We heard you. The majority of you don’t like the idea of account expiration, so we’re not going to do it. However, we’d like to clear up a misunderstanding that a few have had. Several people wrote to us with the idea that we were going to “void” or “cancel” the infinity amulets, or limit all infinity amulets to 90 days, and this is not what our proposal or our intention was. We didn’t mean to cause any panic. We think this might have come from some people who didn’t read the blog post with the proposed changes, but maybe heard about it from others and didn’t get the whole story. The proposal was to put an expiration date on Bloodlines accounts so that souls held by people who never log in and play could be released into play for people who are logging in and playing. Anyway, for now we will not be putting expiration dates on Bloodlines accounts, so accounts with Infinity Amulets can hold souls indefinitely, even if they never log in again.
However, most people liked the idea of being able to use the Electrum potion more than once in a lifetime, and this can help clear up the issue of players having their souls held by other players that they cannot reach. Based on your reactions, and on our evaluation, we think that being able to use the Electrum potion once every 90 days is reasonable. So, this means that starting today, everyone who hasn’t drank the Electrum potion in the last 90 days will be able to drink it again, and once every 90 days after. So, if you drank the potion 30 days ago, you will be able to drink it 60 days from today. The price of the potion will remain the same.
To reiterate: nothing has changed with regard to amulets or account expiration, and we have no plans to make further changes in this regard at this time. The only thing that has changed is, now you can use the Electrum potion once every 90 days. We hope that this solves the problem of not being able to get your soul off of an abandoned account. Please let us know if you have any questions about this.
Thanks again for all of your feedback, and thanks for playing Bloodlines!