War also!!

All languages welcome!


Please contact Rhage Terasaur, Allegra Sawson or any Bloodlines Liaison for the official Teacher Application!

We will begin teacher reviews (our version of interviews) on June 15th.

We look forward to classes beginning on July 14th! Please contact any Bloodlines Liaison to be added to the official Bloodlines University group!

Bloodlines Event: Medieval Party

May 28th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Medieval_PartyKings and Queens, Lairds and Maidens, Honorable Knights and Lowly Squires… You are all invited to partake in the Medieval festivities this Friday evening at the Bloodlines Medieval Party! Music, Prizes and merriment await you!

When: Friday, May 30th 4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid Badlands/South Border

Bloodlines Event: Spooky Carnival

May 23rd, 2014 by Mars Bracken

SPOOKY_CARNIVALHello boys and girls! Know what time it is? It’s carnival time… Spooky Carnival that is! That’s right, all the carnival fun you can handle with a healthy dose of spookiness, just like a sweet little cherry on top of your sunday!

When: Friday, May 23rd 4-7pm

Where: Bloodlines South/Badlands Border

Bloodlines Event: Party of Nations

May 14th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

Party_Of_Nations2Divisions of land, people and culture making each nation unique… A fascinating world with limitless diversity. Come, celebrate your heritage and appreciate the differences of others. Be proud of being unique! Be proud to be you!

When: Friday, May 16th  2-5pm SL

Where: Liquid Badlands/South Border

Bloodlines Event: Zen Garden

May 8th, 2014 by Mars Bracken

BL_Zen_GardenOmmm… Inner peace…Inner peace…Inner peace… Come join us this Friday in the sanctity of our beautifully peaceful Zen Garden. Reflect, meditate and discover the meaning of life.

When: Friday, May 9th

Time: 4-7pm SL

Where: Liquid Badlands/South Border