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Archive for the ‘Quest’ Category

New Legends Quest: Spooked Sweethearts

Sunday, November 17th, 2019

Greetings Legends! We’re delighted to announce a new quest. Garrick Flint, one of the local musicians needs some help finding his one true love. The quest rewards are listed above. This quest starts with Garrick on Bloodlines West.

Please note – because we discovered a couple bugs while testing if you have previously finished the quest, or gotten through part of it, it may show on the website that you are stuck on a certain portion. This is not actually the correct status, wherever you last left off on the quest is actually where you are and you still have the achievement etc. The only way to show the correct progress on your Bloodlines quest page is to re-do the quest. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by filing a ticket.

New Legends Quest: Murky Machinations

Monday, November 4th, 2019

Greetings Legends! We’re delighted to announce a new quest. Gil-Man, a mer-creature under the local water is concerned that someone is trying to harm his fellow water folk. The quest rewards are listed above. This quest starts with Gil-Man on Bloodlines West.

We’re really excited to be bringing more quests to you very soon. Thanks for your patience while we were getting more quests together and let us know if you have any questions or comments! Hope you guys have fun!

New Legends Quest: Shards of a Ghostly Heart

Saturday, June 15th, 2019







Greetings Legends! We’re delighted to announce a new quest. There’s been a paranormal disturbance and you’ve been recruited to help solve the case!

You’ll need a wand (of any power) to complete it, and the rewards are listed above. This quest starts with Winter Lau on Mortal Crossroads. We realize that the sim is still jammed morning to night with people questing, and we are working as fast as we can to get the next sim open! Look for news about that next week.

* We have seen a dramatic slowdown in issues, but as mentioned in previous posts, if you are still stuck on a quest, most of them are moving smoothly now so it may just be your personal account / progress at this point. You will need to file a ticket so that we can un-stick you!

New Legends Quest: Traces of the Tarot

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019







Greetings Legends! Now that the quest system is stabilizing (thanks everyone for your patience!) we’re happy to announce a new quest. This was actually originally the “Pick Your Path” quest, but it ended up needing to be redone heavily.

The quest rewards are listed above. This quest starts with Petra Tigani on the Mortal Crossroads. We realize that the sim is still jammed morning to night with people questing, and we are working as fast as we can to get the next sim open! In the meantime though we have a few quests that were already mostly complete, and we wanted to get those out.

* As mentioned in previous posts, if you are still stuck on a quest, most of them are moving smoothly now so it may just be your personal account / progress at this point. You will need to file a ticket so that we can un-stick you!