Bloodlines is having a photo contest! We are feeling quite festive and we want to see what makes you get into the holiday spirit, whatever frosts your snowman! The best photos will be featured in the banner on our website, as well as hung in a gallery down on Bloodlines North.
The contest is free to enter, and you may enter as many times as you like (as long as each photo is different).
How to Enter
1) Take a photo of a winter scene, avatar(s) dressed in a holiday theme (can be yourself or another), or a beautiful winter tableau. Final dimensions need to be our Website Banner size, so at least 2400 x 600, max 4800 x 1200. If you wish, you can submit a photo that is square (2400×2400 min) but make sure that there is a croppable strip appropriate for a banner.
To submit an entry, create a new ticket in our support system, include “Winter Photo Contest” in the title and be sure to include your avatar name: http://slbloodlines.com/support
Contest Rules
Time: The contest will end on December 4th, 2020.
Judging: Entries will be judged by Mars Bracken, Lyle Maeterlinck and LiquidDesigns Resident
Criteria: Entries will be judged based on the overall image, but some things to consider might be setting/location, lighting, and mood, and whether you have some RP or race elements present (angel, demon, vampire, etc.). Photoshopping is of course acceptable but please don’t add text to the photos. Bloodlines also reserves the right to do slight photoshopping to winners (if necessary) in order to format them for the final banners.
– Top Runners Up (number TBD)will receive Photo Silver texture for one type of container
– 1st Place Winners (number TBD) will receive Photo Gold texture for one type of container as well as becoming a banner on the Bloodlines homepage.
We’re looking forward to checking out all the entries and picking the best ones for our site. Good luck!