War Weapons: New Releases and Updates
August 17th, 2010 by Lyle MaeterlinckTonight we have released the much-anticipated new War weapons: the handgun, the sword, and the flamethrower! We’re really excited about this release, and we think these weapons are a ton of fun to play with. We’re also releasing some custom-built structures and items to help you build your battlezone: The Medieval Fortress and The Apocalypse Fortress are two structures custom-designed for Bloodlines War battles, plus we’re releasing our signature Hedge Maze from the ground level of Liquid Designs, so you can set up your own hedge maze base with the Dominion, or just use it to battle your friends! Plus, we have a handful of other old and new accessories featured in the Bloodlines War store that you can use to decorate your battlefield. Check out the Bloodlines War store at Liquid Badlands now!
As we mentioned in our post last week, we’re also releasing new versions of the mines and health serums, so that they are no-transfer. There are still some people out there using exploits to crack permissions on items, and then selling them. So, we have to continue with our updates to make all of our items no-transfer. We hope you were able to use up your current mines and serums over the last week, but if you weren’t, please refer to our post from last week on how to trade them in.
We’d also like to explain some adjustments we’ve made to the damage done by the various war weapons. On most weapons, we’ve scaled all of the damage down a bit, so that fights should start lasting a bit longer. Here’s what you need to know about the adjustments we’ve made:
- The bare fist now only does 3 damage instead of 5.
- The claw (Rage) and fang (Thirst) attacks now have the possibility of getting you a one-hit kill, depending on how high your Vital Blood (for the fangs), or Lumens (for the claws) currently are. The higher your vampire or lycan energy is, the more likely it will be that you’ll be able to slash an artery, but you’ve still got to have a bit of luck. If you don’t get a one-hit kill, then damage is based on your distance, and also how lucky you are.
- The Psionic Blast works the same way as before, but you might find that it does a little less damage than it used to.
- TheĀ Handgun also has a chance of getting a lethal wound, based on your body count. The higher your body count, the greater the chance you’ll have of getting a head shot, but you’ll still need a bit of luck. If you don’t get a head shot, the damage done is based on some luck and on how far away you were when you fired.
- The Sword has a chance of getting a lethal wound based on your current health. The higher your current health, the harder you’ll be able to swing when trying to chop an enemy in half. If you don’t score a lethal wound, the damage done is based on luck and how far away you were when you swung.
- It’s not possible to get a one-hit kill with the flamethrower. The closer you are, the more damage you’ll do.
Thanks to everyone for their support, and we hope you all have a great time playing War!
August 28th, 2010 at 9:15 am
Psionic blast is still a bit overpowered. The fact it doesen’t need to be manually aimed and has 1 shot potential at a certain range makes it highly preferably over other weapons.
Psionic blast + Emerald double click teleports and a flight assist is VERY VERY powerful.
Maybe making it so the blast has to be aimed at the head to offset this?
September 9th, 2010 at 9:40 am
BUG REPORT – If you target someone while wearing guns, it happens that sometimes you can be firing at someone else (directly pointing at someone else), and the person you targeted will get the damage the other person should be getting, including getting killed. Sometimes the original target will even be in a different region. This causes alot of drama when the original target maybe in a safe zone. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Fix this bug.
I have spoken to many WAR players, and many have observed this, not just me and my circle of friends.
September 16th, 2010 at 10:02 am
@ Lex – We’ve heard this complaint a few times and are discussing ways we can balance things out a little, without ‘nerfing’ it too badly.
October 4th, 2010 at 7:08 am
Feature/Enhancement Request: The weapons that can be used to attack inside 3m should not require a target first, just like the Sword. (Fangs, Claws, Fists still require a target be acquired first) This would further combat the effectiveness of the Psionic Blast, by allowing those being attacked with Blast (someone trying to one-hit them) to actually attack *quickly* in a short range manner. Thinking about the role play aspect of this as well, it makes sense (to me) to drop the targeting requirement of the ‘3 meter’ weapons.
October 10th, 2010 at 7:35 am
I consider Psionic blast and the Guns to be the only balanced weapons in this game… maybe if the sword attacks would have no need to be targeted and their effective attack range was increased by 1m it would be possible for ppl to actually use them. I haven’t met a single person who use it and everyone who hyas played the game before has taken on warning others that it is useless. Noone will even buy it anymore.
October 17th, 2010 at 6:42 am
Feature/Enhancement Requests: (1) Make changes to the WAR website, similar to the Thirst and Rage sites, so that it is easier to sort and search through the ‘Killed By’ and ‘Has Killed’ lists for players. (2) As this game continues to grow, and people play for longer periods of time, you will need to increase the allowable or viewable digits for some metrics. There are some players that have over 1000 exploded mines, but because the field only shows 3 digits, it appears they only have exploded 115, instead of 1150. (3) For each War player, somewhere on their page, show the total number of soldiers under them. This helpful when trying to determine who has all the soldiers under each commander.
Thanks for listening, and we hope to see a fix for the gun targets soon!
December 3rd, 2010 at 1:10 pm
I was wondering when that new sim for war would e open next to badlands i cant rember tis name but looks like a urban zone. ALso to all i sugest if wana sue somthing otehr than psi blast u make rules and jsut have fun liek guns only or melle only it ur SL have fun in it
December 9th, 2010 at 10:36 pm
Ok well this is to ask for the PYLON count to be added to the scan/stats Button when you scan your self or some other fighter around you. Maybe both,Meaning personal pylon count & your Armys Pylon count,this way it saves us haveing to go website every few mins.
Just a thought!
December 19th, 2010 at 7:44 pm
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