News and Updates

Zodiac Libra 3 Textures Out Now!

September 27th, 2021 by Liquid Designs

The new Zodiac Libra 3 textures are available for $Lindens at the main store locations. These textures are currently in both L$ machines and in the Legends Prize Machine for Legends coins.

Bloodlines Office Hours

September 25th, 2021 by Liquid Designs

It’s been a long time since we’ve had office hours for Bloodlines but we’re excited to announce this Monday and Tuesday, you can meet and chat with LiquidDesigns Resident:

  • Where: Bloodlines University on Bloodlines North (click to teleport)
  • When: Monday, September 27, from 12-1PM SL time (PST) AND Tuesday, September 28 from 6-7PM SL time.

You can arrive and chat with LD about anything you want to discuss about Bloodlines or Legends, any questions you may have, and some exciting updates we’re releasing soon. Stay tuned to this blog for updates!

New Item: The Human Altar

September 20th, 2021 by Mars Bracken
















We’re happy to announce the release of a new Human / Elder item – “The Human Altar”. Much like the Altars for the other races, this one is used to make sacrifices to deities.

The Altar has texture changes, animated particles and will automatically update with the profile picture of the deity being sacrificed to.

It is now available in our home Human / Elder store and in affiliate vendors.

Happy Sacrificing!

New Item: The Life Extension Pod

September 18th, 2021 by Mars Bracken
















We’re exuberant to announce the release of a new Elder item – “The Life Extension Pod”. Much like the Vampire Coffin, Angel Chrysalis, Demon Furnace and Lycan Sarcophagus, the Pod is used to refilling oneself and sending Humanity to minions. Recipients of Humanity donations from the Pod can be online or offline.

The Pod has a pose which can be customized with your own animation, as well as an animated sliding glass mechanism and animated bubbles and sounds.

The Life Extension Pod is available now in our home Human / Elder store and in affiliate vendors.

Happy Life Extending!

New Quest: Cup in Arms

September 17th, 2021 by Liquid Designs

Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, “Cup in Arms”.

Vanessa Price has accidentally broken Lord Hexaroth’s favorite cup and needs your help to fix it. She obviously can’t leave his side to attend to this so she’s desperate for help. Could you be the hero to help our damsel in distress?

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

The quest starts with Vanessa Price in Badlands.


*** Update 9/20/21, apologies about this but originally the resource for Lord Hexaroth’s Cup was mistakenly made to be dug up. We have removed the extra resources that were collected and replaced them with Ichor Embers and Ichor Cupcakes to make up for any lost stamina. Thanks for your understanding!

Zodiac Virgo Textures out now for purchase!

September 17th, 2021 by Liquid Designs

The new Virgo Zodiac textures are now available for $Lindens at the main store locations. These textures are currently in both L$ machines and in the Legends Prize Machine for Legends coins.

New Quest: Keeper of the Keys

August 26th, 2021 by Mars Bracken















Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce a new quest, “Keeper of the Keys”.

Horven Stormguard has lost his set of keys to the gate and if he doesn’t find them soon he’ll have to stand guard all night. Unfortunately he can’t really remember much about what happened last night. Help him retrace his steps and he will give you a reward!

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

The quest starts with Horven Stormguard in the Lycan Woodland.

Collectible Zodiac Textures

August 25th, 2021 by Mars Bracken
















We’ve made a new set of Zodiac container textures, and they will be released roughly during the appropriate months of the Zodiac calendar. Leo is out now (for a week!) and then it will roll over to the next texture. These textures are currently in both L$ machines and in the Legends Prize Machine for Legends coins.

The Prize Machine: Bi-weekly Legends Coin Items

August 24th, 2021 by Mars Bracken
















We’re happy to release another Legends Environment item – the Prize Machine! This kiosk updates bi-weekly with new mesh items and rare textures that are purchasable with Legends Coins.

To keep with the Zodiac calendar, this first set of prizes will only last a week and disappear Sunday night the 29th*. From there the general schedule will be a change every 2nd Sunday going forward.

The kiosks are 1L and are available now in our affiliate vendors and at our home regions.

Keep an eye out for further Legends Environment items coming out soon. Happy looting!

*Some items in the Legends Prize Machine may appear elsewhere for sale in L$ vendors. 

New Legends Product: The Melting Cauldron

August 17th, 2021 by Mars Bracken
















We’re happy to release another Legends Environment item – the Melting Cauldron! This is a cauldron like the ones seen around our RP regions, which allow a Legends player to melt down magic items for Elementum used in crafting wands.

This cauldron is based on our Haunted Domain model, and so also has the sound and texture changing functionality of that design.

These are available now in our affiliate vendors and at our home regions.

Keep an eye out for further Legends Environment items coming out soon. Happy melting!