Update: Determined Wells
January 7th, 2019 by Mars Bracken

Update 1/31/2019: some people have asked for more reasoning for why we’re making this change, here is the explanation:
Many people have trouble with this achievement, we get several support requests every day asking for this achievement to be reset because they failed to log in. Sometimes HUDs don’t connect when people log in, and they have to go through the process in our blog post where they check the website to make sure it counted up. We can’t send a message to people about this every time they wear their HUD without sending a message every time everyone wears their HUD. This way, we can give an explicit update message to people when they touch the well, and they have to take an explicit action to update the achievement, instead of something that people assume happens automatically, but sometimes doesn’t.
Now, instead of the procedure being: look at the website, log in, look at the website again, reattach until it counts up, it’s: go to the sim, click the well, see a fun magic particle effect, and get a message tell you exactly what your status is.
Original post follows:
We’ve made an update to the sims which will affect the Determined achievement. This update should create more reliability with the achievement (for some users who were having difficulties) and add some interactive fun for everyone!
At the center of each main store is a Determined Well. If your avatar is within 10 meters and you touch the well, it will register your Determined point for the day as well as trigger a particle and sound effect. The locations of the wells are below:
- Lycan Woodlands Determined Well
- Mortal Crossroads Determined Well
- Angel Havens Determined Well
- Demon Badlands Determined Well
- Vampire Islands Determined Well
Until February 1st, the Determined achievement points will register the normal way (via HUD check-in) and via touching the Determined Wells. At the end of the month (February 1st, 2019) we will turn off the HUD check-ins and all Determined points will need to be registered via touching the wells.
This update will help make getting the Determined Achievement a bit less mysterious, because after touching one of the wells, you’ll get a message letting you know the exact status of your achievement, and you should no longer need to follow the procedure that we outlined in our previous Determined post here.
Thanks for the great suggestions, and stay tuned for more updates!