News and Updates

New Prizes in Prize Machine!

July 10th, 2022 by Mars Bracken

Hello Legends! We have an update for you. In addition the Zodiacs currently in the prize machine, we’ve added a new thing we’re trying out: Hoard Trophies. These are collectible container textures that are intended to show off their owner as someone who has collected a large amount of a resource.

The first one we’re putting out is for Copper Coins, and more to come! These textures are available now in the Prize Machine, and will be at least for a month.
















Also, for a few reasons, we also shifted all the coins / currencies into ‘Level 0’ on the website to separate them from the rest of the Quest Resources.

This does not change the value of the resources at all, so no need to worry about your wealth decreasing. It’s just to make it easier for current / future Quests and categorization of coinage.

Happy Questing everyone and have a great week!

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