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Avoiding Bloodlines Detectors: Attach Nexus to HUD, Turn Off Animations

September 28th, 2023 by Lyle Maeterlinck

It has come to our attention that some locations in Second Life have taken the extraordinary action of taking moderation actions against anyone simply wearing items that are part of the Bloodlines game. Here are some tips on how to play Bloodlines anywhere without being detected by these.

One of the ways these detectors work is to get the list of objects attached to your body. The two attachments required to send attack requests are the HUD and the Nexus object. By default, the HUD attaches to a HUD attachment point, and the Nexus attaches to your avatar’s body. A detector can get data on attachments to your avatar’s body attachment points, but not HUD attachment points. You can avoid these detectors by attaching your Nexus to a HUD attachment point. For convenience and organization, you can even attach it to the same attachment point that your Bloodlines HUD is attached to. It will work exactly the same way. The only downside to this is that particle effects (such as for curse, embrace, etc) will no longer work. You should not see the Nexus on your screen if you do this, it should be invisible. If the Nexus object is visible on your screen, just touch it and then select ‘Hidden’ from the menu and it will disappear. If you want to see it again, go to Settings on your HUD, then Nexus > Visible.

One other thing that can be detected by these systems is animations that your avatar is playing, and default Bloodlines animations might be targeted by these kinds of detectors. To avoid this, you can turn animations off in your HUD by going to Settings > Animation > Anim On/Off.

You may get picked up by these detectors if you’re wearing other items, such as vials, amulets, fangs, claws, wings, horns, etc. If you do, we would just recommend temp detaching these until you leave the unfriendly environment.

Happy Hunting!

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