Potion Cabinet Urn Textures
Saturday, June 8th, 2024For a limited time, purchase a corresponding potion and you’ll receive a free Potion Cabinet Texture, delivered directly to your rare library.
To be clear – textures are delivered to the purchaser, and it’s one texture per purchase. This includes multi-packs, so if you purchase a 4 Pack of Wormwood, you will get 1 Wormwood Container texture.
This bonus texture delivery will be in effect for at least the next month, but then will go away. Get them while you can! Potions are available on MP, in affiliate vendors, and at our home regions below:
BL Midland .|. BL East .|. BL South .|. BL North .|. BL West
*These texture deliveries do not work with a gift card. We’ll work on updating this, but for now please be aware!