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NEW! Blood and Lumen Altars

October 8th, 2014 by Lyle Maeterlinck

The Blood and Lumen Altars allow you to make sacrifices of Blood, Lumens, or Humanity to a selected King, Queen, or Alpha. If they collect enough sacrifices, they can become “Deified” and gain a bonus status of Demigod or Demigoddess. The Lycan, Vampire, and Hybrid Demigod with the most sacrifices becomes a God or Goddess. Find out more in the Deities Guide Section, or the Altars gear page!

2 Responses to “NEW! Blood and Lumen Altars”

  1. Thus Yootz Says:

    Question – the blood and / or lumens sacrificed are lost, gone for the sake of the ranking – not automatically added to the selected person’s tanks, prisms etc. Correct?

  2. Mars Bracken Says:

    @Thus – yes that’s correct, the metric is sacrificed not stored.