The Empires Update
March 18th, 2020 by Mars Bracken

After many years of suggestions and requests, we have designed and implemented an update to the core way that families and lieging work: The Empires Update.
Goals of the Update:
- Smaller families can retain their family name and cohesion while still becoming part of a larger clan
- Smaller families have a chance to get their logo / name on the homepage via pledging to a larger / higher ranked family
- Larger families will have a clearer idea of the coalitions under them
- Due to empowerment of clans banding together, the higher level rankings will be more realistically attainable
How the Update Works:
- Once you log into the Bloodlines site, if you are a family leader, go to your name in the upper right and ‘Edit Family Profile’. Under ‘My Family’, you will see pages for ‘Empire’ and ‘Houses’. Empire is to manage the Empire that your family is pledged to, and if you are an empire, the Houses page will list the houses pledged to you, and allow you to release or ban them.
- Once another family pledges to your family, you become an Empire. Once your family pledges to another family, you become a house of that Empire.
- If you are a house and you want to liege into and be absorbed into another family (without retaining your family name) you must unpledge first (through the family profile editor). If you are an Empire, and wish to be absorbed into another family (without retaining your family name) you must release all of your houses first, also through the family profile editor.
- Right now the limit is 10 families pledging to 1 larger family, with no cascading pledging below that (IE if your family is pledged to another, you cannot have families pledged to you) but this may change over time if we see that this update is stable and has the desired effects.
- And in case you missed it, we also recently did a Family Naming Update, allowing more freedom in the family type selection.
Thanks to everyone’s feedback and suggestions on this, and happy hunting!