News and Updates

New Product: The Blood Refill Station

March 14th, 2025 by Mars Bracken
















Tired of teleporting away from home to refill your containers? Now you can have a Blood Refill Station at your own home. Crafted in high-detail PBR mesh, it’s resizable to fit your land budget.

Comes with two materials, pristine and aged, and has the particles and sounds from our original public refill stations. There’s security options which allow Open mode, Locked mode, and Restricted, which can be used to permit access to your whitelist or SL Group. Anyone will with access will be able to use the menu to choose various amounts for refilling containers from their online Reserve.

The perms are Copy / No Transfer, with a LI range of 3-13 depending on how big you size it. Available at our home store and the MP now. Happy refilling!

Blood Refill Station @ In-World Vendor

Blood Refill Station @ SL Marketplace

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