News and Updates

The Gift of Giving

August 16th, 2021 by Mars Bracken





For the next month we’ve added a Collectible Texture delivery to every race HUD purchase. If you gift (or purchase for yourself) a Rage, Thirst, Virtue, Ascent or Torment HUD you’ll receive the correlating texture. The giveaways end on September 16th.

*The textures are delivered straight into your Rare Texture Library on your profile and do not come with a paint can delivery. You should be able to load them either straight onto a container or into an empty paint can in-world.

**Update 8/17/21 – Originally these were released as being under the “Fantasy” category, but due to the fact that they are Limited (on sale only during an event) we have switched them to the “Limited” category.

***Also – we’ve discovered that if you make a HUD purchase with a gift card, the texture delivery does not work. We’ll work on updating this, but for now please be aware!

New Quest & Items: Gothic Well & Demon Protector Statue

August 12th, 2021 by Mars Bracken































Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce another quest designed for local / privately owned sims.

The statue of Bahesk, Demonic Protector is always in need of assistance protecting the area.  You can help out by visiting the statue, making an offering of Tainted Water (which can be obtained at a Gothic Well) and then waving your wand at the protective enchanted lava rocks around to charge them up.

The Demonic Protector Statue is a newly released item which players can get and set up on their own sim, along with the crystals. Players who wish to complete the quest must find another player who has the Statue and Quest set up on their land.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

The Demon Protector Statue and the Gothic Well are available now in our affiliate vendors and at our home regions.

Keep an eye out for further Legends Environment items coming out soon!

New Quest & Item: Angelic Protection

August 10th, 2021 by Mars Bracken
















Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce another quest designed for local / privately owned sims.

The statue of Garon, Angelic Protector is always in need of assistance protecting the area.  You can help out by visiting the statue, making an offering of Well Water and then waving your wand at the protective enchanted crystals around to charge them up.

The Angel Protector Statue is a newly released item which players can get and set up on their own sim, along with the crystals. Players who wish to complete the quest must find another player who has the Statue and Quest set up on their land.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

The Angel Protector Statue and the Rustic Well are available now in our affiliate vendors and at our home regions.

Keep an eye out for further Legends Environment items coming out soon!

New Quest: Peculiar Perfume

August 4th, 2021 by Mars Bracken















Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, “Peculiar Perfume”.

Pepper Bisley is desperate to acquire some rare Truffles but Bonnie Stoneclaw won’t do business with her. Help Pepper in her various schemes and reap the benefits at the end.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

The quest starts with Pepper Bisley in the Lycan Woodlands, but requires Fergal Flowers which can only be harvested on an adventurer’s sim that is equipped with the Fergal Shrine.

Bloodlines Event: Wild Wild West!

August 3rd, 2021 by Liquid Designs


Well howdy partner! Feeling parched after a long trip through the dusty week? Come join us for a drink of something slightly strong than sarsaparilla in the land of the tumbling tumbleweeds to enjoy music, costume prizes and Rare giveaways!

When: Friday, August 6th 1-4pm

Suggested Attire: Western, cowboy/girl, horses, etc.

Where: Liquid West

Decor & Music: Fawn Madrigal |  Host: Nana McGillivary

New Item: Research Station

August 3rd, 2021 by Mars Bracken
















We have the next Legends Environments item ready, The Research Station!

The Research Station is used to learn recipes for construction mesh items or icon resources, or discover in which quests those recipes can be learned.

These are available now in our affiliate vendors and at our home regions.

Keep an eye out for further Legends Environment items coming out soon!


Regarding the Gacha Policy Change

August 2nd, 2021 by Mars Bracken

We’ve had some questions regarding Linden Labs deciding to make a policy change regarding gacha (read the original LL blog post here) and we wanted to clarify our position.

Bloodlines and Legends do not rely greatly on gacha mechanics. Where we have done gacha sales for Rare Textures and a few mesh items sets, our plans for the future will be to simply sell those items individually for limited time periods, so that they may still be collectible and retain some rarity but not violate the new SL policies regarding gacha.

We understand this LL policy change does affect some other creators and resellers greatly, and we empathize and hope that they are able to make smooth adjustments to the new way of things. Over the last 13 years we’ve watched several large sweeping changes come to SL, and after a brief period of confusion and adjustment, things generally work out and the economy continues on.

We look forward to riding out the changes and releasing mesh items, game updates and rare textures for many years to come!


New Quest & Items: Wishful Watering

July 30th, 2021 by Mars Bracken
















Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce our first quest that is not in our own Legends RP areas – it will exist solely on player’s lands.

The nature god Fergal like to keep flowers in a state of magical ever-blooming. You can help out by visiting the shrine, making an offering of Well Water and then using the enchanted Fergal Blessed Water to take care of flowers in the area.

The Fergal Shrine is a newly released item which players can get and set up on their own sim, along with the flowers. Players who wish to complete the quest must find another player who has set the Shrine and Quest up on their land.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

The Fergal Shrine and the Rustic Well are available now in our affiliate vendors and at our home regions.

Keep an eye out for further Legends Environment items coming out soon!

Legends Environment Items

July 28th, 2021 by Mars Bracken
















We’re excited to announce a new phase in the development of Legends – Legends Environments. We are able now to start releasing NPCs and objects for home use that interact with Legends HUDs and wands.

Our first few items are the Rustic Well and the Tool Vendors, which currently only exist on our RP regions. At the tool vendors players can trade coins for harvesting tools, or grab a few free / decorative tools like the Quill and Hammer. At the Rustic Well one can draw water for stamina, or make a wish for a Copper Coin. Both items may be updated later to add Quest connectivity / interaction.

These are available now in our affiliate vendors and at our home regions.

Keep an eye out for further Legends Environment items coming out soon!


Bloodlines Customer Survey

July 17th, 2021 by Liquid Designs

Bloodlines is looking for feedback from the community, we’d like to get your thoughts and opinions on what you’d like to see from Bloodlines going forward. Please take a look at the survey below and give us your thoughts, the most important part of our community is you, and we want to hear what you have to say!

Bloodlines Survey