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Archive for the ‘Products’ Category

New Quest & Items: Wishful Watering

Friday, July 30th, 2021
















Greetings Legends! We’re excited to announce our first quest that is not in our own Legends RP areas – it will exist solely on player’s lands.

The nature god Fergal like to keep flowers in a state of magical ever-blooming. You can help out by visiting the shrine, making an offering of Well Water and then using the enchanted Fergal Blessed Water to take care of flowers in the area.

The Fergal Shrine is a newly released item which players can get and set up on their own sim, along with the flowers. Players who wish to complete the quest must find another player who has set the Shrine and Quest up on their land.

The quest rewards are listed on the flyer.

The Fergal Shrine and the Rustic Well are available now in our affiliate vendors and at our home regions.

Keep an eye out for further Legends Environment items coming out soon!

Legends Environment Items

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021
















We’re excited to announce a new phase in the development of Legends – Legends Environments. We are able now to start releasing NPCs and objects for home use that interact with Legends HUDs and wands.

Our first few items are the Rustic Well and the Tool Vendors, which currently only exist on our RP regions. At the tool vendors players can trade coins for harvesting tools, or grab a few free / decorative tools like the Quill and Hammer. At the Rustic Well one can draw water for stamina, or make a wish for a Copper Coin. Both items may be updated later to add Quest connectivity / interaction.

These are available now in our affiliate vendors and at our home regions.

Keep an eye out for further Legends Environment items coming out soon!


New Items: Market Barrel Multi-Packs

Thursday, July 1st, 2021









We released two multi-packs of Market Barrels today, a 10 and a 25 pack. Their current prices are 7190 and 16779, giving the equivalent of 1 free Market Barrel in the 10 pack, and 4 free Market Barrels in the 25 pack.

They are available in-world in all of our main stores with the other Legends items. Also if you refresh your affiliate vendors, they will show up in the Legends Questing vendor.

Happy Marketing!

New Items: Paint Can Multi-Packs

Wednesday, June 30th, 2021









We released two multi-packs of Paint Cans today, a 10 and a 25 pack. Their current prices are 449 and 999, giving the equivalent of 1 free can for the 10 pack, and 4 free cans with the 25 pack.

They are available in-world in all of our main stores, the left of the HUD vendors. Also if you refresh your affiliate vendors, they will show up in the Tools section along with the original single Paint Can vendor.

Happy Rare Texture collecting!

New Item: The Raffle Board

Thursday, June 24th, 2021

















Due to requests at our events, we’ve packaged our Raffle Board and are making it available now!

The Raffle Board is a standalone system for running raffles at your events. It can be set for free or paid entries, and can be loaded with your own objects as prizes. Texture changing and winner effects make this an adaptable item suitable for a variety of parties, clubs and events.

– Entry mode: Here you can choose whether the next raffle is Free to enter or has an Entry Fee.
– Entry fee: Here’s where you set the Entry Fee, if there is one.
– Repeat: This will allow you to choose whether the Raffle repeats.
– Dice Texture: This allows you to change the texture displayed on the rotating dice.
– Number of raffles: This will allow you to choose the number of repeats, if Repeat is set.
– Raffle length: Here you can input the length of the raffle.

– List Managers: Use this to see what Managers are currently set.
– Add Manager: Allows you to add an avatar to the Manager list.
– Clear Managers: Gives you the option to totally clear the current Manager list.
– Remove Manager: Provides the option to clear a Manager already on the Manager list.

You can find the Raffle Board available at the in-world store on Bloodlines South.


Valentines Gacha

Sunday, February 14th, 2021





















We warmly announce a gacha event for this season! With the exception of a few of the Tank textures, most of these have not been made available before.

We have put out both types of gacha machines this time – one that takes Linden dollars, and one that takes Legends Gold Coins. Reminder: the Legends machine does deliver a paint can, but the textures will not automatically load, you have to choose “Load” in the can menu to load the texture that you won.

There are machines at all 5 of our regions, locations below. This set will be available until midnight of February 28th, 2021 at which time the machines will explode.

Happy gacha-ing!

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines Midland

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines East

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines South

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines North

.:[ Gacha Machines ]:. ~ Bloodlines West


Holiday Gacha: Sweet Dreams

Saturday, December 5th, 2020
















With the holidays approaching, our minds have been straying to candy, so we decided to release a second winter gacha set. With the exception of a few of the Tank textures, most of these have not been made available before.

We have put out both types of gacha machines – one that takes Linden dollars, and one that takes Legends Gold Coins. Reminder: the Legends machine does deliver a paint can, but the textures will not automatically load, you have to choose “Load” in the can menu to load the texture that you won.

These machines will be available at the location below. This set will be available until midnight of December 31st, 2020 at which time the machines will explode.

Happy gacha-ing and have a sweet holiday!

Bloodlines Midland Gacha Machines

New: Medals Award Textures

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

















We’re excited to announce that we’ve added a group of Collectible Textures tied to the Medals Achievements. Whenever a medal is earned, one of these textures will be automatically delivered to your Rare Texture Library and can be then put into a paint can or loaded onto a container.

*One thing to note: these texture awards are only delivered for individual Medals earned, not Family awards.

**Another thing to note: as with any new award or achievement, we do not retroactively award these based on previous achievements / activity.


New Releases: Haunted Domain

Sunday, October 4th, 2020

We’re thrilled to announce a new set of items in the Bloodlines: Domain series: The Haunted Domain!

If you remember the early days of Bloodlines, it spawned out of our original store of mesh avatar accessories and sim decor “The Crypt”. Those items were great for their day, but as mesh eventually arrived they became dated and we retired them. We get frequent requests for those items to return (particularly around Halloween) so we finally decided to dive in and release a new set.

We’ll be releasing items all through the month of October, so check back here to see the latest release. Some of the sets will tie-in to Bloodlines Legends quests will be also coming out with regularity during the month of October.

There is a brick-and-mortar store in our Demon Badlands sky plaza (near the Torment store) and the items will also shortly appear on MP and in the old Crypt affiliate vendors.

Happy decorating!

Demon Badlands Haunted Domain Store

New Release: Human Blood Vials

Monday, August 31st, 2020









We’re happy to announce the release of the Human Blood Vials! They work just like our other range of vial products, and are designed to be filled by humans.

***Note: these vials will need to be rezzed on the ground at least once, in order to make them transfer.

You can read more on the gear pages. You can buy the Human Blood Vial at Bloodlines Midland.

Happy vial trading!